- SlideReports now include grayspace/whitespace fraction for each extracted image, in the DataFrame `SlideReport.locations`
- `include_loc` argument removed from `.extract_tiles()` functions, as location information is now always included in the returned dict
- Performance improvements in ROI calculations and slide verification
- Previously, `.extract_tiles()` returned an `ExtractionReport` summarizing what tiles were extracted. Thus report is saved as a PDF in the tile extraction directory. The returned report, however, only summarized tile extraction of the last dataset source. If multiple dataset sources had tiles extracted, on the last source was reflected in this report. Now, for simplicity, this function returns a Dict mapping slide paths to `SlideReport` for each slide, including slides from all dataset sources.
- Enable creating `Dataset` from config dictionary rather than path
- Fix for `dataset.labels()` when slide column has empty values in annotations
- `sf.stats.metrics.ClassifierMetrics` now autofits
- Fix for using saliency maps with PyTorch
- Fix for normalizer fit not saving to `params.json` in PyTorch backend
- Bug fix for `Features()` in PyTorch backend
- Removes Tensorflow requirement from GAN interpolation function
- PyTorch 1.12 compatibility update
- Adds ninja as dependency (required for StyleGAN2)
- Documentation & docstring updates