This release mostly involves modernizing the SNCosmo build system.
- Add Pan-STARRS1 bandpasses (212)
- Added support for wheels which should now be automatically uploaded to PyPI
for any new release (304).
- Fixed the Zenodo integration. New SNCosmo releases should now automatically
be archived to Zenodo.
- Moved citations to the new CITATION.cff format. GitHub and Zenodo will now
provide BibTeX entries that can be used to cite SNCosmo (302).
- Update to the emcee version 3 API. Now only compatible with emcee>=3.
- Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub Actions for continuous integration/tests
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed the implementation of the SALT3 error model (300).
- Fixed numpy type deprecations.
- Fixed the documentation for models (299).