**Breaking changes**
* Kriging-based surrogates mixed integer existing support (continuous relaxation, gower distance) is reworked (Paul-Saves 379)
* Change `predict_variance_derivatives(x)` for a single `x` to `predict_variance_derivatives(x, kx)` (Paul-Saves and Ines Cardoso 390)
* Drop support for scikit-learn < 1.0.2 (related to PLS used in KPLS surrogates)
* Drop support for Python 3.7
* Kriging-based surrogates support for mixed integer variables (Paul-Saves 379)
* Kriging-based surrogates support for hierarchical variables (Paul-Saves 406, 400)
* Conditioned Gaussian Process sampling (AlexThv 385): see [tutorial](https://github.com/SMTorg/smt/blob/master/tutorial/SMT_GP_Sampling.ipynb)
* Output derivatives for all correlation kernels, as it was only available for Gaussian kernel before (Paul-Saves 389)
* Derivatives value and variance computation for all correlation kernels (Paul-Saves 389)
* KPLS surrogates (Paul-Saves 379):
* automatic PLS components number determination when setting `eval_n_comp` option
* PLS dimension reduction is available for categorical variables using `cat_kernel_comps` option
* Normalization for QP surrogate model (Paul-Saves 396)
* Documentation and notebooks updates (NatOnera 393, 407)
* Normalization for kriging based models using linear trend (Paul-Saves 389)
* Compatibility with `numpy` 1.24 (Paul-Saves 392)
* Bounds normalization when using Gower distance in kriging-based surrogate models (Paul-Saves 394)
* EGO algorithm when discrete variables are used (Paul-Saves 394)
* LHS to avoid generating the same doe when random state is set (397)