- Added some functions to `field` to support automated remapping.
- See `field_reassignment_demo` for details.
- Added a function to `cmv` for identifying an optimum subset of CMV pairs.
- See `automate_cmv_demo` for details.
- Added additional statistics to the `jamaly` method's output within `cmv.compute_cmv`
- Added additional sample plant data for demonstration purposes.
- We now include two sample plants and sample data from the HOPE-Melpitz campaign at 1s and 10s resolution.
- Added additional demos, including Jupyter notebooks in some cases.
- `automate_cmv_demo` - Automated CMV pre-processing with HOPE-Melpitz data, includes a Jupyter notebook.
- `field_reassignment_demo` - Automated remapping of the field data, includes a Jupyter notebook.
- `field_demo_full_process` - Overview of the full field processing workflow
- `field_demo_full_process_multithread` - Same as previous but including multithreading support for speed
- Added tests of these new functions for more completeness.