Added - Added `fertility` as a further type of attention coverage. - Added an option for training to keep the initializations of the model via `--keep-initializations`. When set, the trainer will avoid deleting the params file for the first checkpoint, no matter what `--keep-last-params` is set to.
Fixed - Fix to argument names that are allowed to differ for resuming training.
Changed - More informative error message about inconsistent --shared-vocab setting.
Added - Adding translation sampling via `--sample [N]`. This causes the decoder to sample each next step from the target distribution probabilities at each timestep. An optional value of `N` causes the decoder to sample only from the top `N` vocabulary items for each hypothesis at each timestep (the default is 0, meaning to sample from the entire vocabulary).
Changed - The checkpoint decoder and nvidia-smi subprocess are now launched from a forkserver, allowing for a better separation between processes.
Added - Add option to make `TranslatorInputs` directly from a dict.