
Latest version: v0.7.2

Safety actively analyzes 688931 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Major Updates
Includes some updates that we'll mention in the next release.
Crucial Fixes
1. Fixed the build of the Python package. Utils are now included and are used in detectors code.


Major Updates
Reworks and additions
1. `pess-uni-v2` detector: Now enabled by default. Launches checks when detects Uniswap V2 smart contracts inheritance. Thx **Yhtiyar**
2. `pess-public-vs-external` detector: New detector. Detects public functions that could be marked as external. Thx **Yhtiyar**
3. `pess-ecrecover` detector: New detector. Detects when error-result (0) of ecrecover function is not checked. Thx **Yhtiyar**
4. `pess-magic-number` detector: Now detects 3 or more values that are not assigned to variables. Thx **Yhtiyar**

Crucial Fixes
1. `pess-unprotected-setter` detector: Now handles functions with unnamed parameters.
2. `pess-call-forward-to-protected` detector: Now handles functions with unnamed parameters.
3. `pess-unprotected-initialize` detector: Now handles variable as Slither Variable.

Minor Updates and Optimization
Minor Fixes
1. `pess-arbitrary-call` detector: Now detects assembly calls and delegatecalls. Thx **Yhtiyar**
2. General. Removed unused imports and comments.
3. General. Notification to the Slitherin Telegram chat is sent with release (not with pushes to a master branch).
4. General. Updated README with link, ETH Belgrade talk and AuditWizard integration.


Major Updates
Reworks and additions
1. `pess-arbitrary-call` detector: New detector. Thx **Yhtiyar**

Crucial Fixes
1. `pess-strange-setter` detector: Functions with no parameters are no longer detected. Thx **Yhtiyar**

Minor Updates and Optimization
Minor Fixes
1. `pess-unprotected-setter` detector: Now has a separate test file.


Major Updates
Crucial Fixes
1. Fixed the build of the Python package. Added a Github action to prevent such kind of problem.


Major Updates
Reworks and additions
1. `pess-uni-v2` detector: Added a check of functions where `path` parameter is set through an external invocation. Thx **idrocortisone**
2. `pess-readonly-reentrancy` detector: Added a check of potential vulnerabilities through interfaces. Thx **Yhtiyar**
3. `pess-dubious-typecast` detector: Complete rework. Looks for typecasts that can break contract logic. Thx **Yhtiyar**

Crucial Fixes
1. All Slitherin detectors work correctly when installed as a Python package.
2. `pess-double-entry-token` detector: Fixed paths to utils files and fixed usage through a Python package.
3. `pess-nft-approve-warning` detector: Fixed running on contracts with immutable types. Thx **kalloc**

Minor Updates and Optimization
Minor Fixes
1. OZ dependencies updated to the newest versions.
2. `pess-for-continue-increment` detector: Updated the version to run all tests simultaneously.
1. `pess-strange-setter` detector: Should produce less FP.
2. `pess-unprotected-setter` detector: Ignores interfaces. Thx **Yhtiyar**
3. `pess-unprotected-initialize` detector: Ignores interfaces. Thx **Yhtiyar**


The initial release.
Versioning will help us to structure updates. The current state of the plugin can be checked via the README file.

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