- Moves to a dual license MIT and BSD-3-Clause license, where users can choose the license they use.
- Concerns have been raised about the lack of appeal for BSD-3 by the maintainers of `slackblocks` competitors, despite the licenses being functionally identical, this seems to be the most straightforward way to correct.
- Adds autogenerated (versioned) docs using `mkdocs-material` and `mike`.
- Adds guides to docs.
- Overhauls the README.
- Adds docstrings to every class, function and module.
- Updates rich text features to reflect the new elements / objects released.
- Splits rich text features into elements and objects.
- Adds the `RichTextInput` element.
- Updates dev dependencies to most recent versions.
- Drops Python 3.7 support.
- Some of the dev dependencies are raising security flags that can't be corrected without dropping support.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nicklambourne/slackblocks/compare/v0.9.16...v1.0.0