- 20190930, nrweir: Added (259)
- 20190930, nrweir: Add contributing guidelines, (260)
- 20191003, nrweir: Added `solaris.vector.mask.instance_mask()` (261)
- 20191009, nrweir: Added `` and some label utility functions (265)
- 20191009, nrweir: Added `` API documentation and a usage tutorial (266)
- 20191122, dphogan: Added option to take sigmoid of input in TorchDiceLoss (281)
- 20191122, dphogan: Inferer calls now take default DataFrame path from config dictionary (282)
- 20191125, nrweir: Added `` (241)
- 20191202, dphogan: Added fixed nodata value of 0 for mask files (295)
- 20191203: dphogan: Added filename argument to vector tiler's tile() (297)
- 20191211: rbavery: Tilers also accept rasterio CRS objects, `RasterTiler.tile` returns CRS object for vector tiler (294)
- 20191214: rbavery: tiler argument `aoi_bounds` is now `aoi_boundary` and can accept polygons besides boxes. functionaility for this moved to `solaris.utils.geo.split_geom` (298)
- 20191217: dphogan: Added support for custom loss functions (308)
- 20191123, dphogan: Fixed issue in mask_to_poly_geojson() with empty GeoDataFrames.
- 20191204, dphogan: Fixed issue with file output from footprint_mask() and contact_mask() (301)
- 20191212, jshermeyer: Fixed issue with vector tiling: could not load in list of sublists previously. Corrected comments for appropriate order as well. (306)
- 20191219: rbavery: In `solaris.utils.geo.split_geom`, tile bounds that fall within `aoi_boundary` but not `src_img` are not returned. `solaris.vector.mask.instance_mask` only rasterizes geojsons where `reference_im` has values (nodata pixels won't have corresponding labels) (315)
_The changelog for solaris was not implemented until after version 0.1.3, therefore no previous changes are recorded here. See the [GitHub releases]( for available change records._