-  : Sleep Ensemble is released! Hurray!
-  : IO interface selection for read and write implemented. Interfaces for .mat exports from Spike2, .smr/.smrx from Spike2, and .xls "datasets" have been included.
-  : End-user command line interface application developed. Includes ability to classify data, train/validate models, load/export builds.
-  : Protocol management embedded into CLI application similar to IO interface integration.
-  : Sleep Ensemble 4 protocol added to [`sleepens.protocols`](https://github.com/paradoxysm/sleepens/tree/master/sleepens/protocols).
-  : [`README.md`](https://github.com/paradoxysm/sleepens/bloc/master/README.md) includes more details on installation and usage.
-  : [`BUILDS.md`](https://github.com/paradoxysm/sleepens/bloc/master/BUILDS.md) written as a build directory to easily find pre-trained build binaries from release history.