- Allow marking a note as containing HTML. (17)
- Add languages attribute to :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme` to make it
possible to track what languages are being used in a thesaurus. (19)
- Add a sources attribute to :class:`~skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme`,
:class:`~skosprovider.skos.Collection` and
:class:`~skosprovider.skos.Concept`. Every source is an object that currently
only has one attribute, a citation. This looks like a good universal common
denominator. Just as with notes, a citation may contain HTML. (20, 24)
- Add sorting to :meth:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider.get_all`,
Sorting can be done on `id`, `label` or `sortlabel`. The last option makes it
possible to introduce arbitrary sorting for concepts, eg. to sort periods
chronologically. The sort order can be specified with the `sort_order`
parameter. (21)
- Remove :func:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider.expand_concept` that
was deprecated since `0.2.0`.
- Fixed a bug with :func:`skosprovider.skos.dict_to_label` and
:func:`skosprovider.skos.dict_to_note` that would assign `None` instead of
`und` as the language for labels and notes that have no language.
- Improved checking for valid URIs with e.g.
:class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme`. This was causing weird issues with
registering a provider to the :class:`skosprovider.registry.Registry`. (27)