- Added two new _required_ fields to the configuration file format under the
`General` heading: `experiment_name` and `task`. See the
`run_experiment documentation <http://skll.readthedocs.org/en/latest/run_experiment.html#creating-configuration-files>`__
for details.
- Fixed an issue where the "loading..." message was never being printed when
loading data files.
- Fixed a bug where keyword arguments were being ignored for metrics when
calculating final scores for a tuned model. This means that **previous**
**reported results may be wrong for tuning metrics that use keywords**
**arguments**: `f1_score_micro`, `f1_score_macro`,
`linear_weighted_kappa`, and `quadratic_weighted_kappa`.
- Now try to convert IDs to floats if they look like them to save
memory for very large files.
- `kappa` now supports negative ratings.
- Fixed a crash when specifing `grid_search_jobs` and pre-specified folds.