^ (bad-whitespace)
C:466, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
TAUS = [
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:467, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
500, 1000, 2000,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:468, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
int(2 * np.sqrt(HORIZON * np.log(HORIZON) / (1 + NB_BREAK_POINTS))), "optimal" value according to [Garivier & Moulines, 2008]
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:472, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:473, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
0.95, 0.99,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:474, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
max(min(1, (1 - np.sqrt((1 + NB_BREAK_POINTS) / HORIZON)) / 4.), 0), "optimal" value according to [Garivier & Moulines, 2008]
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:482, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:482, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:484, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:484, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:484, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:489, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:489, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:489, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:491, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:491, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:491, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:493, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:493, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:493, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:493, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:499, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:499, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:499, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:503, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:503, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:503, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:506, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:506, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:506, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:515, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:515, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:515, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:519, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": {
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:524, 0: No space allowed before bracket
} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:540, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": {
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:544, 0: No space allowed before bracket
} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:565, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:565, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:565, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:577, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:577, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:577, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:577, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:594, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:594, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:594, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:604, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:604, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:604, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:611, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": { "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "policy": policy,
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:611, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": { "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "policy": policy,
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:612, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 55 spaces).
"per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:613, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 55 spaces).
"full_restart_when_refresh": full_restart_when_refresh,
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:614, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 57 spaces).
} }
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:614, 0: No space allowed before bracket
} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
W: 25, 4: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Wildcard import SMPyBandits.Arms (wildcard-import)
W: 31, 4: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Wildcard import SMPyBandits.Policies (wildcard-import)
W:113, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
W:138, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
W:163, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
W:188, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
W:214, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
W:248, 0: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (using-constant-test)
C:353,27: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:361,62: Redefining name 'listOfMeans' from outer scope (line 382) (redefined-outer-name)
W:361,75: Redefining name 'changePoints' from outer scope (line 383) (redefined-outer-name)
W: 27, 4: Unused import json from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import shuffled from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import uniformMeansWithSparsity from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithGapBetweenMbestMworst from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithSparsity from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithSparsity2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import array_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import list_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import tuple_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import optimal_selection_probabilities from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import geometricChangePoints from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import continuouslyVaryingMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomContinuouslyVaryingMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import shuffle from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import copy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Constant from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UniformArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Binomial from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Poisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedPoisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_1 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_5 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_10 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_100 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m1_1 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m2_2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m5_5 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m10_10 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m100_100 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedGaussian from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Exponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import ExponentialFromMean from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedExponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import GammaFromMean from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedGamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import DiscreteArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import testmod from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BasePolicy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BaseWrapperPolicy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Gauss from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Uniform from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UniformOnSome from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import TakeFixedArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import TakeRandomFixedArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonGreedy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonFirst from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonDecreasingMEGA from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonExpDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EmpiricalMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_KnownGap from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_RandomStop from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_FixedBudget from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_SPRT from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_BAI from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DeltaUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Softmax from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftmaxDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftMix from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftmaxWithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3Decreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3SoftMix from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3WithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3ELM from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ProbabilityPursuit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BoltzmannGumbel from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Hedge from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import HedgeDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import HedgeWithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBmin from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBplus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBrandomInit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBimproved from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBV from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBVtuned from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseklUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseWrapper from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import CPUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSS from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSAnytime from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSExperimental from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BayesUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBloglog from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBHPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBPlusPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBswitch from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBswitchAnytime from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DMED from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DMEDPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import IMED from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OCUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import AOCUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OCUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBdagger from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import GaussianOSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseOSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB_DecreasingRate from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB_AutoDecreasingRate from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BESA from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_sq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_bq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_h from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_lb from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_t from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb_t from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb_t_sq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoostEpsilon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import AdBandits from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Aggregator from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import CORRAL from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import LearnExp from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import GenericAggregation from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ApproximatedFHGittins from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SlidingWindowRestart from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_UCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_UCBalpha from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_klUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DiscountedUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DoublingTrickWrapper from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__arithmetic from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__geometric from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__exponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__exponential_fast from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__exponential_slow from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__exponential_generic from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import breakpoints from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_geometric from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_exponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_intermediate_sqrti from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_intermediate_i13 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_intermediate_i23 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_intermediate_i12_logi12 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Ti_intermediate_i_by_logi from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import WrapRange from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MusicalChair from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import optimalT0 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MusicalChairNoSensing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB_UCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB_klUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import TrekkingTSN from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MEGA from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import with_proba from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import jit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbExp from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbGauss from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbPoisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbGamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
C: 33, 4: Imports from package SMPyBandits are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module SMPyBandits.configuration_sparse_multiplayers
W: 49, 0: XXX do not let this = False To profile the code, turn down parallel computing (fixme)
W:133, 0: XXX Default! (fixme)
W:164, 0: XXX compute optimal values for d (MEGA's parameter) (fixme)
E: 25, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 25, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
C: 25, 0: Import "from Arms import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 28, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C: 28, 0: Import "from Environment import MAB" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 31, 0: Unable to import 'Environment.CollisionModels' (import-error)
W: 31, 0: Wildcard import Environment.CollisionModels (wildcard-import)
C: 31, 0: Import "from Environment.CollisionModels import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 34, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 34, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
C: 34, 0: Import "from Policies import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 35, 0: Unable to import 'PoliciesMultiPlayers' (import-error)
W: 35, 0: Wildcard import PoliciesMultiPlayers (wildcard-import)
C: 35, 0: Import "from PoliciesMultiPlayers import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 71,14: Undefined variable 'tuple_from_str' (undefined-variable)
E: 72,14: Undefined variable 'tuple_from_str' (undefined-variable)
E: 88,11: Undefined variable 'mapping_ARM_TYPE' (undefined-variable)
E: 92, 8: Undefined variable 'tuple_from_str' (undefined-variable)
E: 99,16: Undefined variable 'uniformMeans' (undefined-variable)
E:185, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:185,32: Undefined variable 'Uniform' (undefined-variable)
E:187, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:187,32: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:188, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:188,32: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:189, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:189,32: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:190, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:190,32: Undefined variable 'Exp3PlusPlus' (undefined-variable)
E:204,15: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:204,43: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
W: 18, 0: Unused numpy imported as np (unused-import)
W: 28, 0: Unused MAB imported from Environment (unused-import)
************* Module SMPyBandits.configuration_sparse
W: 44, 0: XXX To profile the code, turn down parallel computing (fixme)
W: 54, 0: XXX do not let this = False To profile the code, turn down parallel computing (fixme)
W: 71, 0: XXX do not let this = False (fixme)
W: 92, 0: XXX do not let this = False if you want to test my Aggregator policy (fixme)
W: 95, 0: XXX to disable manually this feature (fixme)
W:131, 0: WARNING That's nonsense, rewards of unbounded distributions just don't have lower, amplitude values... (fixme)
W:241, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
W:367, 0: XXX It fails completely! (fixme)
W:377, 0: XXX It fails completely! (fixme)
W:397, 0: XXX exactly like UCB ! (fixme)
W:485, 0: WARNING Gaussian posterior is still experimental and VERY slow (fixme)
W:513, 0: XXX does not work yet! (fixme)
W:521, 0: XXX does not work yet! (fixme)
W:532, 0: XXX test to change these values! (fixme)
W:533, 0: XXX test to change these values! (fixme)
W:600, 0: XXX Very simulation-specific settings! (fixme)
W:621, 0: XXX uncomment to give the value of horizon to have a better learning rate (fixme)
C:133, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:134, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:135, 0: Wrong hanging indentation.
| | ^ (bad-continuation)
C:161, 0: No space allowed after bracket
MEANS = np.asarray([ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.split(',') ], dtype=float)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:161, 0: No space allowed before bracket
MEANS = np.asarray([ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.split(',') ], dtype=float)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:269, 0: No space allowed after bracket
"environment": [ {
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:270, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:271, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"params": [
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:275, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"sparsity": SPARSITY,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:604, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:605, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
E: 24, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 24, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
C: 24, 0: Import "from Arms import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 27, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 27, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
C: 27, 0: Import "from Policies import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E:146,11: Undefined variable 'mapping_ARM_TYPE' (undefined-variable)
E:153, 8: Undefined variable 'uniformMeansWithSparsity' (undefined-variable)
C:155, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E:245,28: Undefined variable 'randomMeansWithSparsity' (undefined-variable)
E:263, 4: Unable to import 'Policies.OSSB' (import-error)
E:264,12: Undefined variable 'uniformMeansWithSparsity' (undefined-variable)
W:311, 7: Catching too general exception Exception (broad-except)
W:319,21: Unused argument 'precision' (unused-argument)
W:328,21: Unused argument 'precision' (unused-argument)
E:337,24: Undefined variable 'EmpiricalMeans' (undefined-variable)
E:351,24: Undefined variable 'UCBalpha' (undefined-variable)
E:359,24: Undefined variable 'SparseUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:388,24: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:390,25: Undefined variable 'klucbBern' (undefined-variable)
E:412,24: Undefined variable 'SparseklUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:453,24: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:455,29: Undefined variable 'Beta' (undefined-variable)
E:461,24: Undefined variable 'SparseWrapper' (undefined-variable)
E:464,26: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:465,29: Undefined variable 'Beta' (undefined-variable)
E:473,24: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:475,29: Undefined variable 'Gauss' (undefined-variable)
E:481,24: Undefined variable 'SparseWrapper' (undefined-variable)
E:484,26: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:485,29: Undefined variable 'Gauss' (undefined-variable)
E:493,24: Undefined variable 'BayesUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:495,29: Undefined variable 'Beta' (undefined-variable)
E:500,24: Undefined variable 'SparseWrapper' (undefined-variable)
E:503,26: Undefined variable 'BayesUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:504,29: Undefined variable 'Beta' (undefined-variable)
E:511,24: Undefined variable 'BayesUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:513,29: Undefined variable 'Gauss' (undefined-variable)
E:518,24: Undefined variable 'SparseWrapper' (undefined-variable)
E:521,29: Undefined variable 'Gauss' (undefined-variable)
E:522,26: Undefined variable 'BayesUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:530,24: Undefined variable 'OSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:538,24: Undefined variable 'GaussianOSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:547,24: Undefined variable 'SparseOSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:555,24: Undefined variable 'SparseOSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:563,24: Undefined variable 'SparseOSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:571,24: Undefined variable 'SparseOSSB' (undefined-variable)
E:584,20: Undefined variable 'SparseWrapper' (undefined-variable)
E:586,22: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:612,28: Undefined variable 'Aggregator' (undefined-variable)
C:263, 4: Imports from package Policies are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit
W:557, 0: FIXME (fixme)
W:775, 0: XXX nope, that was a mistake: it is only true for the Gaussian kl ! (fixme)
W:845, 0: XXX nope, that was a mistake: it is only true for the Gaussian kl ! (fixme)
W:1263, 0: FIXME\n cdef double h = log(T / UpsilonT) / C1\n return h\n\nimport numpy as np\ncimport numpy as np\n See http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/src/userguide/numpy_tutorial.htmlefficient-indexing-with-memoryviews\n\ndef PHT_cython(\n double[:] all_data,\n int t,\n float epsilon=EPSILON,\n int M=MIN_NUMBER_OF_OBSERVATION_BETWEEN_CHANGE_POINT,\n ) -> bool:\n r""" Cython version of PHT. Detect a change in the current arm, using the two-sided PHT algorithm [Hinkley, 1971].\n\n - For each *data* k, compute:\n\n .. math::\n\n s_k^- &= y_k - \\hat{y}_k - \\varepsilon,\\\\\n s_k^+ &= \\hat{y}_k - y_k - \\varepsilon,\\\\\n g_k^+ &= max(0, g_{k-1}^+ + s_k^+),\\\\\n g_k^- &= max(0, g_{k-1}^- + s_k^-).\n\n - The change is detected if :math:`\\max(g_k^+, g_k^-) > h`, where :attr:`threshold_h` is the threshold of the test,\n - And :math:`\\hat{y}_k = \\frac{1}{k} \\sum_{s=1}^{k} y_s` is the mean of the first k samples.\n """\n cdef double[:] data = all_data[:t]\n compute parameters\n cdef int horizon = len(all_data)\n cdef float threshold_h = compute_h__CUSUM_cython(horizon, M=M, nbArms=1, epsilon=epsilon)\n\n cdef int k = 0\n cdef int len_data = len(data)\n cdef double gp = 0.0\n cdef double gm = 0.0\n cdef double y_k, y_k_hat\n First we use the first M samples to calculate the average :math:`\\hat{u_0}`.\n while k < len_data:\n y_k = data[k]\n y_k_hat = np.mean(data[:k])\n gp = max(0, gp + y_k_hat - y_k - epsilon)\n gm = max(0, gm + y_k - y_k_hat - epsilon)\n if gp >= threshold_h or gm >= threshold_h:\n return True\n k += 1\n return False') (fixme)
C: 10, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C: 64, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C: 68, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C: 72, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:122, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:128, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:130, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:152, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:155, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:159, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:163, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:165, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:354, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:371, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:374, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:430, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:433, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:450, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:503, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:505, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:507, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:514, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:542, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:543, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:544, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:545, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:546, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:547, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:548, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:549, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 16 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:567, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:568, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:569, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:570, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 8 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:573, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:618, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:620, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:622, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:629, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:638, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:639, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:640, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:641, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 8 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:644, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:688, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:690, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:693, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:696, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:719, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:721, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:745, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:782, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klGauss(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:782, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klGauss(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:790, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:792, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:815, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:852, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klBern(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:852, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klBern(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:860, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:863, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:865, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:868, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:871, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:875, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:881, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:907, 0: No space allowed after bracket
* 2 * max(0, np.log(( 2 * (t - t0) * np.sqrt(t - t0 + 2)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:907, 0: No space allowed before bracket
* 2 * max(0, np.log(( 2 * (t - t0) * np.sqrt(t - t0 + 2)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:916, 0: No space allowed after bracket
((1.0 + (1.0 / (s - t0 + 1))) / (s - t0 + 1)) * max(0, np.log( (4 * np.sqrt(s - t0 + 2)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:916, 0: No space allowed before bracket
((1.0 + (1.0 / (s - t0 + 1))) / (s - t0 + 1)) * max(0, np.log( (4 * np.sqrt(s - t0 + 2)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:918, 0: No space allowed after bracket
((1.0 + (1.0 / (t - s + 1))) / (t - s + 1)) * max(0, np.log( (4 * (t - t0) * np.sqrt(t - s + 1)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:918, 0: No space allowed before bracket
((1.0 + (1.0 / (t - s + 1))) / (t - s + 1)) * max(0, np.log( (4 * (t - t0) * np.sqrt(t - s + 1)) / delta ))
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:940, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:948, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:954, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:970, 0: No space allowed after bracket
glr = abs( np.mean(data[s+1 : t+1]) - np.mean(data[t0 : s+1]) )
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:970, 0: No space allowed before bracket
glr = abs( np.mean(data[s+1 : t+1]) - np.mean(data[t0 : s+1]) )
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:991, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1013, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 12 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1014, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 17 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1029, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1042, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klGauss_numba(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1042, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klGauss_numba(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1063, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 13 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1064, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 18 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1079, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1092, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klBern_numba(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1092, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klBern_numba(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1110, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1119, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1125, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1146, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 14 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1147, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 19 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1162, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1175, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klGauss_cython(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1175, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klGauss_cython(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1192, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 15 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1193, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 20 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1208, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1221, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
kl_after = klBernoulli_cython(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1221, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
kl_after = klBernoulli_cython(mean_after, mean_all)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1229, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1236, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1240, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1242, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1251, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1283, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1285, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1325, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1327, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1330, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1332, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1429, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1454, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 16 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1652, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1655, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1658, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1704, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 18 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1710, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1715, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1727, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1764, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1780, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
for i, delta in tqdm(enumerate(values_Delta), desc="Delta s ||", leave=False)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1781, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
for j, tau in tqdm(enumerate(values_tau), desc="Tau s ||", leave=False)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1781, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
for j, tau in tqdm(enumerate(values_tau), desc="Tau s ||", leave=False)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1782, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
for rep in tqdm(range(repetitions), desc="Repetitions||", leave=False)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1847, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1865, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 17 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1869, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:1876, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 15 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2142, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:2145, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:2175, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 18 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2182, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:2205, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2206, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2207, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2208, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2209, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2210, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2211, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2212, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2213, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2214, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2215, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 9 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2216, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2255, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2256, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2257, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2258, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2259, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2260, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2261, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2262, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2263, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2264, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2265, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 7 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2266, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 25 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2269, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2270, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2271, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2272, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2273, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2274, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2275, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2276, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2277, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2278, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2279, 0: Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
|^ (bad-continuation)
C:2280, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 17 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:2293, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C: 1, 0: Too many lines in module (2751/1000) (too-many-lines)
C: 1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
E: 19, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E: 20, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E: 21, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
C: 27, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 28, 0: Import "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 29, 0: Import "import numba" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
R: 43, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W: 78,29: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C: 78, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R: 79, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:105,28: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:105,42: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:105, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:106, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:260,35: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:311,41: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:311, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:326,40: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:326,54: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:326, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:384, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
C:393, 4: Missing method docstring (missing-docstring)
R:384, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
C:426, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
R:426, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
C:466, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
R:471, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:471,11: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'threshold_b' member (no-member)
E:472,20: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
E:472,20: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'threshold_b' member (no-member)
E:475,20: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
W:491, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:487,23: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
E:492,22: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'threshold_b' member (no-member)
E:494,34: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
E:496,28: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
E:497,45: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
E:498,45: Instance of 'Monitored' has no 'window_size' member (no-member)
R:466, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
C:536, 0: Import "from scipy.special import comb" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:542,21: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:547, 8: Redefining name 'epsilon' from outer scope (line 1953) (redefined-outer-name)
W:551, 4: Redefining name 'T' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:557,16: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:543, 8: Unused argument 'verbose' (unused-argument)
W:548, 8: Unused argument 'lmbda' (unused-argument)
W:553, 4: Unused variable 'K' (unused-variable)
C:565, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
W:567,10: Redefining name 'epsilon' from outer scope (line 1953) (redefined-outer-name)
R:575, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:575,11: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:576,20: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:576,66: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:576,20: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:578,20: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:578,66: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'M' member (no-member)
W:598, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:599,22: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:600,11: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:601,52: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:601,71: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:605,30: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:607,20: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:609,31: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:610,31: Instance of 'CUSUM' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
R:565, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
C:636, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
W:638,10: Redefining name 'epsilon' from outer scope (line 1953) (redefined-outer-name)
R:646, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:646,11: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:647,20: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:647,64: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:647,20: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:649,20: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:649,64: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'M' member (no-member)
W:669, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:670,22: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:672,52: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'M' member (no-member)
E:672,71: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:678,33: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
E:679,33: Instance of 'PHT' has no 'epsilon' member (no-member)
R:636, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
W:703,26: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:710, 4: Redefining name 'T' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:714,30: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:742, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
R:747, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:747,11: Instance of 'GaussianGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:748,20: Instance of 'GaussianGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
W:766, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:769,22: Instance of 'GaussianGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
R:742, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
C:812, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
R:817, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:817,11: Instance of 'BernoulliGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
E:818,20: Instance of 'BernoulliGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
W:836, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:839,22: Instance of 'BernoulliGLR' has no 'threshold_h' member (no-member)
R:812, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
W:904,58: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:904, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:914,61: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:914, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:925,52: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:925, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:926, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
C:937, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
W:938,36: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
E:942,16: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'delta' member (no-member)
E:942,16: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'sigma' member (no-member)
E:942,100: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'joint' member (no-member)
W:961, 8: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:962,16: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'delta' member (no-member)
E:969,78: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'sigma' member (no-member)
E:969,96: Instance of 'SubGaussianGLR' has no 'joint' member (no-member)
R:937, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
W:998, 0: Reimport 'numba' (imported line 29) (reimported)
C:998, 0: Import "import numba" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C:1005, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:1028, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1053, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:1078, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:1133, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1139, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1161, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:1165,25: Undefined variable 'compute_c_alpha__GLR' (undefined-variable)
E:1174,20: Undefined variable 'klGauss_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1175,20: Undefined variable 'klGauss_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1185, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1207, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
E:1211,25: Undefined variable 'compute_c_alpha__GLR' (undefined-variable)
E:1220,20: Undefined variable 'klBernoulli_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1221,20: Undefined variable 'klBernoulli_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1263, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1271, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1279, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1307, 4: Undefined variable 'PHT_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1307,16: Undefined variable 'GaussianGLR_cython' (undefined-variable)
E:1307,36: Undefined variable 'BernoulliGLR_cython' (undefined-variable)
C:1339, 0: Import "import inspect" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E:1351,16: Undefined variable 'BernoulliGLR_cython' (undefined-variable)
C:1357, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1358, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
E:1373, 9: Undefined variable 'firstMean' (undefined-variable)
E:1374, 9: Undefined variable 'secondMean' (undefined-variable)
E:1378, 8: Undefined variable 'tau' (undefined-variable)
W:1386,17: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1386,32: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1386,48: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1386,58: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1386, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1438, 0: Import "from IPython.display import display, Markdown" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:1445,21: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1446,21: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1447,21: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1448,21: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1444, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1444, 0: Too many local variables (19/15) (too-many-locals)
W:1476,58: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'i' (undefined-loop-variable)
W:1476,79: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'i' (undefined-loop-variable)
C:1491, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1492, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
C:1505, 0: Import "import time" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:1511,26: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1513, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1511, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:1511,26: Unused argument 'tau' (unused-argument)
E:1539, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1549,26: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1550, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1549, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1551,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
E:1573, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1585,22: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1586, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1585, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1587,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
E:1609, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1619,27: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1620, 4: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1619, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1621,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
E:1643, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:1695,23: Redefining name 'values_Delta' from outer scope (line 1668) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1696,23: Redefining name 'values_tau' from outer scope (line 1678) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1697,23: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1698,23: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1706, 4: Redefining name 'nb_values_Delta' from outer scope (line 1667) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1707, 4: Redefining name 'nb_values_tau' from outer scope (line 1679) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1712,15: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1713,12: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1693, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1693, 0: Too many local variables (23/15) (too-many-locals)
C:1714,39: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:1722,24: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:1702,23: Unused argument 'n_jobs' (unused-argument)
W:1717,16: Unused variable 'rep' (unused-variable)
C:1733, 0: Import "from joblib import Parallel, delayed" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:1755,32: Redefining name 'values_Delta' from outer scope (line 1668) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1756,32: Redefining name 'values_tau' from outer scope (line 1678) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1757,32: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1758,32: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1766, 4: Redefining name 'nb_values_Delta' from outer scope (line 1667) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1767, 4: Redefining name 'nb_values_tau' from outer scope (line 1679) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1789,19: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1753, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1753, 0: Too many local variables (21/15) (too-many-locals)
W:1771,37: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1772, 8: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1771, 4: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1773,35: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:1771,42: Unused argument 'rep' (unused-argument)
W:1799, 0: Statement seems to have no effect (pointless-statement)
E:1805, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1811, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1817, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1823, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1829, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1835, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
C:1843, 0: Import "import matplotlib as mpl" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C:1846, 0: Import "import matplotlib.ticker as ticker" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:1847, 0: Reimport 'matplotlib.pyplot' (imported line 28) (reimported)
C:1847, 0: Import "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:1857,22: Redefining name 'values_Delta' from outer scope (line 1668) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1858,22: Redefining name 'values_tau' from outer scope (line 1678) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1859,22: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1860,22: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:1855, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:1855, 0: Too many local variables (18/15) (too-many-locals)
C:1890, 4: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
C:1890,32: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:1890,26: Unused argument 'pos' (unused-argument)
E:1915, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1921, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1927, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1935, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1941, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1981, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1987, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:1993, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2001, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2007, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2015, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2023, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2031, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2037, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2045, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2051, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2059, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2065, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2075, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2081, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2119, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2125, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2131, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:2165,23: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2166,23: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2167,23: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2168,23: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:2163, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:2163, 0: Too many local variables (22/15) (too-many-locals)
C:2176,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:2195,20: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:2172,23: Unused argument 'n_jobs' (unused-argument)
W:2186,15: Unused variable 'rep' (unused-variable)
W:2206,23: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2207,23: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2208,23: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2209,23: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:2204, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:2204, 0: Too many local variables (21/15) (too-many-locals)
C:2217,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:2224, 4: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:2256,23: Redefining name 'tau' from outer scope (line 2155) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2257,23: Redefining name 'firstMean' from outer scope (line 1949) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2258,23: Redefining name 'secondMean' from outer scope (line 2153) (redefined-outer-name)
W:2259,23: Redefining name 'horizon' from outer scope (line 1674) (redefined-outer-name)
C:2254, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
R:2254, 0: Too many local variables (21/15) (too-many-locals)
E:2329, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2335, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2341, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2349, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2368, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2386, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2411, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
C:2428, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:2428,36: Unused argument 'args' (unused-argument)
E:2448, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2454, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2460, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2478, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2494, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2500, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2506, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
C:2523, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:2523,35: Unused argument 'args' (unused-argument)
E:2543, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2561, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2579, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:2605, 4: Redefining name 'epsilon' from outer scope (line 1953) (redefined-outer-name)
C:2604, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:2604,29: Unused argument 'args' (unused-argument)
E:2626, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2634, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2642, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2660, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
W:2682, 4: Redefining name 'sigma' from outer scope (line 99) (redefined-outer-name)
C:2679, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:2679,38: Unused argument 'args' (unused-argument)
E:2701, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2707, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2725, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
E:2743, 0: Undefined variable 'get_ipython' (undefined-variable)
C:1339, 0: standard import "import inspect" should be placed before "import numpy as np" (wrong-import-order)
C:1505, 0: standard import "import time" should be placed before "import numpy as np" (wrong-import-order)
C:998, 0: Imports from package numba are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
C:1843, 0: Imports from package matplotlib are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module SMPyBandits.env_client
C: 41, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"arm_type": "Bernoulli",
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C: 42, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"params": {
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C: 26, 0: Import "import json" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 27, 0: Import "import socket" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 28, 0: Import "import time" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 34, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C: 34, 0: Import "from Environment import MAB, MarkovianMAB, ChangingAtEachRepMAB" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 35, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 35, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
C: 35, 0: Import "from Arms import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W:126, 9: Redefining name 'arguments' from outer scope (line 150) (redefined-outer-name)
************* Module SMPyBandits.example_of_configuration_multiplayers
W: 50, 0: XXX this is the best one (fixme)
W:106, 0: XXX Default (fixme)
W:117, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
W:144, 0: XXX This new SIC_MMAB algorithm (fixme)
W:172, 0: XXX stupid version with fixed T0 : cannot adapt to any problem (fixme)
W:177, 0: XXX cheated version, with known gap (epsilon < Delta) and proba of success 5% ! (fixme)
W:181, 0: XXX cheated version, with known gap and known horizon (proba of success delta < 1 / T) ! (fixme)
C: 87, 0: No space allowed after bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 87, 0: No space allowed before bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:145, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ SIC_MMAB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:145, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ SIC_MMAB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:146, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ SIC_MMAB_UCB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:146, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ SIC_MMAB_UCB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:147, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ SIC_MMAB_klUCB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:147, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ SIC_MMAB_klUCB(nbArms, HORIZON) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:173, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=50*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:173, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=50*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:174, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=100*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:174, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=100*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:175, 0: No space allowed after bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=150*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:175, 0: No space allowed before bracket
[ MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0=150*NB_ARMS) for _ in range(NB_PLAYERS) ],
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 13, 0: Import "from os import getenv" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 14, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 17, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 17, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
C: 17, 0: Import "from Arms import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 19, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C: 19, 0: Import "from Environment import MAB" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 21, 0: Unable to import 'Environment.CollisionModels' (import-error)
W: 21, 0: Wildcard import Environment.CollisionModels (wildcard-import)
C: 21, 0: Import "from Environment.CollisionModels import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 23, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 23, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
C: 23, 0: Import "from Policies import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 24, 0: Unable to import 'PoliciesMultiPlayers' (import-error)
W: 24, 0: Wildcard import PoliciesMultiPlayers (wildcard-import)
C: 24, 0: Import "from PoliciesMultiPlayers import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 50,17: Undefined variable 'onlyUniqUserGetsReward' (undefined-variable)
E: 74,11: Undefined variable 'mapping_ARM_TYPE' (undefined-variable)
E: 81, 8: Undefined variable 'uniformMeans' (undefined-variable)
W: 83, 0: Reimport 'numpy' (imported line 14) (reimported)
C: 83, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E:121,28: Undefined variable 'randomMeans' (undefined-variable)
E:145, 6: Undefined variable 'SIC_MMAB' (undefined-variable)
E:146, 6: Undefined variable 'SIC_MMAB_UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:147, 6: Undefined variable 'SIC_MMAB_klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:150, 4: Undefined variable 'rhoRand' (undefined-variable)
E:150,32: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:151, 4: Undefined variable 'rhoRand' (undefined-variable)
E:151,32: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:154, 4: Undefined variable 'RandTopM' (undefined-variable)
E:154,33: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:155, 4: Undefined variable 'RandTopM' (undefined-variable)
E:155,33: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:158, 4: Undefined variable 'MCTopM' (undefined-variable)
E:158,31: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:159, 4: Undefined variable 'MCTopM' (undefined-variable)
E:159,31: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:162, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:162,32: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:163, 4: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:163,32: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:169, 4: Undefined variable 'CentralizedMultiplePlay' (undefined-variable)
E:169,48: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:170, 4: Undefined variable 'CentralizedMultiplePlay' (undefined-variable)
E:170,48: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E:173, 6: Undefined variable 'MusicalChair' (undefined-variable)
E:174, 6: Undefined variable 'MusicalChair' (undefined-variable)
E:175, 6: Undefined variable 'MusicalChair' (undefined-variable)
E:187,15: Undefined variable 'Selfish' (undefined-variable)
E:187,43: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
W: 14, 0: Unused numpy imported as np (unused-import)
W: 19, 0: Unused MAB imported from Environment (unused-import)
C: 83, 0: Imports from package numpy are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module SMPyBandits.configuration
W: 51, 0: XXX To profile the code, turn down parallel computing (fixme)
W: 62, 0: XXX do not let this = False (fixme)
W:121, 0: XXX do not let this = False if you want to test my Aggregator policy (fixme)
W:125, 0: XXX do not let this = False if you want to test my Doubling Trick policy (fixme)
W:129, 0: XXX do not let this = False if you want to test my WrapRange policy (fixme)
W:132, 0: XXX do not let this = False if you want to test the non stationary policies (fixme)
W:136, 0: XXX to manually enable this feature? (fixme)
W:137, 0: XXX to manually disable this feature? (fixme)
W:142, 0: XXX do not let this = False (fixme)
W:171, 0: WARNING That's nonsense, rewards of unbounded distributions just don't have lower, amplitude values... (fixme)
W:225, 0: XXX Default (fixme)
W:230, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
W:255, 0: XXX A very easy problem, but it is used in a lot of articles (fixme)
W:259, 0: XXX Default! FIXME always bring this back as default after experimenting (fixme)
W:301, 0: XXX Exponential arms (fixme)
W:307, 0: XXX Gaussian arms (fixme)
W:317, 0: XXX Unbounded Gaussian arms (fixme)
W:323, 0: XXX DiscreteArm arms (fixme)
W:394, 0: XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem? (fixme)
W:400, 0: XXX Pb 1 changes are only on one arm at a time (fixme)
W:419, 0: XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem? (fixme)
W:425, 0: XXX Pb 2 changes are on all or almost arms at a time (fixme)
W:444, 0: XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem? (fixme)
W:450, 0: XXX Pb 3 changes are on all or almost arms at a time, but sequences don't have same length (fixme)
W:469, 0: XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem? (fixme)
W:476, 0: FIXME remove this "False and" to use this problem (fixme)
W:510, 0: FIXME remove this "False and" to use this problem (fixme)
W:601, 0: FIXME the locations of the change points are not uniform! But it will be enough for my tests (fixme)
W:617, 0: XXX Note that even using geometricChangePoints does not mean random change points *at each repetitions* (fixme)
W:625, 0: XXX onlyOneArm is None by default, (fixme)
W:627, 0: XXX but onlyOneArm can be "uniform" to only change *one* arm at each change point, (fixme)
W:629, 0: XXX onlyOneArm can also be an integer to only change n arms at each change point, (fixme)
W:636, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
W:654, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
W:812, 0: XXX Efficient parameter-free Softmax (fixme)
W:998, 0: XXX Below the theoretically acceptable value! (fixme)
W:1002, 0: XXX experimental sliding window algorithm (fixme)
W:1010, 0: XXX Below the theoretically acceptable value! (fixme)
W:1016, 0: XXX Below the theoretically acceptable value! (fixme)
W:1022, 0: XXX Below the theoretically acceptable value! (fixme)
W:1147, 0: XXX experimental sliding window algorithm (fixme)
W:1255, 0: XXX uncomment to give the value of horizon to have a better learning rate (fixme)
W:1292, 0: XXX uncomment to give the value of horizon to have a better learning rate (fixme)
W:1347, 0: XXX Very inefficient! (fixme)
W:1349, 0: XXX Very inefficient! (fixme)
W:1491, 0: XXX an experiment to let Environment.Evaluator load a IncreasingMAB instead of just a MAB (fixme)
W:1581, 0: XXX Don't need the horizon, but suffer from the restart (to compare) (fixme)
W:1685, 0: XXX If needed! (fixme)
W:1722, 0: XXX old code to test different static learning rates, not any more (fixme)
W:1723, 0: XXX to test between biased or unabiased estimators (fixme)
W:1724, 0: XXX If needed! (fixme)
W:1725, 0: XXX If needed! (fixme)
W:1739, 0: XXX uncomment to give the value of horizon to have a better learning rate (fixme)
W:1743, 0: XXX Only test with fixed arms (fixme)
W:1761, 0: XXX to test just a few algorithms (fixme)
W:1793, 0: XXX compare different values of the experimental sliding window algorithm (fixme)
W:1813, 0: XXX Regular adversarial bandits algorithms! (fixme)
W:1816, 0: XXX Regular stochastic bandits algorithms! (fixme)
W:1817, 0: WARNING remove it's useless! (fixme)
W:1818, 0: WARNING remove it's useless! (fixme)
W:1827, 0: XXX This is still highly experimental! (fixme)
W:1836, 0: XXX The Exp3RPlusPlus variant of Exp3R algorithm works also reasonably well (fixme)
W:1840, 0: XXX TODO test the AdSwitch policy (fixme)
W:1842, 0: WARNING don't test too many parameters! (fixme)
W:1843, 0: WARNING don't test too many parameters! (fixme)
W:1848, 0: XXX note that for a fixed T it means nothing… (fixme)
W:1849, 0: XXX But for T=10000 it is at most 100 changes, reasonable! (fixme)
W:1852, 0: XXX Test a few CD-MAB algorithms that need to know NB_BREAK_POINTS (fixme)
W:1860, 0: XXX comment to only test klUCB (fixme)
W:1868, 0: XXX Test a few CD-MAB algorithms (fixme)
W:1877, 0: XXX comment to only test klUCB (fixme)
W:1885, 0: XXX The Monitored_IndexPolicy works but the default choice of parameters seem bad! (fixme)
W:1889, 0: XXX The Monitored_IndexPolicy with specific tuning of the input parameters (fixme)
W:1898, 0: XXX comment to only test UCB (fixme)
W:1908, 0: XXX experimental sliding window algorithm (fixme)
W:1919, 0: XXX experimental other version of the sliding window algorithm, knowing the horizon (fixme)
W:1929, 0: XXX experimental discounted UCB algorithm, knowing the horizon (fixme)
W:1943, 0: XXX comment to only test UCB (fixme)
W:1944, 0: XXX comment to only test UCB (fixme)
W:1952, 0: XXX Only test with scenario 1 from [A.Beygelzimer, J.Langfor, L.Li et al, AISTATS 2011] (fixme)
W:1953, 0: XXX remove after testing once (fixme)
W:1960, 0: XXX Huge hack! Use this if you want to modify the legends (fixme)
C:173, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:174, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:203, 0: No space allowed after bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:203, 0: No space allowed before bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:716, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:716, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:716, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:717, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:717, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:717, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:718, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:718, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:718, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1484, 0: No space allowed after bracket
"environment": [ {
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1485, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1486, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"params": [
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1491, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"change_lower_amplitude": True XXX an experiment to let Environment.Evaluator load a IncreasingMAB instead of just a MAB
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1497, 0: No space allowed after bracket
"environment": [ {
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1581, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
klUCB, XXX Don't need the horizon, but suffer from the restart (to compare)
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1584, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1585, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1794, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
EPSS = [0.1, 0.05]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1799, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
TAUS = [
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1800, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
500, 1000, 2000,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1801, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
int(2 * np.sqrt(HORIZON * np.log(HORIZON) / (1 + NB_BREAK_POINTS))), "optimal" value according to [Garivier & Moulines, 2008]
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1804, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1805, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1806, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
0.95, 0.99,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1807, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
max(min(1, (1 - np.sqrt((1 + NB_BREAK_POINTS) / HORIZON)) / 4.), 0), "optimal" value according to [Garivier & Moulines, 2008]
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1815, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1815, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1819, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1819, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1819, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1821, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": BESA, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "non_binary": True, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1821, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": BESA, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "non_binary": True, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1821, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": BESA, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "non_binary": True, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1822, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1822, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1822, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1823, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdBandits, "params": { "alpha": 1, "horizon": HORIZON, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1823, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdBandits, "params": { "alpha": 1, "horizon": HORIZON, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1823, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": AdBandits, "params": { "alpha": 1, "horizon": HORIZON, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1824, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1824, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1824, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1826, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1826, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1826, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1828, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1828, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1828, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1828, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1834, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1834, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1834, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1838, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1838, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1838, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1841, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1841, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1841, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": AdSwitch, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1850, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1850, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1850, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": LM_DSEE, "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1854, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1854, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1854, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1870, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1870, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1870, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1891, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1891, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1891, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "w": WINDOW_SIZE, "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)), "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1903, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1903, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1903, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1903, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1920, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1920, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1920, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1930, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1930, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1930, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON, } }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1937, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": { "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "policy": policy,
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1937, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": { "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "policy": policy,
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1938, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 55 spaces).
"per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1939, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 55 spaces).
"full_restart_when_refresh": full_restart_when_refresh,
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1940, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 57 spaces).
} }
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1940, 0: No space allowed before bracket
} }
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 1, 0: Too many lines in module (1976/1000) (too-many-lines)
W: 25, 4: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Wildcard import SMPyBandits.Arms (wildcard-import)
W: 31, 4: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Wildcard import SMPyBandits.Policies (wildcard-import)
C:199, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C:1685, 0: Import "from itertools import product" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
W: 27, 4: Unused import json from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import shuffled from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import uniformMeansWithSparsity from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithGapBetweenMbestMworst from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithSparsity from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomMeansWithSparsity2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import array_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import list_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import tuple_from_str from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import optimal_selection_probabilities from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import geometricChangePoints from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import continuouslyVaryingMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import randomContinuouslyVaryingMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import shuffle from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import copy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Constant from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UniformArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Binomial from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Poisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedPoisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_1 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_5 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_10 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_0_100 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m1_1 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m2_2 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m5_5 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m10_10 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gaussian_m100_100 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedGaussian from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Exponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import ExponentialFromMean from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedExponential from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import Gamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import GammaFromMean from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import UnboundedGamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import DiscreteArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 27, 4: Unused import testmod from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BasePolicy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BaseWrapperPolicy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Gauss from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UniformOnSome from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import TakeRandomFixedArm from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonGreedy from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonFirst from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonDecreasingMEGA from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EpsilonExpDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import EmpiricalMeans from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_KnownGap from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_RandomStop from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_FixedBudget from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_SPRT from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ETC_BAI from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DeltaUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Softmax from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftmaxDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftMix from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SoftmaxWithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3Decreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3SoftMix from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3WithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Exp3ELM from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import ProbabilityPursuit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import BoltzmannGumbel from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import Hedge from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import HedgeDecreasing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import HedgeWithHorizon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBmin from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBplus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBrandomInit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBimproved from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBV from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBVtuned from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseklUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseWrapper from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import CPUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSS from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSAnytime from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MOSSExperimental from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBloglog from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBHPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klUCBswitch from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DMED from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DMEDPlus from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import IMED from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OCUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import AOCUCBH from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OCUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBdagger from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import GaussianOSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SparseOSSB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB_DecreasingRate from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import OSSB_AutoDecreasingRate from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_sq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_bq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_h from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_lb from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCB_t from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb_t from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost_bq_h_lb_t_sq from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoost from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import UCBoostEpsilon from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import CORRAL from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import LearnExp from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import GenericAggregation from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SlidingWindowRestart from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_UCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_UCBalpha from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWR_klUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SWUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import DiscountedUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import next_horizon__exponential_generic from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MusicalChair from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import optimalT0 from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MusicalChairNoSensing from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB_UCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import SIC_MMAB_klUCB from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import TrekkingTSN from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import MEGA from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import with_proba from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import jit from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbExp from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbGauss from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbPoisson from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W: 33, 4: Unused import klucbGamma from wildcard import (unused-wildcard-import)
W:1685, 0: Unused product imported from itertools (unused-import)
C:1685, 0: standard import "from itertools import product" should be placed before "import numpy as np" (wrong-import-order)
C: 33, 4: Imports from package SMPyBandits are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module SMPyBandits.example_of_configuration_singleplayer
W: 93, 0: XXX Default (fixme)
W:104, 0: XXX Bernoulli arms (fixme)
C: 76, 0: No space allowed after bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 76, 0: No space allowed before bracket
MEANS = [ float(m) for m in MEANS_STR.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:137, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:137, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:137, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:138, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:138, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:138, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:139, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:139, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:139, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": min(2, nbArms - 1) }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:155, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 20 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C: 13, 0: Import "from os import getenv" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 14, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 17, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 17, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
C: 17, 0: Import "from Arms import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 19, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C: 19, 0: Import "from Environment import MAB" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 21, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 21, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
C: 21, 0: Import "from Policies import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 63,11: Undefined variable 'mapping_ARM_TYPE' (undefined-variable)
E: 70, 8: Undefined variable 'uniformMeans' (undefined-variable)
W: 72, 0: Reimport 'numpy' (imported line 14) (reimported)
C: 72, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E:108,28: Undefined variable 'randomMeans' (undefined-variable)
E:133,24: Undefined variable 'Uniform' (undefined-variable)
E:137,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E:138,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E:139,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E:141,24: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E:146,24: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E:151,24: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
W: 14, 0: Unused numpy imported as np (unused-import)
W: 19, 0: Unused MAB imported from Environment (unused-import)
C: 72, 0: Imports from package numpy are not grouped (ungrouped-imports)
************* Module SMPyBandits.example_of_main_multiplayers_more
W: 22, 4: Redefining built-in 'exit' (redefined-builtin)
E: 11, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
************* Module SMPyBandits.example_of_main_singleplayer
W: 33, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
E: 15, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C: 15, 0: Import "from Environment import Evaluator, notify" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
************* Module SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers
W: 44, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 50, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 74, 0: XXX turn on XKCD-like style ?! cf. http://matplotlib.org/xkcd/ for more details (fixme)
W:161, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:163, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:169, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:171, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:180, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:190, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:199, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:208, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:217, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:226, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:235, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:244, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:253, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:262, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:271, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:280, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:289, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:298, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:300, 0: XXX Also plotting the cumulative number of pulls of all arms (fixme)
W:307, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:316, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:325, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:335, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
E: 19, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C:110,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:124,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
************* Module SMPyBandits.main_sparse_multiplayers
W: 46, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 57, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 74, 0: XXX turn on XKCD-like style ?! cf. http://matplotlib.org/xkcd/ for more details (fixme)
W:170, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:180, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:189, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:198, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:207, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:216, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:225, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:234, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:243, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:252, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:262, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:263, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:272, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:281, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:290, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:292, 0: XXX Also plotting the cumulative number of pulls of all arms (fixme)
W:299, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:308, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:317, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:327, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:361, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:370, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:379, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:388, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:398, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:407, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:416, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:425, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:437, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:441, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:443, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:445, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:446, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
E: 22, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
C:430,24: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:443,24: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C: 19, 0: standard import "import pickle" should be placed before "import numpy as np" (wrong-import-order)
************* Module SMPyBandits.main
W: 84, 0: XXX dont keep it like this when experimenting (fixme)
W: 98, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W:122, 0: XXX turn on XKCD-like style ?! cf. http://matplotlib.org/xkcd/ for more details (fixme)
W:182, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:215, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:217, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:224, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:230, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:232, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:238, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:240, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:246, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:248, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:254, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:255, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:259, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:262, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:264, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:267, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:271, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:274, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:276, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:277, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:279, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:281, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:282, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:287, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:289, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:295, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:299, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:302, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:304, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:307, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:309, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:316, 0: XXX 3 out of 4 were UGLY! (fixme)
W:323, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:327, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:329, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:330, 0: XXX 3 out of 4 were UGLY! (fixme)
W:332, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:333, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
C: 73, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
loglog = False : Plot in loglog by default?
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:169, 0: Exactly one space required before assignment
h5pyname = mainfig + '.hdf5'
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:158,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:196,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W: 16, 0: Unused product imported from itertools (unused-import)
************* Module SMPyBandits.very_simple_configuration
W: 35, 0: XXX Default (fixme)
C: 48, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 48, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 48, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 0 }}, Take worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 49, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 49, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 49, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 1 }}, Take second worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 50, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 2 }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 50, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 2 }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 50, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 2 }}, Take third worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 51, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 3 }}, Take forth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 51, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 3 }}, Take forth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 51, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 3 }}, Take forth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 52, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 4 }}, Take fifth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 52, 0: No space allowed after bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 4 }}, Take fifth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 52, 0: No space allowed before bracket
{ "archtype": TakeFixedArm, "params": { "armIndex": 4 }}, Take fifth worse arm!
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 91, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 20 spaces).
^ | (bad-continuation)
C: 1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'Arms' (import-error)
W: 3, 0: Wildcard import Arms (wildcard-import)
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'Environment' (import-error)
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 7, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
E: 16,11: Undefined variable 'Bernoulli' (undefined-variable)
E: 48,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E: 49,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E: 50,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E: 51,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E: 52,22: Undefined variable 'TakeFixedArm' (undefined-variable)
E: 55,24: Undefined variable 'Uniform' (undefined-variable)
E: 60,24: Undefined variable 'UCB' (undefined-variable)
E: 65,24: Undefined variable 'Thompson' (undefined-variable)
E: 70,24: Undefined variable 'klUCB' (undefined-variable)
E: 75,24: Undefined variable 'BESA' (undefined-variable)
E: 82,24: Undefined variable 'MOSS' (undefined-variable)
E: 87,24: Undefined variable 'Exp3PlusPlus' (undefined-variable)
W: 5, 0: Unused MAB imported from Environment (unused-import)
************* Module SMPyBandits.policy_server
C: 38, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"nbArms": 10,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C: 39, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"archtype": "UCBalpha", This basic UCB is very worse than the other
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C: 40, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces).
"params": {
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:169, 0: No space allowed after bracket
means = [ float(m) for m in means.split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:169, 0: No space allowed before bracket
means = [ float(m) for m in means.split(',') ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C: 24, 0: Import "import json" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 25, 0: Import "import socket" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C: 26, 0: Import "import numpy as np" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 32, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
W: 32, 0: Wildcard import Policies (wildcard-import)
C: 32, 0: Import "from Policies import *" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
R: 52, 0: Too many local variables (22/15) (too-many-locals)
R: 80, 4: Too many nested blocks (7/5) (too-many-nested-blocks)
R: 80, 4: Too many nested blocks (6/5) (too-many-nested-blocks)
R: 52, 0: Too many branches (13/12) (too-many-branches)
R: 52, 0: Too many statements (59/50) (too-many-statements)
************* Module SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more
W: 57, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 68, 0: XXX dont keep it like this (fixme)
W: 92, 0: XXX turn on XKCD-like style ?! cf. http://matplotlib.org/xkcd/ for more details (fixme)
W:195, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:197, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:203, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:205, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:214, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:224, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:233, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:242, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:251, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:260, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:269, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:278, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:287, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:296, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:306, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:307, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:316, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:325, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:334, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:336, 0: XXX Also plotting the cumulative number of pulls of all arms (fixme)
W:343, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:352, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:361, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:371, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:406, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:408, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:414, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:416, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:425, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:434, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:443, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:452, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:462, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:471, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:480, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:489, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:501, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:505, 0: XXX To save the figure (fixme)
W:507, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:509, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
W:510, 0: XXX To plot without saving (fixme)
C:143,29: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:159,29: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:395,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:494,24: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:507,24: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
************* Module SMPyBandits.complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits
W: 60, 0: XXX (fixme)
W: 65, 0: XXX (fixme)
W: 69, 0: XXX (fixme)
W: 74, 0: XXX (fixme)
W:635, 0: XXX OK memory efficient: only a pointer to the (never modified) list (fixme)
W:636, 0: XXX OK memory efficient: only a pointer to the (never modified) list (fixme)
W:772, 0: FIXME still not sure about the characterization of absorbing states (fixme)
W:1060, 0: XXX it is probably impossible to have a code managing larger values... (fixme)
W:1061, 0: XXX it is probably impossible to have a code managing larger values... (fixme)
W:1139, 0: XXX save the graph and maybe display it, in different versions (fixme)
W:1171, 0: XXX just for testing (fixme)
W:1172, 0: XXX just for testing (fixme)
W:1176, 0: XXX complete comparison (fixme)
W:1177, 0: XXX comparison (fixme)
W:1179, 0: XXX comparison (fixme)
W:1184, 0: XXX comparison (fixme)
W:1216, 0: XXX default start state (fixme)
W:1222, 0: XXX default start state (fixme)
W:1230, 0: XXX What if we start from an absorbing state? (fixme)
W:1239, 0: XXX default start state (fixme)
W:1243, 0: XXX What if we start from an absorbing state? (fixme)
C:740, 0: Exactly one space required after :
if version_info.major < 3: source = unicode(source, 'utf_8')
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:779, 0: No space allowed after bracket
are_all_equal = [ tupleit1(a[j1]) == tupleit1(a[j2]) for a in A ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:779, 0: No space allowed before bracket
are_all_equal = [ tupleit1(a[j1]) == tupleit1(a[j2]) for a in A ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:879, 0: No space allowed after bracket
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:879, 0: No space allowed before bracket
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1017, 0: No space allowed after bracket
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1017, 0: No space allowed before bracket
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1022, 0: No space allowed after bracket
all_memories = [ update_memory(j, self, decisions[j], collisions[decisions[j]]) for j, update_memory in enumerate(self.update_memories) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1022, 0: No space allowed before bracket
all_memories = [ update_memory(j, self, decisions[j], collisions[decisions[j]]) for j, update_memory in enumerate(self.update_memories) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1070, 0: Exactly one space required after comma
Ntilde = np.zeros((M, K), dtype=int)
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1132, 0: No space allowed after bracket
players = [ policy for _ in range(M) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1132, 0: No space allowed before bracket
players = [ policy for _ in range(M) ]
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1133, 0: No space allowed after bracket
update_memories = [ update_memory for _ in range(M) ] if update_memory is not None else None
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1133, 0: No space allowed before bracket
update_memories = [ update_memory for _ in range(M) ] if update_memory is not None else None
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1141, 0: Exactly one space required after :
if nb_absorbing == 0 and onlyabsorbing: continue
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1142, 0: Exactly one space required after :
if depth == 1 and onlyleafs: continue
^ (bad-whitespace)
C:1146, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
K, M, depth, policy.__name__,
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1147, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
"__{}".format(update_memory.__name__) if update_memory is not None else "",
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1148, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
"__absorbing" if onlyabsorbing else "",
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1149, 0: Wrong hanging indentation (remove 8 spaces).
"__leafs" if onlyleafs else ""
| ^ (bad-continuation)
C:1153, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 95 spaces).
" and {}".format(update_memory.__name__) if update_memory is not None else "",
^ | (bad-continuation)
C:1154, 0: Wrong continued indentation (add 95 spaces).
depth, len(leafs), nb_absorbing),
^ | (bad-continuation)
C: 1, 0: Too many lines in module (1257/1000) (too-many-lines)
W: 80, 4: Redefining built-in 'input' (redefined-builtin)
W: 82, 4: Redefining built-in 'open' (redefined-builtin)
C: 78, 0: Import "from sys import version_info" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
E: 80,12: Undefined variable 'raw_input' (undefined-variable)
C: 82, 4: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
E: 87, 0: Unable to import 'Arms.usenumba' (import-error)
C: 87, 0: Import "from Arms.usenumba import jit" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
C:112, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:134,16: Unused argument 'state' (unused-argument)
W:139,23: Unused argument 'j' (unused-argument)
W:144,27: Unused argument 'decision' (unused-argument)
W:144,37: Unused argument 'collision' (unused-argument)
E:209, 0: Unable to import 'Policies' (import-error)
C:209, 0: Import "from Policies import klucbBern" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position)
R:302, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:300,28: Unused argument 'decision' (unused-argument)
R:320, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:332, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:344, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:356, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:368, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:380, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:386,42: Unused argument 'decision' (unused-argument)
R:414, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:410,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:429, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:425,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:444, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:440,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:459, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:455,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:474, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:470,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:489, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:485,16: Unused variable 'sitted' (unused-variable)
R:499, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:500, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:514,17: Redefining name 'K' from outer scope (line 1206) (redefined-outer-name)
W:518,25: Redefining name 'K' from outer scope (line 1206) (redefined-outer-name)
W:541, 4: Redefining name 'mus' from outer scope (line 1198) (redefined-outer-name)
W:546,36: Redefining name 'K' from outer scope (line 1206) (redefined-outer-name)
R:562, 4: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:618, 0: Too many instance attributes (12/7) (too-many-instance-attributes)
W:629,45: Redefining name 'mus' from outer scope (line 1198) (redefined-outer-name)
W:629,59: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
R:651, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:658, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:663, 4: Too many local variables (23/15) (too-many-locals)
C:678,18: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:700,18: Do not use `len(SEQUENCE)` as condition value (len-as-condition)
R:663, 4: Too many branches (18/12) (too-many-branches)
C:727, 4: Missing method docstring (missing-docstring)
C:740,40: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
E:740,49: Undefined variable 'unicode' (undefined-variable)
R:762, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:791, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:798,41: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
C:815,27: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:830,35: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
C:853,27: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:887,16: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:890,43: Cell variable decisions defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:891,38: Cell variable coin_flips defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:893,31: Cell variable collisions defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:894,47: Cell variable coin_flips defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
C:899,31: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:928,16: Redefining name 'c' from outer scope (line 212) (redefined-outer-name)
R:921, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
W:967,45: Redefining name 'mus' from outer scope (line 1198) (redefined-outer-name)
W:967,91: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
R:975, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:982, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:994, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
R:1005, 8: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
C:1028,20: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:1029,37: Cell variable memories defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:1032,47: Cell variable decisions defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:1033,42: Cell variable coin_flips defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:1035,35: Cell variable collisions defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
W:1036,51: Cell variable coin_flips defined in loop (cell-var-from-loop)
C:1041,35: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
W:1047, 9: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1047,54: Redefining name 'mus' from outer scope (line 1198) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1047,64: Redefining name 'M' from outer scope (line 1205) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1047,69: Redefining name 'K' from outer scope (line 1206) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1047,116: Redefining name 'find_only_N' from outer scope (line 1209) (redefined-outer-name)
R:1047, 0: Too many local variables (22/15) (too-many-locals)
R:1047, 0: Too many branches (23/12) (too-many-branches)
R:1047, 0: Too many statements (53/50) (too-many-statements)
W:1124, 9: Redefining name 'depth' from outer scope (line 1204) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,18: Redefining name 'M' from outer scope (line 1205) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,23: Redefining name 'K' from outer scope (line 1206) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,70: Redefining name 'mus' from outer scope (line 1198) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,92: Redefining name 'all_players' from outer scope (line 1171) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,110: Redefining name 'all_update_memories' from outer scope (line 1170) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1124,136: Redefining name 'find_only_N' from outer scope (line 1209) (redefined-outer-name)
W:1126, 4: Redefining name 'results' from outer scope (line 1214) (redefined-outer-name)
R:1124, 0: Too many local variables (28/15) (too-many-locals)
C:1141,57: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:1142,46: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
C:1210,25: More than one statement on a single line (multiple-statements)
5110 statements analysed.
Statistics by type
|type |number |old number |difference |%documented |%badname |
|module |39 |1 |+38.00 |66.67 |28.21 |
|class |14 |2 |+12.00 |42.86 |14.29 |
|method |76 |26 |+50.00 |97.37 |9.21 |
|function |196 |53 |+143.00 |56.63 |47.96 |
External dependencies
| \-page (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
\-display (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
SMPyBandits (setup)
\-Arms (SMPyBandits)
| \-Bernoulli (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
| \-Gaussian (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
\-Environment (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
| \-CollisionModels (Example_of_a_small_Multi-Player_Simulation__with_rhoRand_and_Selfish_Algorithms)
| \-Evaluator (SMPyBandits.main)
| \-EvaluatorMultiPlayers (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
| \-MAB (SMPyBandits.configuration_multiplayers)
| \-notify (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
| \-plotsettings (Lai_Robbins_Lower_Bound_for_Doubling_Trick_with_Restarting_Algorithms)
\-Policies (SMPyBandits)
| \-EmpiricalMeans (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
| \-IndexPolicy (Do_we_even_need_UCB)
| \-Thompson (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
| \-UCB (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
| \-UCBalpha (Do_we_even_need_UCB)
| \-klUCB (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
\-PoliciesMultiPlayers (SMPyBandits)
\-configuration (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_all_singleplayer (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_comparing_aggregation_algorithms (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_comparing_doubling_algorithms (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_markovian (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_multiplayers (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
\-configuration_multiplayers_with_aggregation (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
\-configuration_nonstationary (SMPyBandits.main)
\-configuration_sparse (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_all_singleplayer (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_comparing_aggregation_algorithms (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_comparing_doubling_algorithms (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_markovian (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_multiplayers (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
configuration_multiplayers_with_aggregation (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
configuration_nonstationary (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_sparse (SMPyBandits.main)
configuration_sparse_multiplayers (SMPyBandits.main_sparse_multiplayers)
docopt (SMPyBandits.policy_server)
\-dot2tex (SMPyBandits.complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits)
example_of_configuration_multiplayers (SMPyBandits.example_of_main_multiplayers_more)
example_of_configuration_singleplayer (SMPyBandits.example_of_main_singleplayer)
graphviz (SMPyBandits.complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits)
joblib (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
matplotlib (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
\-pyplot (SMPyBandits.main_multiplayers_more)
\-ticker (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
numba (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
numpy (SMPyBandits.complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits)
\-random (my_small_slack_bot)
\-parser (conf)
\-transform (conf)
\-special (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
\-stats (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
seaborn (simulate_musical_chair_orthogonalization_process)
setuptools (setup)
\-kde (Unsupervised_Learning_for_Bandit_problem)
skopt (BlackBox_Bayesian_Optimization_for_Bandit_problems)
\-learning (BlackBox_Bayesian_Optimization_for_Bandit_problems)
sphinx (conf)
\-apidoc (conf)
\-application (conf)
\-apidoc (conf)
sphinx_rtd_theme (conf)
\-googleanalytics (conf)
sympy (SMPyBandits.complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits)
tqdm (Experiments_of_statistical_tests_for_piecewise_stationary_bandit)
very_simple_configuration (SMPyBandits.example_of_main_singleplayer)
Raw metrics
|type |number |% |previous |difference |
|code |7117 |40.29 |NC |NC |
|docstring |1797 |10.17 |NC |NC |
|comment |5092 |28.83 |NC |NC |
|empty |3658 |20.71 |NC |NC |
| |now |previous |difference |
|nb duplicated lines |0 |0 |= |