Added - FaultSystemSolution.filter_solution method Changed - removed solvis helps new_sol and filter_solution, these must be used as the respective class methods
Added - CompositeSolution with aggregate rates; - to_archive() with compatible mode - solution.filter_solution is preferred; .new_sol is deprecated; Changed - InversionSolution is now composed from three modules. - typing improvements
Added - geometric surface projections from fault sections - 3D distance calculation for both crustal and subduction subduction faults systems - new_solution helper function in InversionSolution class (used by solvis.new_sol) - add some performance tests using `pytest.mark.performance` - helper functions for dip-direction, bearing etc in geometry package
Changed - `pytest.mark.slow` for some potentially slow tests - surfaces now use LineString (not Polygon) for Faults with dip-deg=90. eg Fowlers - module package refactoring
Changed - refactored project structure for packaging - changelog format for bump2version