**This release includes potentially breaking changes.**
**As of this release, `Categories.ENABLED` is deprecated and replaced with `Categories.PRINT`. It will continue to work for now but will be removed in a later release.**
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MurdoMaclachlan/smooth_logger/compare/0.3.0...1.0.0
New Features
* Added `Logger.is_scope()`, which can be used to check if a scope exists and optionally if it matches a given category. (MurdoMaclachlan: 8)
* `Logger.get()` can now be queried for a specific number of log entries. (MurdoMaclachlan: 18)
* Replaced `Categories.ENABLED` with `Categories.PRINT` and added `Categories.SAVE`, allowing greater control over printing and saving of log files. (MurdoMaclachlan: 18)
* Removed integration with `smooth_logger` library. (MurdoMaclachlan: 20)
* Replaced "NOSCOPE" system with None value. This is a potentially breaking change. (MurdoMaclachlan: 13)
* `_get_time()` now uses a more efficient boolean argument in place of a String method. (MurdoMaclachlan: 16)
* `_get_time()` is now protected rather than private. (MurdoMaclachlan: 6)
* Reduced privatisation of logger attributes: `is_empty` and `program_name` are now public, while `log`, `output_path` and `scopes` are protected. (MurdoMaclachlan: 6)
* Moved `__create_log_folder()` to protected `_create_folder()` to improve extendability. (MurdoMaclachlan: 7)
* Replaced fatal error log in `__define_output_path()` with `OSError`, allowing it to be cleanly caught by end-user programs. (MurdoMaclachlan: 14)