We are excited to announce a significant update to SnapShell, including new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Below are the detailed release notes for version 1.1.0.
- Added a new prerequisite section for Python 3.10 and `pip`.
- Added custom installation steps, including cloning the repository and setting up a virtual environment.
- Added instructions for setting up the `GROQ_API_KEY`.
- Listed required libraries such as `argparse`, `sqlite3`, and `os`.
API Documentation
- Brief overview of how SnapShell interacts with the GROQ API for command suggestions.
- Detailed steps for contributing to the project, including forking the repository, creating a feature branch, and submitting a pull request.
- Common issues and solutions, including installation errors, missing API key, and permission errors.
- Updated license details to MIT License.
- Added contact information for the project maintainer.
- Added a new contributor: [Nihaal SP](https://github.com/nerdylelouch).
Code Changes
- Bumped package version to `1.1.0` in `setup.py`.
- Added `__init__.py` for module initialization.
- Refactored `cli.py` to improve colorized terminal output and handle user inputs.
- Removed `database.py` and `system_info.py`, merging their functionalities into `utils.py`.
Resolved Issues and Pull Requests
- [4 Complete Over Haul - Bumped package version to 1.1.0](https://github.com/KTS-o7/snapshell/pull/4)
- [3 Improved documentation](https://github.com/KTS-o7/snapshell/pull/3)
- [1 Improve Documentation](https://github.com/KTS-o7/snapshell/issues/1)
You can view the complete diff [here](https://github.com/KTS-o7/snapshell/compare/main...dev).