
Latest version: v0.7.0

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Released on 14 May, 2024


- Improve Dragon server shutdown
- Add dragon runtime installer
- Add launcher based on Dragon
- Reuse Orchestrators within the testing suite to improve performance.
- Fix building of documentation
- Preview entities on experiment before start
- Update authentication in release workflow
- Auto-generate type-hints into documentation
- Auto-post release PR to develop
- Bump manifest.json to version 0.0.4
- Fix symlinking batch ensemble and model bug
- Fix noisy failing WLM test
- Remove defensive regexp in .gitignore
- Upgrade ubuntu to 22.04
- Remove helper function `init_default`
- Fix telemetry monitor logging errors for task history
- Change default path for entities
- Drop Python 3.8 support
- Update watchdog dependency
- Historical output files stored under .smartsim directory
- Fixes unfalsifiable test that tests SmartSim's custom SIGINT signal
- Add option to build Torch backend without the Intel Math Kernel
- Fix ReadTheDocs build issue
- Disallow uninitialized variable use
- Promote device options to an Enum
- Update telemetry monitor, add telemetry collectors
- Add method to specify node features for a Slurm job
- Colo Orchestrator setup now blocks application start until setup
- Refactor areas of the code where mypy potential errors
- Minor enhancements to test suite
- ExecArgs handling correction
- ReadTheDocs config file added and enabled on PRs
- Enforce changelog updates
- Fix Jupyter notebook math expressions
- Remove deprecated SmartSim modules
- SmartSim Documentation refactor
- Promote SmartSim statuses to a dedicated type
- Update the version of Redis from [7.0.4]{.title-ref} to
- Increase disk space in doc builder container
- Update Experiment API typing
- Prevent duplicate entity names
- Fix publishing of development docs

Detailed Notes

- The Dragon server will now terminate any process which is still running
when a request of an immediate shutdown is sent. ([SmartSim-PR582](
- Add `--dragon` option to `smart build`. Install appropriate Dragon
runtime from Dragon GitHub release assets.
- Add new launcher, based on [Dragon](
The new launcher is compatible with the Slurm and PBS schedulers and can
be selected by specifying ``launcher="dragon"`` when creating an `Experiment`,
or by using ``DragonRunSettings`` to launch a job. The Dragon launcher
is at an early stage of development: early adopters are referred to the
dedicated documentation section to learn more about it. ([SmartSim-PR580](
- Tests may now request a given configuration and will reconnect to
the existing orchestrator instead of building up and tearing down
a new one each test.
- Manually ensure that typing_extensions==4.6.1 in Dockerfile used to build
docs. This fixes the deploy_dev_docs Github action ([SmartSim-PR564](
- Added preview functionality to Experiment, including preview of all entities, active infrastructure and
client configuration. ([SmartSim-PR525](
- Replace the developer created token with the GH_TOKEN environment variable.
- Add extension to auto-generate function type-hints into documentation.
- Add to github release workflow to auto generate a pull request from
master into develop for release.
- The manifest.json version needs to match the SmartDashboard version,
which is 0.0.4 in the upcoming release.
- Properly symlinks batch ensembles and batch models.
- Remove defensive regexp in .gitignore and ensure tests write to
- After dropping support for Python 3.8, ubuntu needs to be upgraded.
- Remove helper function `init_default` and replace with traditional
type narrowing.
- Ensure the telemetry monitor does not track a task_id for a managed
- The default path for an entity is now the path to the experiment /
the entity name. create_database and create_ensemble now have path
arguments. All path arguments are compatible with relative paths.
Relative paths are relative to the CWD.
- Python 3.8 is reaching its end-of-life in October, 2024, so it will
no longer continue to be supported.
- Update watchdog dependency from 3.x to 4.x, fix new type issues
- The dashboard needs to display historical logs, so log files are
written out under the .smartsim directory and files under the
experiment directory are symlinked to them.
- Add an option to smart build
\"\--torch_with_mkl\"/\"\--no_torch_with_mkl\" to prevent Torch from
trying to link in the Intel Math Kernel Library. This is needed
because on machines that have the Intel compilers installed, the
Torch will unconditionally try to link in this library, however
fails because the linking flags are incorrect.
- Change typing\_extensions and pydantic versions in readthedocs
environment to enable docs build.
- Promote devices to a dedicated Enum type throughout the SmartSim
code base.
- Update the telemetry monitor to enable retrieval of metrics on a
scheduled interval. Switch basic experiment tracking telemetry to
default to on. Add database metric collectors. Improve telemetry
monitor logging. Create telemetry subpackage at
[smartsim.\_core.utils.telemetry]{.title-ref}. Refactor telemetry
monitor entrypoint.
- Users can now specify node features for a Slurm job through
`SrunSettings.set_node_feature`. The method accepts a string or list
of strings.
- The request to the colocated entrypoints file within the shell
script is now a blocking process. Once the Orchestrator is setup, it
returns which moves the process to the background and allows the
application to start. This prevents the application from requesting
a ML model or script that has not been uploaded to the Orchestrator
- Add checks and tests to ensure SmartSim users cannot initialize run
settings with a list of lists as the exe_args argument.
- Add readthedocs configuration file and enable readthedocs builds on
pull requests. Additionally added robots.txt file generation when
readthedocs environment detected.
- Add Github Actions workflow that checks if changelog is edited on
pull requests into develop.
- Add path to MathJax.js file so that Sphinx will use to render math
- Removed deprecated SmartSim modules: slurm and mpirunSettings.
- Implemented new structure of SmartSim documentation. Added examples
images and further detail of SmartSim components.
- Promote SmartSim statuses to a dedicated type named SmartSimStatus.
- Update Redis version to [7.2.4]{.title-ref}. This change fixes an
issue in the Redis build scripts causing failures on Apple Silicon
- The container which builds the documentation for every merge to
develop was failing due to a lack of space within the container.
This was fixed by including an additional Github action that removes
some unneeded software and files that come from the default Github
Ubuntu container.
- Update the generic [t.Any]{.title-ref} typehints in Experiment API.
- The CI will fail static analysis if common erroneous truthy checks
are detected.
- Prevent the launch of duplicate named entities. Allow completed
entities to run.
- The CI will fail static analysis if a local variable used while
potentially undefined.
- Remove previously deprecated behavior present in test suite on
machines with Slurm and Open MPI.
- Experiments in the WLM tests are given explicit paths to prevent
unexpected directory creation. Ensure database are not left open on
test suite failures. Update path to pickle file in
to conform with changes made in
- When calling `Experiment.start` SmartSim would register a signal
handler that would capture an interrupt signal (\^C) to kill any
jobs launched through its `JobManager`. This would replace the
default (or user defined) signal handler. SmartSim will now attempt
to kill any launched jobs before calling the previously registered
signal handler.


Released on 16 February, 2024


- Patch SmartSim dependency version

Detailed Notes

- A critical performance concern was identified and addressed in
SmartRedis. A patch fix was deployed, and SmartSim was updated to
ensure users do not inadvertently pull the unpatched version of


Released on 15 February, 2024


- Duplicate for DBModel/Script prevented
- Update license to include 2024
- Telemetry monitor is now active by default
- Add support for Mac OSX on Apple Silicon
- Remove Torch warnings during testing
- Validate Slurm timing format
- Expose Python Typehints
- Fix test_logs to prevent generation of directory
- Fix Python Typehint for colocated database settings
- Python 3.11 Support
- Quality of life [smart validate]{.title-ref} improvements
- Remove Cobalt support
- Enrich logging through context variables
- Upgrade Machine Learning dependencies
- Override sphinx-tabs background color
- Add concurrency group to test workflow
- Fix index when installing torch through smart build

Detailed Notes

- Modify the [git clone]{.title-ref} for both Redis and RedisAI to set
the line endings to unix-style line endings when using MacOS on ARM.
- Separate install instructions are now provided for Mac OSX on x64 vs
- Prevent duplicate ML model and script names being added to an
Ensemble member if the names exists.
- Updates [Copyright (c) 2021-2023]{.title-ref} to [Copyright (c)
2021-2024]{.title-ref} in all of the necessary files.
- Bug fix which prevents the expected behavior when the
[SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL]{.title-ref} environment variable was set to
- Sets the default value of the \"enable telemetry\" flag to on. Bumps
the output [manifest.json]{.title-ref} version number to match that
of [smartdashboard]{.title-ref} and pins a watchdog version to avoid
build errors.
- Refactor logic of [Manifest.has_db_objects]{.title-ref} to remove
excess branching and improve readability/maintainability.
- SmartSim can now be built and used on platforms using Apple Silicon
(ARM64). Currently, only the PyTorch backend is supported. Note that
libtorch will be downloaded from a CrayLabs github repo.
- Tests that were saving Torch models were emitting warnings. These
warnings were addressed by updating the model save test function.
- Validate the timing format when requesting a slurm allocation.
- Add and ship [py.typed]{.title-ref} marker to expose inline type
hints. Fix type errors related to SmartRedis.
- Fix the []{.title-ref} test that was
erroneously creating a directory named [some value]{.title-ref} in
SmartSim\'s root directory.
- Add Python type hinting to colocated settings.
- Add github actions for running black and isort checks.
- Relax the required version of [typing_extensions]{.title-ref}.
- Addition of Python 3.11 to SmartSim.
- Quality of life [smart validate]{.title-ref} improvements such as
setting [CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES]{.title-ref} environment variable
within [smart validate]{.title-ref} prior to importing any ML deps
to prevent false negatives on multi-GPU systems. Additionally, move
SmartRedis logs from standard out to dedicated log file in the
validation temporary directory as well as suppress
[sklearn]{.title-ref} deprecation warning by pinning
[KMeans]{.title-ref} constructor argument. Lastly, move TF test to
last as TF may reserve the GPUs it uses.
- Some actions in the current GitHub CI/CD workflows were outdated.
They were replaced with the latest versions.
- As the Cobalt workload manager is not used on any system we are
aware of, its support in SmartSim was terminated and classes such as
[CobaltLauncher]{.title-ref} have been removed.
- Experiment logs are written to a file that can be read by the
- Updated SmartSim\'s machine learning backends to PyTorch 2.0.1,
Tensorflow 2.13.1, ONNX 1.14.1, and ONNX Runtime 1.16.1. As a result
of this change, there is now an available ONNX wheel for use with
Python 3.10, and wheels for all of SmartSim\'s machine learning
backends with Python 3.11.
- The sphinx-tabs documentation extension uses a white background for
the tabs component. A custom CSS for those components to inherit the
overall theme color has been added.
- Add concurrency groups to GitHub\'s CI/CD workflows, preventing
multiple workflows from the same PR to be launched concurrently.
- Torch changed their preferred indexing when trying to install their
provided wheels. Updated the [pip install]{.title-ref} command
within [smart build]{.title-ref} to ensure that the appropriate
packages can be found.


Released on 18 December, 2023


- Conflicting directives in the SmartSim packaging instructions were
- [sacct]{.title-ref} and [sstat]{.title-ref} errors are now fatal for
Slurm-based workflow executions
- Added documentation section about ML features and TorchScript
- Added TorchScript functions to Online Analysis tutorial
- Added multi-DB example to documentation
- Improved test stability on HPC systems
- Added support for producing & consuming telemetry outputs
- Split tests into groups for parallel execution in CI/CD pipeline
- Change signature of [Experiment.summary()]{.title-ref}
- Expose first_device parameter for scripts, functions, models
- Added support for MINBATCHTIMEOUT in model execution
- Remove support for RedisAI 1.2.5, use RedisAI 1.2.7 commit
- Add support for multiple databases

Detailed Notes

- Several conflicting directives between the []{.title-ref}
and the [setup.cfg]{.title-ref} were fixed to mitigate warnings
issued when building the pip wheel.
- When the Slurm functions [sacct]{.title-ref} and [sstat]{.title-ref}
returned an error, it would be ignored and SmartSim\'s state could
become inconsistent. To prevent this, errors raised by
[sacct]{.title-ref} or [sstat]{.title-ref} now result in an
- A section named *ML Features* was added to documentation. It
contains multiple examples of how ML models and functions can be
added to and executed on the DB. TorchScript-based post-processing
was added to the *Online Analysis* tutorial
- An example of how to use multiple Orchestrators concurrently was
added to the documentation
- The test infrastructure was improved. Tests on HPC system are now
stable, and issues such as non-stopped [Orchestrators]{.title-ref}
or experiments created in the wrong paths have been fixed
- A telemetry monitor was added to check updates and produce events
for SmartDashboard
- Split tests into [group_a]{.title-ref}, [group_b]{.title-ref},
[slow_tests]{.title-ref} for parallel execution in CI/CD pipeline
- Change [format]{.title-ref} argument to [style]{.title-ref} in
[Experiment.summary()]{.title-ref}, this is an API break
- Added support for first_device parameter for scripts, functions, and
models. This causes them to be loaded to the first num_devices
beginning with first_device
- Added support for MINBATCHTIMEOUT in model execution, which caps the
delay waiting for a minimium number of model execution operations to
accumulate before executing them as a batch
- RedisAI 1.2.5 is not supported anymore. The only RedisAI version is
now 1.2.7. Since the officially released RedisAI 1.2.7 has a bug
which breaks the build process on Mac OSX, it was decided to use
from RedisAI\'s GitHub repository, where such bug has been fixed.
This applies to all operating systems.
- Add support for creation of multiple databases with unique


Released on 14 September, 2023


- Add typehints throughout the SmartSim codebase
- Provide support for Slurm heterogeneous jobs
- Provide better support for [PalsMpiexecSettings]{.title-ref}
- Allow for easier inspection of SmartSim entities
- Log ignored error messages from [sacct]{.title-ref}
- Fix colocated db preparation bug when using
- Fix bug when user specify CPU and devices greater than 1
- Fix bug when get_allocation called with reserved keywords
- Enabled mypy in CI for better type safety
- Mitigate additional suppressed pylint errors
- Update linting support and apply to existing errors
- Various improvements to the [smart]{.title-ref} CLI
- Various documentation improvements
- Various test suite improvements

Detailed Notes

- Add methods to allow users to inspect files attached to models and
- Add a [smart info]{.title-ref} target to provide rudimentary
information about the SmartSim installation.
- Remove unnecessary generation producing unexpected directories in
the test suite.
- Add support for heterogeneous jobs to [SrunSettings]{.title-ref} by
allowing users to set the [\--het-group]{.title-ref} parameter.
- Provide clearer guidelines on how to contribute to SmartSim.
- Integrate [PalsMpiexecSettings]{.title-ref} into the
[Experiment]{.title-ref} factory methods when using the
[\"pals\"]{.title-ref} launcher.
- Create public properties where appropriate to mitigate
[protected-access]{.title-ref} errors.
- Fix a failure to execute [\_prep_colocated_db]{.title-ref} due to
incorrect named attr check.
- Enabled and mitigated mypy [disallow_any_generics]{.title-ref} and
- Add a [smart validate]{.title-ref} target to provide a simple smoke
test to assess a SmartSim build.
- Add typehints to [smartsim.\_core.launcher.step.\*]{.title-ref}.
- Log errors reported from slurm WLM when attempts to retrieve status
- Fix incorrectly formatted positional arguments in log format
- Ensure that launchers pass environment variables to unmanaged job
- Add additional tests surrounding the [RAI_PATH]{.title-ref}
configuration environment variable.
- Remove unnecessary execution of unescaped shell commands.
- Add error if user calls get_allocation with reserved keywords in
slurm get_allocation.
- Add error when user requests CPU with devices greater than 1 within
add_ml_model and add_script.
- Update documentation surrounding ensemble key prefixing.
- Fix formatting of the Frontier site installation.
- Update pylint dependency, update .pylintrc, mitigate non-breaking
issues, suppress api breaks.
- Refactor the [smart]{.title-ref} CLI to use subparsers for better
documentation and extension.


Released on 6 July, 2023


A full list of changes and detailed notes can be found below:

- Update SmartRedis dependency to v0.4.1
- Fix tests for db models and scripts
- Fix add_ml_model() and add_script() documentation, tests, and code
- Remove [requirements.txt]{.title-ref} and other places where
dependencies were defined
- Replace [limit_app_cpus]{.title-ref} with
[limit_db_cpus]{.title-ref} for co-located orchestrators
- Remove wait time associated with Experiment launch summary
- Update and rename Redis conf file
- Migrate from redis-py-cluster to redis-py
- Update full test suite to not require a TF wheel at test time
- Update doc strings
- Remove deprecated code
- Relax the coloredlogs version
- Update Fortran tutorials for SmartRedis
- Add support for multiple network interface binding in Orchestrator
and Colocated DBs
- Add typehints and static analysis

Detailed notes

- Updates SmartRedis to the most current release
- Fixes and enhancements to documentation
- Various fixes and enhancements to the test suite
- Fix a defect in the tests related to database models and scripts
that was causing key collisions when testing on workload managers
- Remove [requirements.txt]{.title-ref} and other places where
dependencies were defined.
- Fix defect where dictionaries used to create run settings can be
changed unexpectedly due to copy-by-ref
- The underlying code for Model.add_ml_model() and Model.add_script()
was fixed to correctly handle multi-GPU configurations. Tests were
updated to run on non-local launchers. Documentation was updated and
fixed. Also, the default testing interface has been changed to lo
instead of ipogif.
- Typehints have been added. A makefile target [make
check-mypy]{.title-ref} executes static analysis with mypy.
- Replace [limit_app_cpus]{.title-ref} with
[limit_db_cpus]{.title-ref} for co-located orchestrators. This
resolves some incorrect behavior/assumptions about how the
application would be pinned. Instead, users should directly specify
the binding options in their application using the options
appropriate for their launcher
- Simplify code in [random_permutations]{.title-ref} parameter
generation strategy
- Remove wait time associated with Experiment launch summary
- Update Redis conf file to conform with Redis v7.0.5 conf file
- Migrate from redis-py-cluster to redis-py for cluster status checks
- Update full test suite to no longer require a tensorflow wheel to be
available at test time.
- Correct spelling of colocated in doc strings
- Deprecated launcher-specific orchestrators, constants, and ML
utilities were removed.
- Relax the coloredlogs version to be greater than 10.0
- Update the Github Actions runner image from
[macos-10.15]{.title-ref}[ to \`macos-12]{.title-ref}\`. The former
began deprecation in May 2022 and was finally removed in May 2023.
- The Fortran tutorials had not been fully updated to show how to
handle return/error codes. These have now all been updated.
- Orchestrator and Colocated DB now accept a list of interfaces to
bind to. The argument name is still [interface]{.title-ref} for
backward compatibility reasons.
- Typehints have been added to public APIs. A makefile target to
execute static analysis with mypy is available [make

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