* added support for `warren2020` input format (see [input files on Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/3952926)) * added support for `RATPAC` output format with new `--mcformat` option
Fixes an import-related bug in `es.py`.
* added `--randomseed 12345` argument to set random number seed for reproducible event generation * updated neutrino mixing parameters to PDG2020 values * more realistic density for liquid scintillator * improved documentation and docstrings, added integration test which uses the `--randomseed` argument
sntools is now available via `pip install sntools`.
* added THEIA-25 and THEIA-100 detector configurations * increased precision of event time written to output file (now 10ps, which should be sufficient even for detectors with LAPPDs) * added unit tests for detectors and materials, cleaned up some code
* write interaction channel code to output file * `es.py`: reduced memory and computing time usage for close supernovae (this helps avoid crashes for very close SN, i.e. <1 kpc) * added documentation and license (BSD 3-clause) * added unit tests for oxygen-16 and carbon-12 interaction channels
This release is intended for the upcoming Hyper-K supernova MC production.
* support for multiple output particles per interaction (e.g. positron and neutron in IBD) * support for different detector materials * liquid scintillator (NC and CC interactions on carbon-12) * water-based liquid scintillator * added WATCHMAN detector configurations with various detector materials * added two realistic sample fluxes (`fluxes/intp*.data`) from Nakazato et al. (see README for details) * updated code to run under Python 3 * added unit tests for ibd/es cross sections and gamma/nakazato input formats