* Added: `view.temp_storage` for save values during the request
* Added: `app.permission` option, it can be set to `ALL_PERMISSION`, `NO_PERMISSION` or a `Permissions` object
* Added: **`view.current_user` throw a Exception when current View not inherited from `BaseUserViewMixin`**
* Added: Accept 'Application/json' content as post data [2](https://github.com/fy0/slim/pull/2)
* Added: Application hooks: `on_startup`, `on_shutdown`, `on_cleanup` [3](https://github.com/fy0/slim/pull/3)
* Added: New finish method `finish_raw(body: bytes, status: int=200, content_type=None)` [3](https://github.com/fy0/slim/pull/3)
* Changed: `get_current_user` can works with async function
* Changed(break): Renamed `view.current_role` to `view.current_request_role`
* Changed(break): Renamed `view.current_user_roles` to `view.roles`
* Changed(break): Renamed `BaseUserMixin` to `BaseUserViewMixin`
* Changed(break): Renamed `BaseSecureCookieUserMixin` to `BaseSecureCookieUserViewMixin`
* Changed(break): Renamed `BaseAccessTokenUserMixin` to `BaseAccessTokenUserViewMixin`
* Changed(break): Renamed `BaseAccessTokenInParamUserMixin` to `BaseAccessTokenInParamUserViewMixin`
* Changed(break): Renamed `app.permissions` to `app.table_permissions`
* Removed(break): `view.permission_init` function
* Changed: template update
* Fixed: compatible with current aiohttp version (3.5).
* Fixed: `psycopg2` not required for `PeeweeView`