- Solve a bug in the way front surface reflexion was calculated in the PDD model: it was using just the real part of the refractive index and not complex refractive index.
- Added the possibility of calculating the optical properties of a solar cell in the PDD model using the TMM formalism or providing an external generation profile as input for the solver under illumination. Note: It only works properly when using very dense, non-dynamic meshes.
- A structure for the PDD solver now can include layers defined as "optics" and "metal" that can be used to calculate the opticla properties but will be ignored y the electrical solver.
- Added the description of most functions of the PDD solver.
- Created new version of the MJ current voltage calculator, as the previous one didn't work in the dark.
- Added tests for the new MJ current voltage calculator
- Added test for the TMM optics calculator of the PDD solver
- Included an option in the TMM calculator (no_back_reflexion) to prevent reflexion from the back surface.
- Added a filter option for the PDD.Illumination object that accept an arbitrary function as filter.