
Latest version: v3.34.0

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* 1106 Fix WebClientfiles_upload does not send channels since v3.10.0 - Thanks seratch

* All issues/pull requests:
* All changes:


New Features

All argument supports in `WebClient` / `AsyncWebClient`

Since this version, all the methods in `WebClient` / `AsyncWebClient` have not only required arguments but also all possible ones in the method signature for better developer experience. Refer to the pull request enabling this 1099 for details.

Easier way to test if a key exists in a Web API response

Now that `SlackResponse` / `AsyncSlackResponse` now have `__contains__` method, you can test if a key exists in WebClient responses. Refer to the pull request enabling this 1104 for details.

token = "xoxb-"
response = WebClient(token).auth_test()
"error" in response True / False


* 1099 Fix 1018 Add optional arguments in WebClient methods - Thanks seratch
* 1104 Fix 1102 Add `__contains__` method in slack_sdk.web.SlackResponse / AsyncSlackResponse - Thanks seratch
* 1097 Fix 1056 by changing the default type for Option values - Thanks weallwegot seratch
* 1096 Fix 1095 by correcting `ContextBlock` element type hint - Thanks uroboro seratch
* 1103 Fix 1100 by improving the `get`/`__getitem__` method behavior when response body is empty - Thanks janeliang0522 seratch
* 1105 Update the entity name in metadata / documents - Thanks seratch

* All issues/pull requests:
* All changes:



* 1094 Improve 1084 to run rate limited error retry handler correctly - Thanks seratch
* 1083 Fix 1082 by ignoring proxy parameter if env parameter is set but empty - Thanks y-adachi-00one

* All issues/pull requests:
* All changes:


New Features

Sign in with Slack (OpenID Connect)

[Sign in with Slack]( helps users log into your service using their Slack profile. The platform feature was recently upgraded to be compatible with the standard [OpenID Connect]( specification. With this version of `slack-sdk`, implementing the auth flow is much easier.

When you create a new Slack app, set the following user scopes:

- https://{your-domain}/slack/oauth_redirect
- openid required
- email optional
- profile optional

Check [the Flask example in the repository]( It does the following:

* Build the OpenID Connect comaptible authorize URL
* `slack_sdk.oauth.OpenIDConnectAuthorizeUrlGenerator` helps you easily do this
* `OAuthStateStore` is still available for generating `state` parameter value (it's available for `nonce` management too)
* `WebClient` can perform `openid.connect.token` API calls with given `code` parameter

If you want to know the way with asyncio, check the [Sanic app example]( in the same directory.

Built-in Retry Handlers

This version introduces a built-in retry functionalities to the following API clients:

* `slack_sdk.web.WebClient`
* `slack_sdk.webhook.WebhookClient`
* `slack_sdk.audit_logs.AuditLogsClient`
* `slack_sdk.scim.SCIMClient`
* `slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient` (aiohttp/asyncio compatible)
* `slack_sdk.webhook.async_client.AsyncWebhookClient` (aiohttp/asyncio compatible)
* `slack_sdk.audit_logs.async_client.AsyncAuditLogsClient` (aiohttp/asyncio compatible)
* `slack_sdk.scim.async_client.AsyncSCIMClient` (aiohttp/asyncio compatible)

With the default settings, only `slack_sdk.http_retry.builtin_handlers.ConnectionErrorRetryHandler` (`AsyncConnectionErrorRetryHandler` for asyncio clients) with its default configuratio (=only one retry in the manner of [exponential backoff and jitter]( is enabled in the above clients. The retry handler retries if an API client encounters a connectivity-related failure (e.g., Connection reset by peer).

import os
from slack_sdk.web import WebClient

Only ConnectionErrorRetryHandler is enabled
client = WebClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"])

Another built-in retry handler is the one that handles rate limited errors.

Use the built-in handlers

client = WebClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"])

This handler does retries when HTTP status 429 is returned
from slack_sdk.http_retry.builtin_handlers import RateLimitErrorRetryHandler
rate_limit_handler = RateLimitErrorRetryHandler(max_retry_count=1)
Enable rate limited error retries as well

Creating your own ones is also quite simple. Defining a new class that inherits `slack_sdk.http_retry.RetryHandler` and implements required methods (internals of can_retry / prepare_for_next_retry). Check the built-in ones' source code for learning how to properly implement.

Create your own one

import socket
from typing import Optional
from slack_sdk.http_retry import (RetryHandler, RetryState, HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
from slack_sdk.http_retry.builtin_interval_calculators import (
from slack_sdk.http_retry.jitter import RandomJitter

class MyRetryHandler(RetryHandler):
def _can_retry(
state: RetryState,
request: HttpRequest,
response: Optional[HttpResponse] = None,
error: Optional[Exception] = None
) -> bool:
[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
return (
error is not None and isinstance(error, socket.error) and error.errno == 104

Customize the settings
my_handler = MyRetryHandler(
max_retry_count=2, retry twice at maximum; the default is 1
interval_calculator=BackoffRetryIntervalCalculator( exponential backoff and jitter is the default
backoff_factor=1.0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 seconds later ...
jitter=RandomJitter(), will add 0.0 -- 1.0 second to the backoff duration

client = WebClient(
retry_handlers=[rate_limit_handler, my_handler],

For asyncio apps, `Async` prefixed corresponding modules are available. All the methods in those methods are async/await compatible. Check [the source code]( and [tests]( for more details.


* 1079 Fix 1078 Add Sign in with Slack (OpenID Connect) support - Thanks seratch
* 1084 Fix 887 Enable automatic retry by a handy way - Thanks seratch
* 1089 1058 Add Slack Connect API support - Thanks srajiang
* 1067 Fix 1065 by having lock for async Socket Mode client reconnection - Thanks seratch matthieucan
* 1091 1055 Socket Mode: ENOTSOCK every 300 minutes on Windows - Thanks dubois seratch
* 1077 Fix the wrong column data size for bot_token in the built-in SQLAlchemy data model - Thanks geeorgey
* 1081 Fix a data deletion bug in AmazonS3InstallationStore - Thanks seratch
* 1085 Add explicit arguments for files_\* methods - Thanks jaebradley
* 1076 Update example code for rate limiting in documents - Thanks tjstum
* 1071 1070 Link to Contributor's Guide from README + expand Maintainer's Guide - Thanks filmaj
* 1072 Fix WebSocket related unit test failures - Thanks seratch

* All issues/pull requests:
* All changes:


Refer to [the v3.9.0 release note](

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