* Update to skosprovider 0.6.0
* **Minor BC break**: A :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Language` that gets
cast to a string, now returns the language's ID (the IANA language
code),as opposed to the language's description it would previously return.
* **Minor BC break**: The URI attribute has been made required for a
:class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.ConceptScheme`. Before it was optional,
but it probably would have caused problems with skosprovider anyway.
* Due to the update to skosprovider 0.6.0, a new field `markup`, was added to a
:class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Note`. When upgrading from a previous
version of `skosprovider_sqlalchemy`, any databases created in that previous
verions will need to be updated as well. Please add a field called `markup`
to the `note` table.
* Inline with the skosprovider 0.6.0 update, a `languages` attribute was added
to :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.ConceptScheme`. When upgrading from
a previous version of `skosprovider_sqlalchemy`, any databases created with
that previous verions will need to be updated as well. Please add a table
called `conceptscheme_language` with fields `conceptscheme_id` and
`language_id`. (18)
* To comply with the skosprovider 0.6.0 update, the `sources` attribute was
added to :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Conceptscheme`,
:class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Concept` and :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Collection`.
When upgrading from a previous version of `skosprovider_sqlalchemy`, any
databases created with that previous verions will need to be updated as well.
Please add a table `source` with fields `id`, `citation` and `markup`,
a table `concept_source` with fields `concept_id` and `source_id` and a
table `conceptscheme_source` with fields `conceptscheme_id` and `source_id`.
* All methodes that return a list have been modified in line with skosprovider
0.6.0 to support sorting. Sorting is possible on `id`, `uri`, `label` and
`sortlabel`. The last two are language dependent. The `sortlabel` allows
custom sorting of concepts. This can be used to eg. sort concepts representing
chronological periods in chronological in stead of alphabetical order. (20)
* To comply with the skosprovider 0.6.0 update, the deprecated
was removed.
* When importing a provider, check if the languages that are being used in the
provider are already in our database. If not, validate them and add them to
the database. In the past the entire import would fail if not all languages had
previously been added to the database. (14)
* When importing a provider, try to import as much information as possible about
the concept_scheme that's attached to the provider. (19)
* When querying for indvidual an conceptscheme or concept, use `joinedload` to
reduce the number of queries needed to collect everything. (15)
* Deprecated the :func:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.label` function. Please
use :func:`skosprovider.skos.label` from now once, since this function can now
operate on both :class:`skosprovider.skos.Label` and
:class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Label` instances. This was the reason
for the BC break in this release.