
Latest version: v1.5.1

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* Bug fixes:

* `infection/meterpreter`: Fix bug result of using relative paths



* Bug fixes:

* Now `access/bypass_login` ensures cleans backup files before making another backup, so if the payload is run twice it won't error out

* Minor bug fixes which can hardly be felt by the end user


* Additions:

* snr core utility to download things over the internet

* Several new payloads: `access/bypass_login` `extraction/account_hashes` `extraction/files` `infection/meterpreter` `misc/multi` `tampering/files`

* Let payloads document the OS they support as target

* Payload generation method itself is now inside the core library as well

* Path wrappers: Wrap `os` and `shutil` functions around a certain path to help with reducing the amount of `os.path.join`'s one would have to write

* Significant new additions to the payload-directed parts of core library, allowing a much much more clean interface. Including a new unified interface to mount partitions.

* `temp_chdir`: A new method to temporarily change CWD

* Payloads now can additionally require a variable to be required, reducing unneeded checks in many payloads.

* `--user-agent` flag now that we can download things on the internet (and subsequently new config value `default_user_agent`)

* Rootfs versioning: This help keeping tracking of rootfs changes to root out possible issues caused by missing packages in an older version

* New flag: `--init-only` Tells snr to only initialize if needed and do not start the shell.

* `--init-if-needed` Added. Tells snr to initialize if needed, replacing the `--reinit` flag.
Can be mixed with `--init-only` to only initialize if needed and not start the shell.
It also can be used in place of `--init` but there is no plan to deprecate `--init`

* Document usage of `--init-if-needed` and `--init-only` in `deeper_introduction` as well

* Improvements:

* Now every payload gets run in it's own directory, even if there are multiple payloads nested thanks to a new mechanism of storing the original cwd

* Refactored and improved several payloads

* Now all of the payload generation process is available inside `snr.core.payload_generation`

* Now no builtin payloads require any dependencies to be installed during payload generation process. However the necessary infrastructure still exists to facilitate writing custom payloads and there is no plan to remove it. This helps with reducing unnecessary downloads at payload generation time while ensuring custom payloads have a clean way of declaring and ensuring dependencies

* Init process refactored and is now more verbose to the console about what it is doing

* Colored prompt is back. Now the prompt is green, bold and italic

* Refactor and improve the `SnrLexer`, it is now almost twice faster (which also effects the documentation generation)

* Use themes for the prompt

* License the documentation as GNU FDL instead of the project's GNU GPL as it is the more suitable license

* Significant documentation improvements. Now snr has documentation for developing new payloads and commands

* Deprecations:

* `data_open`, `data_mkdir`, `rootfs_makedirs`, `rootfs_open` have been deprecated in favor of path wrapper based solutions

* `--reinit` flag have been deprecated in favor of `--init-if-needed` and `--init-only` to provide better control over the invocation to the user


* Bug fixes:

* Several init process bugs fixed

* Several docker bugs fixed

* Build scripts improved



This release is a huge step forward for snr, truly it's transformation into an application worthy.

* Additions:

* editorconfig file to ensure style across IDEs and text editors

* Now using logging methods automatically writes them to a log file as well

* Use docker and docker compose

* Payload class, with most common functionality needed for payloads as functions to ease writing payloads even more

* New utilities (like `bytes_to_str_repr`)

* New `ProgramWrapper` options: `fakeroot`, `fakechroot` and `sudo`. It allows you to run a program with fake root permissions, prepare for a fakechroot environment and ask for root using sudo

* Now program wrapper's expose the `SubprocessError` exception class for better access

* A huge set of program wrappers have been added

* Add builtin debugger support (for when an uncaught exception occurs or `print_fatal` is used)

* Add `pdb` command to drop to a shell

* Several new paths, `DATA_PATH`, `STATE_PATH` and XDG ones: The XDG basedir compliant paths

* Default DNS nameservers and hostname of generated host images can now be changed on command line

* Default exit code can now be configured as well (on command line as: `--default-exit_code`)

* Config file! Snr can now be configured with it's config file inside `~/.config/snr/main.conf` (technically: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snr/main.conf`)

* `BlockInfo` a more pythonic way of handling block information

* Now you can set value of some flags using environment variables

* The init routine now has demands agreement to a disclaimer before continuing

* Fix a ton of type-annotation mistakes

* Improvements:

* Get rid of the confirmation on initialization

* `run_executable` (now `misc/run_executable`) payload searches for the executable better

* `clear` command now does a better job at clearing the screen.

* Snr no longer requires root permissions (almost, with the exception of two parts)

* Snr no longer depends on `dosfstools`, `gdisk` and `parted`. (It uses the ones in the host image)

* `run_command` (now `misc/run_command`) now runs accepts several commands, and also writes them into a bash file to ensure better function.

* `unix_user_management` is now called `tampering/user_management` will soon have windows support as well

* Merge `bios_disk_encryption` with `uefi_disk_encryption` (as `tampering/disk_encryption`)

* Use factory pattern for program wrappers

* Significantly improved CI/CD

* Fully comply with XDG basedir specifications

* Running snr from source code shows more information about the state of the version.
Now, running from the source code shows git commit hash and whatever it was modified or not.
Examples for the version (`snr.version.__version__`)
Not running from source code:


Running from source code, no code modification:


Running from source code, with untracked or uncommitted modifications:


* Convert docstrings to Google style

* Stop the wrong process of importing everything in the library with an underscore (importing `os` as `_os`) and instead prefer google's method. Import only the modules so everything is well known
(instead of `from snr.core.util.common_utils import print_ok as _print_ok` use `from snr.core.util import common_utils`)

* Breaking changes:

* Migrate from debian stable rootfs to ubuntu LTS rootfs

* Merge `libsnr` and `snr_payloads` with snr (`libsnr.core` is now `snr.core.core`)

* Remove the `Table` class and use the `rich.table` project instead

* Payloads are no longer one single python file but a package

* Move away from pure old pip to use poetry

* Use `click` and `prompt-toolkit` instead of a homegrown solution for commands

* Now payloads are categorized by what they do

* Remove the payload set update mechanism and library version check as they are no longer needed

* AtFormatter now looks for `"variable"` instead of `variable` to ensure that the code is still correct by syntax if the intended type is not string

* Version string is now in format: `snr {snr_version} {dependency}/{dependency_version}...`

* Using `--verbose` and `--quiet` now simply cancel each other out instead of whichever that came last

* Context is no longer a dictionary but a whole class by itself

* `ChrootProgramWrapper` no longer exists, use the factory at `core.util.chroot_program_wrapper`

* `options.prompt` no longer exists, instead use `snr.cli.interactive_shell.prompt`

* `misc/run_command` now uses `COMMANDS`, and not `COMMAND`

* Now host rootfs image is inside the share directory, not the cache directory

* Storage utilities in `` now function with `BlockInfo`

* Remove `version.DEVELOPMENT`

* Remove snr development options (and subsequently `dev_snr` script)

* `-V` is no longer a recognized flag, and `-v` is now for `--verbose`, to get version, use `--version`

* `-c` and `--code` flag no longer exist, snr no longer supports running snr commands non-interactively (which also means `options.interactive` no longer exists) And we would advise against running snr non-interactively using pipes

* `snr.core.util.programs` is no longer a directory of program wrappers, but a file with all the program wrappers

* Drop usage of Doxygen and use sphinx

Several under the hood changes and minor improvements


* Additions:

* `info` command

* Ensure traceback is distinct enough

* Add payload count to the banner

* Bugfixes:

* Fix banner coloring issues

Some under-the-hood changes and code improvements


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