✨Create conda envs in parallel
A snakemake workflow that uses a lot of conda envs can take a long time to install as each env is created sequentially. Now running `<workflow-name> env create` will create all the conda envs in parallel (up to `--workers` at a time, defaults to number of cores). Single envs can be create with `<workflow-name> env create <env-name>`.
✨List commands now return tables
Running `<workflow-name> env list`/`<workflow-name> profile list`/`<workflow-name> script list` will now return a rich table.
<img width="556" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 2 24 31 pm" src="https://github.com/Wytamma/snk/assets/13726005/4d3ef19b-bf47-49e6-b4fa-02a7adebf77b">
✅ Improved testing
Better testing of environment commands.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Wytamma/snk/compare/v0.21.2...v0.22.0