
Latest version: v0.6.1

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<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at master -->

What's Changed
Miscellaneous Improvements
* Fix memory leak in Fortran by ashao in

**Full Changelog**:


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at master -->

What's Changed
Miscellaneous Improvements
* Pin NumPy<2 by ashao in
* Remove broken redis documentation links by ankona in
* Build dependencies as external projects by ashao in
* Update codecov to v4.5.0 by mellis13 in
* Fix out-of-date information in by ashao in
* Add gcc-14 support by mellis13 in
* Update CMake ExternalProject instructions by ashao in

**Full Changelog**:


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at master -->

Released on 14 May, 2024

What's Changed
* Add socket time out environment variable by mellis13 in
Bug Fixes
* Fix widths field for list-table in install documentation by al-rigazzi in
* Bump redis dep to 7.2.4 by ankona in
* Enforce matching type for dataset::unpack_tensor by mellis13 in
* Fix minor warnings in C++ client by ashao in
API Breaks
* Discontinue SmartRedis support for python 3.8 by AlyssaCote in
Miscellaneous Improvements
* Fix inconsistency with function parameter variable names by mellis13 in
* Remove a vestigial requirements.txt file by ashao in
* Update CI for Intel by ashao in
* Remove unused parameter model name in _get_model_script_db() by mellis13 in
* Remove unused memory layout constructor parameter for TensorBase by mellis13 in
* Addition of changelog edit check github action by amandarichardsonn in
* Upgrade ubuntu to version 22.04 and gcc to version 11 by AlyssaCote in
* Auto-post release PR to develop by amandarichardsonn in
* Automate release notes by amandarichardsonn in
* Fix build wheel by mellis13 in
* Pin pylint to fix regression error by ankona in
* Ensure all reply errors are logged by ankona in

**Full Changelog**:


Released on February 16, 2024


- Fixed bug which was sending tensors to the database twice (Python Client)

Detailed Notes

- A previous bug fix for the Python client which addressed a problem when sending numpy views inadvertently kept the original put_tensor call in place. This essentially doubles the cost of the operation. ([PR464](


Released on February 15, 2024


- Fix bug when sending an array view
- Add concurrency groups for Github Action testing
- Update license to include 2024
- Increase build space for Github Actions
- Update README python versions
- Expose Typehints
- Update supported python versions [Add 3.11, remove 3.7]
- Tweak the build system to enable building SmartRedis with Nvidia's NVHPC toolchain
- Improvements/upgrades to the container used for Github actions
- Code updates to avoid compiler warnings
- Added developer documentation on how to run a single test case and eliminated duplicative environment variables
- Resolve a linting issue with pybind-to-python error propagation
- Use mutable fields to enable Dataset get methods that store memory to be marked const

Detailed Notes

- Detect whether the tensor the user is sending is a view and if so, make an explicit copy. ([PR453](
- Add support to concurrency groups in the `run_tests` workflow. ([PR456](
- Update license to include 2024. ([PR454](
- Add new Github Action that removes unneeded packages and resizes the root disk space. ([PR455](
- Update developer documentation to reflect newly supported versions of Python ([PR450]( ([PR452](
- Add and ship `py.typed` marker to expose inline type hints ([PR451](
- Deprecate support for Python 3.7 by removing from the allowed Python versions ([PR450](
- Update Python package dependencies to add support for Python 3.11 ([PR450](
- Change the order of arguments in our MakeFile to ensure that all dependencies are compiled with GCC ([PR448](
- Add new user-configurable parameters DEP_CC, DEP_CXX to control which compiler is used to build dependencies ([PR448](
- Ameliorate some compiler warnings related that were flagged in GCC 12 (unreachable code blocks, signed/unsigned mismatches) ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Bump the container version used in Github Actions Ubuntu 22.04 to be able to start testing GCC 12 ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Bump the versions of GCC used in testing to the currently maintained versions ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Add NVHPC to the testing matrix ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Test the shared/static compilations and examples with all compilers ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Compile Redis and RedisAI and use those versions in testing instead of extracting from a container ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Bump the version of Redis used in testing to 7.0.5, the same version as we use with SmartSim ([PR448](
- CI/CD: Pin the Torch version to 1.11.0, the same as supported in SmartSim ([PR448](
- Added developer documentation on how to run a single test case with the new test/build system and eliminated use of SMARTREDIS_TEST_DEVICE and SMARTREDIS_TEST_CLUSTER environment variables ([PR445](
- Resolve a linting issue with pybind-to-python error propagation by changing import format and narrowing the lookup of pybind error names to the error module ([PR444](
- Use mutable fields to enable Dataset get methods that store memory to be marked const ([PR443](


Released on December 18, 2023


- Unpin the Intel Fortran compiler in CI/CD
- Added a missing space in an error message
- Improved consistency of namespace declarations for C++ pybind
- Improved const correctness of C++ Client
- Improved const correctness of C++ Dataset
- Updated documentation
- Added test cases for all Client construction parameter combinations
- Centralized dependency tracking to setup.cfg
- Improved robustness of Python client construction
- Updated Client and Dataset documentation
- Expanded list of allowed characters in the SSDB address
- Added coverage to SmartRedis Python API functions
- Improved responsiveness of library when attempting connection to
missing backend database
- Moved testing of examples to on-commit testing in CI/CD pipeline
- Added name retrieval function to the DataSet object
- Updated RedisAI version used in post-commit check-in testing in
Github pipeline
- Allow strings in Python interface for Client.run_script,
- Improved support for model execution batching
- Added support for model chunking
- Updated the third-party RedisAI component
- Updated the third-party lcov component
- Add link to contributing guidelines
- Added link to contributing guidelines
- Added support for multiple backend databases via a new Client
constructor that accepts a ConfigOptions object

Detailed Notes

- Unpin the Intel Fortran compiler in CI/CD. This requires running the
compiler setup script twice, once for Fortran and once for other
languages, since they're on different releases
- Added a missing space in an error message
- Made the declaration of the py namespace in py\*.h consistently
outside the SmartRedis namespace declaration
- Fields in several C++ API methods are now properly marked as const
- The Dataset add_tensor method is now const correct, as are all
internal the methods it calls
- Some broken links in the documentation were fixed, and the
instructions to run the tests were updated
- Added test cases for all Client construction parameter combinations
- Merged dependency lists from requirements.txt and
requirements-dev.txt into setup.cfg to have only one set of
dependencies going forward
- Improved robustness of Python client construction by adding
detection of invalid kwargs
- Updated the Client and Dataset API documentation to clarify which
interacts with the backend db
- The SSDB address can now include '-' and '\_' as special characters
in the name. This gives users more options for naming the UDS socket
file ([PR415](
- Added tests to increase Python code coverage
- Employed a Redis++ ConnectionsObject in the connection process to
establish a TCP timeout of 100ms during connection attempts
- Moved testing of examples to on-commit testing in CI/CD pipeline
- Added a function to the DataSet class and added a test
- Updated RedisAI version used in post-commit check-in testing in
Github pipeline to a version that supports fetch of model chunking
size ([PR408](
- Allow users to pass single keys for the inputs and outputs
parameters as a string for Python run_script and run_script_multigpu
- Exposed access to the Redis.AI MINBATCHTIMEOUT parameter, which
limits the delay in model execution when trying to accumulate
multiple executions in a batch
- Models will now be automatically chunked when sent to/received from
the backed database. This allows use of models greater than 511MB in
size. ([PR404](
- Updated from RedisAI v1.2.3 (test target)/v1.2.4 and v1.2.5 (CI/CD
pipeline) to v1.2.7
- Updated lcov from version 1.15 to 2.0
- Create file that points to the contribution
guideline for both SmartSim and SmartRedis
- Migrated to ConfigOptions-based Client construction, adding multiple
database support

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