
Latest version: v0.6.0

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We are excited to release SkyPilot v0.6.0! This release includes a number of new features:
* [Managed Jobs]( for job execution and recovery
* SkyServe and Jobs on Kubernetes
* Mix on-demand and spot instances in SkyServe
* New cloud: [Paperspace](

Release Highlights

Managed Jobs

* The spot controller has been enhanced to support any job on on-demand or spot instances.
* To use, run `sky jobs launch` instead of `sky spot launch`.
* The new job controller can automatically recover jobs from any spot preemptions or hardware failures, and also execute pipelines of jobs.
* The `sky jobs` API is identical to the `sky spot` API, but also supports on-demand instances.

SkyServe and Jobs on Kubernetes

* SkyPilot can now run SkyServe and Managed Job controllers on Kubernetes
* This means you can now run your SkyServe and Managed Jobs on your Kubernetes cluster!
* Simply run `sky jobs launch` or `sky serve up`, and SkyPilot will automatically deploy the controller on your Kubernetes cluster if available and run jobs on the cheapest available location.

Mix on-demand and spot instances in SkyServe

* SkyServe now supports a new intelligent policy for mixing spot and on-demand instances. [Example](
* Uses on-demand instances to ensure availability and spot instances to save costs.
* Dynamically falls back to on-demand replicas when spot replicas are not available. [Example](

Paperspace support
* Newest cloud to join the Sky: Paperspace!
* Paperspace offers the latest GPUs including H100 and A100-80GB for AI training and inference.
* Simply add your Paperspace API key to `~/.paperspace/config.json` and run `sky check paperspace` to [get started](
* Big thanks to asaiacai for contributing Paperspace support!

More LLMs and Recipes

* New LLM Recipes: [Llama-3](, [Qwen](, [Ollama](, [DBRX](, [Unsloth](, [Cog](

Deprecation Notes

The following features have been deprecated and will be removed in the next minor release:

* `sky spot` CLI: use `sky jobs` CLI instead.
* `core.spot_xxx` APIs: refactored to ``.
* `qps_lower_threshold` and `auto_restart` in `service`: use `target_qps_per_replica` instead.


Managed Jobs

* Changes make to local catalog at ~/.sky/catalog are now reflected on the controller (3289)
* The name of the spot job is now included in the `SKYPILOT_TASK_ID` environment variable (3424)
* Legacy spot job APIs have been refactored from `core.spot_xxx` to `` (3417)
* Cloud for the controller is now chosen based on the resources of the replicas (3363)
* Bug fixes (3302, 3397, 3459, 3468, 3480)


New Features

* New intelligent policy for mixing spot and on-demand instances in SkyServe (3194)
* **SkyServe now uses proxy** instead of HTTP redirect responses for better performance (3395)
* **Readiness probe now supports headers**: this is useful for authentication or other headers required for readiness checks (3552)


* Optimizations - replicas are reused when only service section is changed (3214)
* Rolling updates are now the default behavior for SkyServe (3249)
* Controller cloud is now chosen from replica resources if it is not already up (3231)
* Bug fixes and API improvements (3257, 3299, 3303, 3411, 3411, 3546)


* Kubernetes clusters can now run SkyServe and Managed Jobs (3377, 3524, 3521)
* `sky show-gpus` now shows realtime availability of GPUs in the cluster (3499)
* Autoscaling Kubernetes clusters are now supported: SkyPilot can now wait for GKE node pools, Karpenter and other autoscalers to provision nodes (3513, 3415)
* Use Kubernetes service accounts by specifying `remote_identity` in ~/.sky/config.yaml (3377, 3527)
* `sky local up` now also automatically installs the Nginx Ingress Controller (3223)
* Support for specifying custom pod configurations with `pod_config` (3244)
* Use this to modify the pod configuration for your environment, e.g., attaching volumes, specifying imagePullSecrets, increasing /dev/shm size limit, setting `HTTP_PROXY` and more! See [example `pod_config` here](
* Support for specifying custom metadata to all Kubernetes resources created by SkyPilot (3333)
* Useful for tracking resources created by SkyPilot in your Kubernetes cluster.
* Support for PodIP mode for exposing ports (3445)


* **GPU Isolation**: SkyPilot no longer uses privileged containers and pods can no longer use GPUs not allocated to them (3443)
* Ingress creation requests are now batched to minimize nginx reloads and ingress paths are namespaced (3263, 3373)
* All SkyPilot pods are now labelled with `skypilot-user` to identify the owner of the pod (3576)
* Special characters in environment variables are now correctly parsed (3322)
* GPU labelling is now more robust (3274)
* Bug fixes and quality of life improvements (3266, 3392, 3439, 3509, 3524, 3525, 3532, 3563, 3578, 3374)

CLI & Core interfaces

New Features

* `resources` now supports `labels` field to set labels (instance tags on aws, labels on gcp and k8s) on cloud resources (3464, 3505)
* `sky check` now supports checking credentials for specific clouds, e.g. `sky check aws gcp` (3229)
* You can also restrict which clouds are checked by setting `allowed_clouds` in `~/.sky/config.yaml`. (3556)
* `any_of` or `ordered` fields in `resources` can now have clouds that are not enabled (3567)
* A [new environment variable `SKYPILOT_CLUSTER_INFO`](, containing cluster name, cloud, region and zone is now available in all tasks (#3424)


* Optimizer is up to 10x faster when multiple resources are specified (3567)
* Autostop timer is now reset at the start of a new sky launch to avoid unexpected autostops (3205)
* GCP GPUs now include `DEVICE_MEM` in `sky show-gpus` (3375)
* Better sorting for `sky show-gpus` (3492)
* Handling for usernames containing invalid characters (3528)
* Null environment variables now raise an error (3557)

Runtime & Backend

* SkyPilot now supports Python 3.11 (3248)
* SkyPilot runtime is now isolated from any environment changes made by user code (3575, 3326, 3339)
* Fix for jobs and services running longer than 12 days (3460)
* Docker runtime fixes and enhancements, including fix for storage mounting in container (3450, 3436, 3481, 3343)
* Bug fixes and optimizations (3280, 3292, 3178, 3386, 3292, 3386, 3407, 3423, 3368, 3457, 3469, 3482, 3495, 3512, 3536, 3568)


* Lazy imports for 2x faster import times (3394, 3463)
* Faster setup and job submission (3523, 3484),

Cloud: GCP

* H100 GPUs are now supported on GCP (3279)
* Support for fine-grained GCP IAM permissions (3284)

Cloud: Azure

* Custom images are now supported on Azure. Simply specify `image_id` in the `resources` field. (3362)
* 8x faster autostop for Azure (3519)
* Fix GPUs not being detected in Azure (3313)
* Provisioning fixes (3483)

Cloud: AWS

* Fine-grained IAM roles: you can now specify IAM roles on a per-resource basis (3488, 3514)
* SkyPilot can now be run in ECS containers by assuming `container-role` IAM roles (3503)
* SkyPilot will not delete user-specified security groups (3402)

Cloud: Fluidstack

* H100 and A100 Nvlink support for Fluidstack (3467)
* Opening ports is now supported for Fluidstack (3294)
* Bug fixes (3254, 3265)

Other Clouds

* Bug fixes for Lambda provisioning and termination (3409, 3410)
* Multi-gpu fixes for RunPod (3291)
* Cudo: handle missing project errors (3438)

Thanks to all contributors!

New contributors: MysteryManav, JGSweets, Harthgar, mjkanji

Many thanks to all contributors who contributed to this release!

Contributors: Michaelvll, romilbhardwaj, concretevitamin, cblmemo, MaoZiming, shethhriday29, asaiacai, JGSweets, mjkanji, MysteryManav, landscapepainter, Harthgar, mjibril, dtran24, fozziethebeat, JungleCatSW

**Full Changelog**:



We are excited to release SkyPilot v0.5.0, where we introduce a significant amount of new features and enhancements, including:
* SkyPilot Serving
* New provisioner
* LLM recipes for the latest open models and engines
* Kubernetes support improvement
* 4 new clouds (contributed by the cloud providers!)

and more!

Release Highlights

**New Features**

* [**Multiple candidate resources**]( SkyPilot now supports multiple candidate resources for a single task (using multiple accelerators, `any_of` or `ordered` in `resources`), allowing users to significantly enlarge the resource pool and get higher availability.
* [**New Provisioner**]( Provisioner gets a new implementation, which is **2x faster and more reliable** for supported clouds. Support launching clusters with more than **100 nodes**. Dependency requirements for clouds are also significantly reduced.
* **Disk Tier**: Introducing `best` disk tier for the best performance and cost, so you can choose the best disk for any cloud. (2434)
* Allow **2x spot jobs** to be run concurrently
* Mount storage back after cluster restart

[SkyServe]( is a serving system on top of SkyPilot that deploys and scales any HTTP services across one or more regions or clouds, with autoscaling, load balancing, and more.

* Introducing SkyServe: deploy and scale your AI models across multiple regions or clouds. (2458)
* Autoscaler: Request rate based autoscaling policy. (2868, 2878)
* Autoscaler: Support scaling to 0 when no requests (2938)
* Rolling update: Support rolling update for existing services (2935, 3057)

**Other Enhancements**

* Environment variable support in services field (3078)
* Override task configurations with CLI arguments (2979)
* Logging improvement for replicas (2924, 2949)
* Smoke tests for SkyServe (2911)
* [Documents]( for SkyServe (#3022, 2794, 2864, 2894, 2922, 2989, 3182)
* UX improvements for SkyServe (2895, 2940, 2961, 3054, 3176, 3094)
* Bug fixes and robustness improvement (2811, 2822, 2860, 2995, 2983, 3058, 3075, 3226)

New LLM Recipes

* [Gemma]( Serve your Gemma on any cloud (#3207, 3220)
* [SGLang]( Speed up your LLM deployments with [SGLang]( for 5x throughput on SkyServe (#3126, 3140, 3170, 3145)
* [Mixtral 8x7B]( Serving and scaling Mixtral 8x7B model on any regions/clouds (#2857, 2888, 3017, 3067, 2882)
* [Mistral 7B]( Official docs for hosting Mistral 7B from (#2615, 2856)
* [CodeLlama]( Hosting CodeLlama model with SkyServe and accessing it with API, chat or VSCode (#3050, 3143)
* [LoRAX]( efficient multi-lora LLM inference (#2883)
* [axolotl]( a latest LLM tool for finetuning AI models running on SkyPilot (#2784, 2789)
* [Tabby]( Self-host coding assistant Tabby on SkyPilot (#2597, 3068)
* [vLLM]( Serve with vLLM to expose OpenAI API for Vicuna and Mixtral (#2614, 2643, 2616, 2786, 2791, 2948,3118)
* [TGI]( Scale the inference engine TGI with SkyServe (#3121)

Kubernetes support received a number of **New Features** and **Enhancements**.

* Multi-node support for Kubernetes (2609, 3019)
* Open ports support for Kubernetes (2588, 2713, 2997, 3200)
* Support Coreweave label for GPUs in Kubernetes (Coreweave support under development) (2650)
* Starting a kubernetes GPU cluster locally with `sky local up` (2890)
* Custom Image Support for Kubernetes Instances (2729, 3019, 3210)
* New provisioner for kubernets for better performance and robustneess (3019)
* Supporting Kubernetes cluster launched with k3s and Rancher (3148)

**Other Enhancements**

* Support H100 80GB in Kubernetes (2840)
* Share SSH jump pod across users to reduce resources consumption (2826)
* Allow `KUBECONFIG` env var for config file specification (3169)
* Robustify the kubernetes cluster removement (3043)
* Fixes GPU labeller (2636, 2653)
* UX and Robustness improvement (2638, 2712, 2589, 2785, 2551, 2795, 2884, 2913, 2795)
* Documents improvement (2595, 2705, 2957, 2991, 2997, 3119)

More Clouds
SkyPilot now supports 13 cloud providers, including 4 new provider-contributed clouds: **VMWare vSphere**, **RunPod**, **Fluidstack** and **Cudo Compute**.
* [RunPod]( RunPod is a specialized AI cloud, with additional capacities for high-end GPUs. (#2980, 3018)
* [Fluidstack]( Fluidstack offers accessible GPUs for AI with low cost. (#3086, 3224)
* [Cudo Compute]( GPU cloud provides low cost GPUs powered with green energy. (#2975, 3224)
* [VMWare vSphere]( you can now bring your own vSphere cluster to SkyPilot. ([docs]( (#3000)



**New Features**

* New provisioner for AWS: >2x faster for multi-node provisioning and more reliable for cluster launching. (1702, 2719, 2792)
* Support for AWS Trainium accelerator (2690)
* Support null for proxy command to filter regions (2756)
* Support CUDA 12.1 with default image updates (2788)
* Job scheduling on Inferentia and Trainium (2969, 2798)
* Allow specifying security_group (3133)


* Make public / private subnet selection robust (2867)
* Avoid hanging for restarting an instance in STOPPING state (2998)
* Remove sunset instance types (2610)
* Add docs for custom VPC support (2776)


* Fix conda installation on AWS default image (3206)
* Robustify the custom image support (3216)
* Fix subnet selection for AWS and autodown for spot instances (2921)
* Fix minimal permission for AWS (2978)
* Improve opening ports for AWS (2716)
* Autstop with new provisioner (2719)


**New Features**

* Security: Custom VPC support for GCP. (2764, 2772, 2854, 2944)
* Security: Support private IP with proxy jump on GCP. (2819)
* New provisioner: Adopted new provisioner for GCP with >2x faster and more robust provisioning (2681, 2719, 2943)
* Automatically use reserved instances from multiple reserved pools (2836, 2681)
* Support L4 accelerator for GCP (2724)
* Allow stopping spot clusters on GCP (2877)


* Allow stopping VM with local SSD (2587)
* Update default runtime version for TPU node (2601, 2602)
* Handling transient error during launching GCP clusters (2669)
* Update GCSFuse version to 1.3.0 for GCS storage mount (2887)
* Set TPU VM the default option for TPU accelerators (1758)
* Ignore missing gcp credentials for latest gcloud and avoid duplicating credentials (3028, 3172, 3234)


* Fix custom docker image support (3218)
* Fix minimal roles required for GCP (2704)
* Robustify the catalog fetching (3141)
* Fix ports on TPU VM and cluster launched before 0.4.0 (2641)
* Fix backward compatibility issue with GCP clusters (2604)
* Fix `--disk-size` for Custom Machine Images (2718)
* Update catalog fetcher with more options (2562)
* Assign GCP VMs with service account (2972)
* Fix machine image support (3030, 3236)
* Fix error handling for failed provisioning (2852)
* Leave out TPU v5 in catalog as it is not supported (2656)
* Fix GCP minimal permission (2947, 2770, 2761)



* Make ports openning more robust (2649, 2891, 3084)
* Additional arguments for Azure catalog fetcher and support H100 (2561, 2844, 2847)
* Support CUDA 12.1 with default image updates (2468)
* Support spot instances on Azure (2871)


* Fix custom docker image support (3218)
* UX: Fix Azure disk tier explicitly shown in resources str (3064)
* Fix status query for Azure (3015)


* Fix SCP error raised in `sky check` (3038)

CLI & Core interfaces

**New Features**

* Multi-node jobs fail fast fast for single node failure (3081)
* Add configurations for not uploading credentials (2904)
* Adding `sky status --endpoints` CLI (3199)
* Support more characters in cluster name (3130)
* Show all regions and more accurate price in `sky show-gpus` (2583, 2892, 2933, 2946, 3083, 3149, 3113)
* Allow infering cloud from region or zone (2632)
* Add `--commit` and `--version` for `sky` CLI (2720, 2731, 2733)


* Robustify runtime initialization on remote cluster (3132)
* Better error message for YAML parsing (3040)
* Smarter GPU name completion (3014)
* Speed up retry until up by not doing exponential backoff (2821)
* Add schema validation for config (2645)
* Allow `--disk-tier none` override (2906)
* `sky check` improvement (3174, 3212, 3160)
* Better logging for CLIs (2535, 2691, 2728, 3139, 3175)


* Fix permission issues for SSH config file on specific linux distributions (3151)
* Fix `sky_logs` and mounting directory (2667, 2845)
* Fix job related commands (2662, 2767)
* Fix `sky logs` with `--sync-down` (2660)


* Deprecate `cpunode/gpunode/tpunode`, hide `admin` (2800)
* Remove deprecated `Local` cloud which is now replaced by Kubernetes support (3037, 3186)


**New Features**

* Support multiple candidate resources (2498, 2803, 2833, 2886, 3107)
* Support launching 100-node cluster for AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, and RunPod (3004, 3005)
* Support spaces in paths (2762)
* Support long local username with special characters (3105, 3130)


* Robustify termination of failed clusters during failover (2990)
* Improve the ssh check for clusters just provisioned (2797)
* Robustify failover to avoid terminating clusters that has user data (2977)
* Move ssh config to `~/.ssh/generated/ssh` instead of directly editing `~/.ssh/config` (2706, 3069)
* Code refactoring and cleanup (2541, 2736, 3046, 2633, 2870, 2925, 3087, 3088, 3153)
* Improve usage collection (2654, 2672)
* Better explanation of failover in docs (2850, 2834)


* Avoid backward compatibility issue with provisioner (2682)
* Fix cloud provisioning internal file mount cache (2715)
* Fix optimization for DAG when some resources provided are not feasible (2657)
* Fix runtime installation on remote VM (2909, 2912)
* Fix cluster termination when the cluster is not fully UP (3025)
* Fixes for tests (2651, 2976, 3023, 3166, 3167, 3202)
* Improve logging (2594, 2678, 2696, 3003)

Managed spot

**New Features**

* Allow 2x spot jobs to be run concurrently (3191, 3208)


* Better logging and UX (2630)
* Add docs for customizing spot controller (2753)
* Add spot pipeline docs (2936)


* Fix private VPC support for spot jobs (2874)
* Fix `~/.sky/config.yaml` for spot jobs (2876)
* Fix OOM for long running spot jobs (2675)
* Fix AWS NoCredentialError caused by credential rotation (2695)
* Fix Azure dependency on spot controller (2875)


**New Features**

* Mount storage back to clusters after restarted (2322, 2804)


* Clarify the syntax for external and managed storage (3162, 2804)
* Confirmation prompt for sky storage delete, and --yes flag to skip it (2726)
* Refactor and clean up storage code (2774, 2986)


* Fix permission issue for S3 mounting on specific images (3215)
* Fix spaces in source path for storages (2835)


* Recommand nightly build in docs for better performance and robustness (2984)
* Automatic build for nightly Docker image (2229)
* Avoid ray dependency locally for AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes (2625, 2943, 3019)
* Remove AWS dependency by default for better setup time and less confliction (2841, 2942)
* Fix GCP dependency by updating google-api-python-client (2577, 2759)
* Pin remote dependency for ray job (2659)
* Robustify dependencies (2642, 2679, 3024)


* NeMo distributed training for BERT and GPT3 (2533)
* Add docker compose example to run multiple containers (2745)
* Distributed ray train example (2828)
* Benchmark Torch DDP (2987)
* Example updates for supported models (2637, 2825)

**Full Changelog**:

Thanks to all contributors!
New contributors: rtalaricw, jackyk02, Vaibhav2001, rohanvaidya45, Shrinandan, manishiitg, amitkumarj441, tgaddair, aseriesof-tubes, changxiaohui, thams, kishb87, PratikKumar125, mmcclean, dtran24, davidwagnerkc, mjibril, kbrgl, msehsah1, JungleCatSW, Ying1123

Many thanks to all contributors who contributed to this release!

Contributors: Michaelvll, concretevitamin, cblmemo, romilbhardwaj, MaoZiming, landscapepainter, sunny0826, suquark, Vaibhav2001, infwinston, hemildesai, asaiacai, Shrinandan, kishb87, rtalaricw, iojw, aseriesof-tubes, manishiitg, jackyk02, mmcclean, thams, amitkumarj441, rohanvaidya45, saihtaungkham, tgaddair, davidwagnerkc, PratikKumar125, dtran24, changxiaohui, mjibril, kbrgl, msehsah1, JungleCatSW, Ying1123


This is a patch release to ship bug fixes faster to our users! This release includes many feature updates and bug fixes, including the new provisioner for AWS, fixing OOM and credential issues for long-running spot jobs, and some additional improvements.



We are excited to release SkyPilot v0.4.0, which brings a host of new features and improvements, including Kubernetes support, native container support, ability to open ports, and more.

Release Highlights

New Features
* **[Kubernetes support](**: SkyPilot tasks and clusters can now run on Kubernetes clusters, including on-prem and cloud hosted deployments (GKE, EKS).
* If you have a working kubeconfig, simply run `sky check` and `sky launch --cloud kubernetes` to run your task on Kubernetes.
* If desired, tasks can also failover to the cloud when the Kubernetes cluster does not have enough resources. The same SkyPilot YAMLs and CLI works seamlessly across Kubernetes and clouds.
* **[Opening ports on clusters](**: Open ports on your clusters with the `ports` field. These ports are publicly accessible and can be used for hosting LLM inference endpoints, Jupyter notebooks, web servers, Tensorboard, and other services.
* **[Native container support](**: If your task uses docker containers, SkyPilot's `setup` and `run` commands can now directly be executed in that container. This allows you to wrap your environment in a container and run it on any cloud with SkyPilot.
* **[Reservation support](**: This release adds support for [GCP reservations]( SkyPilot will now prioritize using your reservations on the cloud to save costs and get higher availability.
* **New Managed Spot Features**
* **[Spot pipeline support](**: automatically execute a pipeline of sequential tasks.
* **[Spot dashboard](**: track all your spot jobs in your browser.

New LLM Recipes
* **vLLM** on any cloud - [blog](, [example](
* **Llama 2** - Train Vicuna on Llama-2 and serve chatbots - [blog](, [fine-tuning example](, [self-hosted chatbot](
* **LocalGPT**: chat with your pdfs - [example](
* **Falcon-40B** fine-tuning guide - [example](

More Clouds
SkyPilot now supports 8 clouds, including community contributed support for two new clouds:
* [Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)](
* [Samsung Cloud Platform (SCP)](

SkyPilot now also supports IBM COS buckets (1966).

Core and UX Improvements
* **Faster failover**: 30x faster failover with our new quota optimization which checks if quotas are available before launching a cluster (Supported on GCP, AWS).
* **Easily get VM IPs**: The new `--ip` flag for `sky status` returns the public IP address of the cluster (e.g., `sky status --ip mycluster`). Use this to access services such as LLM inference endpoints, jupyter notebooks and more.
* **Improved scriptability**: SkyPilot YAMLs and CLI are more scriptable than ever - `file_mounts` can be dynamically defined with environment variables ([docs](, [example](, environment variables can be set through a dotenv file with the new `--env-file` flag (#2296).
* **Core optimizations**: Multi-node clusters stop 4x faster (2199), `sky status` updates for stopped clusters are 10x faster (2288), and the job queue is more memory efficient (1636).
* **Nightly releases**: We now release nightly versions of SkyPilot. To get the cutting edge of SkyPilot without installing from source, run `pip install skypilot-nightly` (1446)

* [SkyPilot On-prem]( is now deprecated and Kubernetes will be the recommended mode of running SkyPilot on on-prem clusters.

Below is a detailed list of changes.

Managed Spot

New Features
* Spot pipeline support: automatically handles a pipeline of spot jobs. (1982)
* Spot dashboard is now available with `sky spot dashboard`: you can now see all your spot jobs in GUI (2103, 2136)
* Spot callback - users can now run custom code when spot job status changes (2106, 2364)
* Resource configuration of the spot controller can now be customized ([docs](, #2040)

* SkyPilot now shows the spot job's resources and estimated cost before confirmation (2524)
* Switch to eager failover recovery policy for better spot lifetime (2234)
* Reduce the logging for launching spot controller (2056)

* We now show PENDING spot job in the spot queue before it starts (2044)
* Robustness fixes (2102, 2153, 2119, 2004, 2330, 1998)

CLI & YAML interfaces

New Features
* Users can now use environment variables to dynamically define file_mounts ([docs](, 2146)
* `sky status` can now show the head IP of the cluster with `-a` or `--ip` flags (2305, 2563)
* `sky down/stop/start` defaults to a unique cluster if it exists and `sky cancel` without cluster cancels the latest task (2325)

* `sky check` output is now friendlier with more hints for disabled clouds (2002, 2017, 2196, 2114, 2221, 2377)
* `sky down` progress bar now reflects clusters failed to terminate (1595, 2005)
* We now fail early if rsync is not installed locally (2168)
* Better messages and hints for CLI (2027, 2028, 2077, 2083, 2085)

* Fixed the order of VMs in optimizer table when `--cpus` is provided (2037)
* Better handling when `sky launch` is interrupted (2206, 2252)


New Features
* Users can now open ports for their clusters with the `ports` field ([docs](, #2210, 2477)
* Docker support in `image_id` - tasks can now be run inside docker containers ([docs](, 1910)
* Users can now clone a cluster from an existing cluster's disk with the `--clone-disk-from` flag (2098)
* Users can now launch their own ray cluster on a SkyPilot cluster (2020)

* 30x faster failover for AWS and GCP when quotas are not available (1953, 2187, 2313)
* Faster `sky launch` by caching cluster IP address (2400)
* Job queue is now more resource efficient, with significant memory consumption reduction on remote cluster (1636)
* Cluster names no longer map directly to cloud cluster names. Instead, they are mapped to a unique cluster name on the cloud. This helps with isolation across users sharing cloud accounts. (2403)
* More efficient and robust stopping/termination for AWS (2121)
* `sky status --refresh` for STOPPED cluster is 10x faster (2079)
* Empty YAML fields are now allowed (1890)

* Manually started/stopped clusters are now better handled (2130, 2203, 2389)
* Fix edge case where existing clusters were terminated when resources are not available (2170)
* Fixes for disk_tier UX (2156, 2215)
* Robustness fixes (2033, 2061, 2009, 2491, 2290, 1259, 2074, 2023, 2042)


New Features
* IBM COS is now supported (1966)
* `sky spot launch` will now exclude files from .gitignore (2018)

* Deletion is now parallelized for faster deletion (2058)
* UX improvements for `sky storage` CLI (2063, 2177)
* GCS bucket mounting now uses gcsfuse v1.0.1 (2470)

* Fix transient failures when uploading to GCS from MacOS due to multiprocessing bug (2125)
* Robustness fixes (2049, 2117, 2165, 2259, 2326, 2250)


* Avoid buggy grpcio versions (2055)
* Pydantic is pinned to `<2.0` (2157)
* PyYAML is pinned to `>3.13, != 5.4.*` to avoid issues with Cython 3 (2256, 2514)
* Ray `<= 2.6.3` is supported on local machines (2401)
* `pycryptodome`, `oauth2client` are no longer required (2515)


* H100 GPUs are now supported (2323)
* New [docs]( for AWS cloud administrator about advanced login option (SSO and account switching) (#1888)
* Insufficient permission is now handled gracefully (2415, 2456)
* Fixed a bug where existing AWS cluster would end up in INIT state after changing identity (2442)
* Fix fetching AZ when describe zones permission does not exist in all regions (2463)

* Nvidia L4 GPUs are now supported (2212)
* [Machine Images]( are now supported (#2280)
* GCP reservations are now supported (2352)
* SkyPilot optimizer is 4x faster for GCP instances (2410)
* GCP pricing is now dynamically fetched and is more robust (2118, 2076, 2131)
* Default image has been updated to Debian 11 (2279)
* New [docs]( for minimal permission required by GCP account to use SkyPilot for administrator (#2100, 2112)
* Robustness fixes (2135, 2199, 2124, 1879, 2116)
* TPU support is now more robust (2310, 2471, 2350, 2540)


* westus3 region is now supported (2149)
* Fix status refresh for Azure (2120)
* Fix Azure disk tier interruption for optimize progress (2111)
* Azure catalog fetching is more robust (2115, 2553)

* Add H100 support for Lambda Cloud (2010, 2323)
* API rate limit is now handled with backoff and retry (2265)
* Errors are now more detailed (2371)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
* OCI is now supported (1909, 2047, 2057, 2068, 2034, 2070, 2069, 2062,2067, 2092, 2095, 2099)

Samsung Cloud Platform (SCP)
* Samsung Cloud Platform (SCP) is now supported for single-node clusters (1941, 2001, 2014)

* New DeepSpeed [example]( (#2208)
* New Distributed Tensorflow [example]( (#1721)
* New DVC [example]( (#2444)
* Examples dependencies are now up to date (2145, 2223, 2359)

[Full changelog](

Thanks to all contributors!
New contributors: JGoo1, tobi, HysunHe, blucz, shethhriday29, MaoZiming, ksasi, pushmatrix, hzeng-0, saihtaungkham, fozziethebeat, n10dollar, asaiacai, mtaku3, gbmarc1, alex000kim, steve-marmalade, xzrderek, sunny0826.

Many thanks to all contributors who contributed to this release!

Michaelvll, concretevitamin, romilbhardwaj, cblmemo, HysunHe, landscapepainter, shethhriday29, infwinston, alex000kim, suquark, sunny0826, gbmarc1, MaoZiming, xzrderek, tobi, steve-marmalade, saihtaungkham, pushmatrix, n10dollar, mtaku3, ksasi, hzeng-0, fozziethebeat, blucz, asiaacai, WoosukKwon, JGoo1, mraheja, iojw, hemildesai, ewzeng, aviweit, Saikrishna-Achalla, Cohen-J-Omer

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