
Latest version: v1.7.6

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- Better Windows support.
- Completed CUDA support for Python and R interfaces.
- Faster compilation by removing unnecessary flags for nvcc and support for CUDA 6.5.
- Bug fixes: R version no longer needs separate code.


- Better I/O separation for the Python, R, and MATLAB interfaces.
- Initial Windows support through GCC on Windows.
- Bug fixes: major MPI initialization bug fixed.


- Learning rate parameter included.
- Linear and exponential cooling strategies added for radius and learning rate.
- CLI interface made more user-friendly.
- Default radius depends on both X and Y of the map.
- Bug fixes: CUDA build without MPI, best matching unit passing without MPI,
coordinate order in best matching unit file.
- Python, R, and MATLAB interfaces added.


- Massive improvements in OpenMP parallelization.
- MPI libraries are no longer mandatory.
- Best matching units are saved.
- Option for specifying an initial codebook for the map.
- ESOM .lrn input format added.
- Parsing of white-space characters corrected.
- Long-named command line switches for specifying SOM dimensions.
- Fine-grained control of which interim files to save across epochs
- Option in Makefile for building shared library.


- Toroid maps were added.
- Initial radius is exposed as a parameter via the command line interface.
- Formats of codebook and U-matrix export are compatible with Databionic ESOM Tools for advanced visualisation.
- Bug fixes: codebook update with a compact support was removed, NaN entry no longer appears in U-matrices.


- Initial release.

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