- Exposed `.glb` file metadata through the scenario `Scenario.map_glb_metadata` attribute.
- Added single vehicle `Trip` into type.
- Added new video record ultility using moviepy.
- Added distance check between bubble and vehicle to avoid generating unnecessary cursors.
- Added `ConfigurableZone` for `Zone` object to types which enable users to build bubble by providing coordinates of the polygon.
- Added "SMARTS Performance Diagnostic" development tool for evaluating the simulation performance.
- Added a "All Simulation" button on the header of Envision and made small-windowed simulation(s) in the "All Simulations" page clickable to maximize.
- An env wrapper `Metrics` is introduced to compute agents' performance metrics.
- Extracted `TraciConn` to the SMARTS utilities as a simplified utility to help with connecting to `TraCI`.
- Added `HiWayV1` `gymansium` environment to smarts. This can be referenced through gymnasium as `smarts.env:hiway-v1`.
- Added `scl benchmark run` and `scl benchmark list` for running and listing benchmarks.
- Added the "driving_smarts" benchmark as a feature of the new `scl benchmark` suite.
- Added `smarts.benchmark` module which deals with running benchmarks.
- Added `smarts.core.entrypoints.benchmark_runner_v0` which is the initial benchmark fully integrated into `smarts`.
- Added documentation with benchmark information.
- Minimum `SUMO` version allowed by `SumoTrafficSimulation` is now `1.10.0`.
- The `ProviderManager` interface now uses a string id for removal of an actor instead of an actor state.
- Renamed many fields of the `smarts.core.agent_interface.AgentInterface` dataclass: `lidar` -> `lidar_point_cloud`, `waypoints` -> `waypoint_paths`, `rgb` -> `top_down_rgb`, `neighborhood_vehicles` -> `neighborhood_vehicle_states`, and `ogm` -> `occupancy_grid_map`.
- Renamed `smarts.core.provider.Provider`'s `action_spaces` to `actions`.
- Moved `VehicleObservation`, `EgoVehicleObservation`, `Observation`, `RoadWaypoints`, `GridMapMetadata`, `TopDownRGB`, `OccupancyGridMap`, `DrivableAreaGridMap`, `ViaPoint`, `Vias`, `SignalObservation`, and `Collision` from `smarts.core.sensors` to `smarts.core.observations`. They are now all typed `NamedTuples`.
- Renamed `GridMapMetadata` field `camera_pos` to `camera_position`.
- Removed all of PyMarl contents, including related interface adapter, environments, and tests.
- Removed ray usage example.
- Moved ULTRA from `huawei-noah/SMARTS` to `smarts-project/smarts-project.rl` repository.
- Removed observation_adapter, reward_adapter, and info_adapter, from `hiway_env`.
- Removed `action_space` field from the `smarts.core.agent_interface.AgentInterface` dataclass.
- Updated the RL example `racing` to use `smarts[camera_obs]==0.7.0rc0` and continuous flowing traffic scenario. Simplified the `racing` RL example folder structure.
- Envision "near realtime" mode bugfix
- Corrected an issue where traffic lights in SUMO traffic simulation could be empty and cause a termination of the simulation.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could cause SMARTS to terminate from being in multiple providers.
- Fixed an issue where `sumo_traffic_simulation` would disconnect on a non-terminal exception.
- SMARTS now aggressively attempts to connect to a SUMO process as long as the SUMO process remains alive.
- SUMO traffic simulation `route_for_vehicle` had semantic errors and now works again.
- SUMO is now supported up to version `1.15.0`. Versions of SUMO `1.13.0` and onward are forced to reset rather than reload because of errors with hot resetting versions starting with `1.13.0`.