**Important:** We detected a problem with this release when running ``soopervisor export``. Please use ``0.7.2``
* Improves CLI documentation
* Adds ``--git-ignore`` to documentation
* Various documentation improvements
* Changes short version of ``--until-build`` to ``-u``
* Adds "Task Communication" user guide
* Display warnings if passing CLI options that do not apply to SLURM
* SLURM exporter raises error if ``sbatch`` isn't installed
* Showing a warning if source dist is >5MB (53)
* ``soopervisor add`` adds a default ``exclude`` value by extracting product paths from ``pipeline.yaml``
* Copying user settings when generating the Docker image
* Experimental Kubeflow integration
* Airflow integration allows to choose between ``BashOperator``, ``KubernetesPodOperator``, and ``DockerOperator`` using ``--preset``
* Many modules and test cases re-written for better code quality and maintainability