Made SomaticSeq extendable as a python library. See docs/Manual.pdf for details.
* Allow parallel processing through * The wrapper scripts written in bash script (i.e., and are replaced by somaticseq/, though they're still kept for backward-compatibility.
Fixed a bug in the script (single-sample mode), where the SNV algorithm weren't looking for SNV VCF files during merging when using utilities/, causing empty SNV files. For previous commands (invoking --gatk for CombineVariants), the results have never changed.
* The program is now designed to crash if the VCF file(s) are not sorted according to the reference FASTA file. * Output are identical to the previous version, as long as the VCF input files are sorted correctly.
* No guarantee if cram files are compatible with the individual mutation callers. * Also fixed a bug where variants called by Strelka only were not considered, though this would not change the results much as Strelka-only somatic calls are very rare.
* Without --gatk $PATH/TO/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar in the script, it will use utilities/ and utilities/ to (in lieu of GATK3 CombineVariants) to combine all the VCF files. * Fixed bugs in the docker/singularities scripts where extra arguments for the callers are not correctly passed onto the callers. * Otherwise does not change results from previous version.