* Removed the verboseErrCheck kwarg from ``socketscpi.SocketInstrument`` constructor * Changed ``logging.debug()`` calls to ``self.logger.debug()``. * Added a delay argument to ``write()``. * Increased the ``read()`` chunk size from 1024 to 4096. * Added a ``flush()`` method for clearing buffer. * Added ``headerTimeout`` kwarg, added a \*CLS call, added helpful exceptions, and changed ``''.format()`` calls to f-strings in ``query_binary_values()``.
* Added logging functionality.
* Fixed a bug where socketscpi.err_check() would get stuck in an endless loop when controlling Keysight oscilloscopes.
* Relaxed error checking to account for different "No error" responses from different instrument vendors. Updated comments.
* Added error checking syntax for UXR scopes. Added an argument in the ``SocketInstrument`` constructor to allow user to decide if verbose error checking will be attempted.
* Renamed ``binblockwrite()``, ``binblockread()``, and ``disconnect()`` to ``write_binary_values()``, ``read_binary_values()``, and ``close()``, respectively, to match the function calls in PyVISA.