
Latest version: v1.2.1

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This version implements CAAML export with grain shape estimation via machine
learning as well as some convenient new user interface features.

- Added CAAML export: export of SMP forces and derived values for density,
specific surface area, grain shape, grain size and hand hardness. The
resulting CAAML file is readable by niViz and SNOWPACK.
- Added machine learning interface: snowmicropyn can now be trained on snow pit
test data to assimilate estimated grain shapes into the CAAML output.
This includes modules for training data generation (profile matching),
data preprocessing, scoring, training, and saving/loading trained model
states (albeit all in an early state of development at this point).
- Added new export window: The CAAML export including the machine learning
model fitting can be controlled almost fully in the GUI (in addition to a
comprehensive developer's API). Also, some meta data that is not recorded
by the SMP can be included.
- Added schema validation for produced CAAML files according to IACS standards.
- Added extensive example program for our machine learning API.
- The air gap (before the SMP probe hits the snow surface) can now be hidden in
the plots (single ones and superposition) for easier comparison.
- Added quality control panel. Several flags and comments can now be saved to
the profiles' ini files.
- Custom taskbar icon.
- Several minor UI improvements.
- Fixed bug preventing the setting of markers on some systems.
- Several minor bugfixes.
- Added download tool for a subset of the RHOSSA dataset for easy access to
public (training) data.
- Improvements to the framework.
- Documentation improvements.




This version brings a thorough refactoring in order to offer a clean
interface for implementing new parameterizations (density, SSA) by lifting
the burden of having to deal with the GUI (everything is automatic now).
Three new parameterizations were added (Calonne/Richter and King x2), as well
as an export tool for niViz visualizations. The documentation was overhauled
and a few bugs and usability issues were fixed.

- Added Calonne/Richter parameterizations for density and SSA
- Added King parameterizations for densities
- Added export tool for visualization with niViz
- Changed Proksch SSA units to m^2/kg
- Removed GUI options for window_size and overlap: these are now
constant per individual parameterization untangling much confusion
about the display resolution
- Added setting to output any of the available parameterizations
- Much improved interface for adding new parameterizations
(all GUI stuff is handled on the fly and the required code was minimized)
- Added setting to skip samples output
- Added unit test for core parameterization routines
- Export menu now exports all open profiles
- Bugfix for constant signals
- Fix crash on program exit
- Bugfix for linefeeds
- Bugfix for overlap factor
- Minor bugfixes
- Documentation fixes and enhancements
- New documentation chapters and examples

*(This version was supported by the Avalanche Warning Service Tyrol)*




- Added force detrending step for the calculation of the shot noise paramters




- Offer all available markers (markers of all open pnt files) in context menu.




- Add simple superposition view.
- Fixed coordinates for longitudes > 90/-90. Thanks to Mike Brady!
- Calculation & export of derivatives within markers surface and ground only (if set).
- Many improvements under the hood.




Huge overhaul of snowmicropyn including:
- Restructuring/Rewrite of code base.
- Deployment as package on PyPI_.
- Source code repository moved to GitHub_.
- Documentation (using Sphinx), publishing on `Read the Docs`_.
- New UI called *pyngui*.

Pre Overhaul Changelog


- Version 0.0.26 alpha
- Python packaging
- Packaging for Anaconda (conda recipe)


- Version 0.0.25 alpha
- Man kann jetzt unter Menu -> View -> Show Density oder -> Show SSA
- Dann wird SSA oder Dichte mit zweiter y-Achse geplottet.


- Version 0.0.24 alpha
- Show surface und show ground default-mässig aktiviert
- MessageBox wenn versucht wird SSA und Density gleichzeitig zu plotten
(geht nur einzeln)
- Im Menu Export->shot noise parameters geändert zu Export
-> ShotNoiseParameters, Density and SSA


- Version 0.0.23 alpha
- Dichte- oder SSA-profil in plot zeichnen
- Beim öffnen der files werden shotnoiseparameter für jedes file
berechnet, daher etwas langsamer beim öffnen (vor allem bei vielen
- Range für zweite y-Achse festgelegt: Dichte: 0-700 kg/m^3. SSA: 0-60


- Version 0.0.22 alpha
- Shotnoise parameter in file schreiben inklusive dichte und ssa


- Version 0.0.21 alpha
- Shotnoise-auswertung von evalSMP-skript hier reinkopiert und etwas
- Zusätzlich dichte und ssa ausrechnen und alles ins shotnoise-file
- Ausserdem default-filename und -ordner für shotnoise-file geändert:
Jetzt gleichen namen und ordner wie pnt-file nur andere endung


- Version 0.0.19 alpha
- Allowed negative and comma values for axes in graph options
- New variable self.pathOpen as default file opening path (location of
last opened file)
- New variable self.pathSave as default save path


- GPS coordinates sign bug fixed
- Fixed bug, where noise, drift offset could not be shown


- Implemented options for subtracted median in options window
- Implemented shot noise and added shot noise save options


- Fixed surface tool visibility bug
- Introduced overwrite prompt to some save functions
- Arrow keys can be used to switch plot
- Fixed indexing bug in shotnoise()


- Improved
- Introduced view menu, exported functions from data menu


- Use scroll wheel to zoom in/out of plot
- Up/down/left/right to navigate through open files
- Ctrl+ left click moves surface to location
- Shift + left click moves ground to location


- Implemented average menu to data (/extensions/
- Started to use click event on canvas
- Left click on plot shows x//y coordinates


- Implemented average curves to superposition viewer
- Implemented log for y axis to graph options, default = True
- Implemented subtract median to view menu


- Call class graphoptions with .show() -> parent.draw_figure actualizes
parent plot


- Version 0.0.14 alpha
- Add ground level analog to surface
- Add overload to info screen


- Version 0.0.13 alpha
- Add option to hide legend in super position viewer


- Implemented graph options to super position viewer
- Hide surface tool if not checked
- Get_surface returns now max instead of a rounded value, if no surface
was found
- Created a pyinstaller build script to create build archives


- Bug fix in OnClose()


- Renamed software to SnowMicroPyn


- Fixed bug in export surface
- Fixed surface tool bug


- Additions in Super Position Viewer:
- Subtract plot has same color as corresponding curve
- Legend for subtracted graphs
- RSME is shown mathematics.rsme(x_ref,x_sub, norm)


- Version 0.0.11 alpha
- Fixed surface tool inactivation bug for windows
- Maximize super position viewer at start
- Deactivated surface tab in graph options
- Cancel possibility in GPS viewer if no coordinates available
- Precision option in save options for ascii data
- Enabled keyboard short cuts for windows
- Correct exec_path detection (for exe)


- Version 0.0.10 alpha
- Super position viewer: show only basename in reference selection
- Fixed bug in file number text control in tool bar
- Use Ubuntu icons for tool bar in all operating systems


- Changed standard gradient down sampling factor to 1000


- Fixed logo location bug


- Changed version to 0.0.9 alpha
- Changed getsurface algorithm


- Improved filter function


- Implemented experimental butterworth low pass filter and automatic cut
off frequency search using residual analysis


- Upgrade to 0.0.8 alpha
- Implemented open files as command line arguments -> "open with"
- Implemented error caching to open file function
- Reneamed pnt header dict keys with units -> header infos contain units
- Cleaned code in
- Introduced savezoom() to updatefigure()
- Disable preferences when no file is loaded


- Upgraded version to 0.0.7 alpha
- Implemented auto zoom boolean to draw_plot -> zoom ratio is kept when
changing preferences
- Implemented gradient to analysis menu
- Better surface detection algorithm
- Implemented new surface detection algorithm based on 2nd deviation
- Fixed bug: smooth in Super Position Viewer works now
- Removed subplot from navigation tool bar
- Added additional tabs and options to graph options
- Implemeted manual surface correction to tool bar
- Outsourced getsurface to
- Outsourced linfit to
- Implemented "keep zoom"
- Added legend to super position viewer


- Improved getData from
- Replaced smooth with downsample in getsurface
- Introduced arg boolean "show" to draw_plot -> circumvents double
plotting while saving plot
- Implemented "subtract plot" to SuperPosition
- Improved surface detection


- Update version to 0.0.6 alpha
- New class SuperPosition in
- Introduced SuperPosition (not fully developed yet) to data menu


- Added more colors and styles to plot options
- Moved class checklstctr from map to menus


- Changed version number to 0.0.5 alpha
- Introduced new graph options windows with enhanced functionality.


- Changed "preferences" to "graph options" and moved to data menu
- Renamed "view" to "analysis"
- Introduced save options to single file save method
- Changed graph options tool bar icon
- Changed quit icon to cross mark (probably nicer in windows)
- Renamed "Map" to "GPS Map View"
- Removed "save" from mpl tool bar
- Introduced save all and save single to tool bar
- New save options menu using wx.multichoice dialog in


- Corrected SLF institute labels
- Tool bar info button now shows header instead of license
- Deactivated next/prev buttons in tool bar, if no file is open
- Decoupled "max force" off surface
- Changed export "max force and penetration" to "max force and surface"
- Added text in plot to autom. surface and max force detection
- Fixed bug, where prev button jumped over a measurement
- Setup plot renamed to graph options


- Changed version number to 0.0.4 alpha
- Introduced error catching for icon and logo
- Improved down sampling function
- Removed automatic y axis restriction for plots


- Removed icon call from main function in


- Add standard deviation to noise, drift and offset export function
- Labels in repeat now, if num lables > num ascii_uppercase


- Changed version to 0.0.3 alpha
- Corrected save path in export functions due to incompatibility in
- Fixed bug: noise and drift works again without surface option being
checked in menu


- Deleted unused import urllib
- Use wx.App(False) instead of deprecated wx.PySimpleApp()
- Tested program under wxPython 3.0.0
- Export coordinates as .coords instead of .txt
- Excluded "hardness test" from data menu (former used by team snow
- Introduced plot update after noise data export
- Moved options button from mpl tool bar to custom tool bar due to
compatibility issues in windows
- Introduced plot options menu to file menu
- Linked to license
- Created icon.ico as task bar icon
- Actualized requirements.txt
- In maps SLF location is shown if no coordinates present


- Changed PyNTReader version number to 0.0.2 alpha.
- Introduced class SaveOptions to
- OnSaveAll calls SaveOptions
- In items can't be checked anymore if GPS off
- Introduced experimental feature
"app.SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(True)" and OS detection in main
function -> not tested yet


- Introduced file selection drop down list to tool bar
- Introduced down sampling factor to plot options
- Introduced array down sampling function to
- Cleaned and documented code


- (P)released PyNTReader version 0.0.1 alpha

.. _PyPI:
.. _GitHub:
.. _Read the Docs:



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