
Latest version: v0.6.0

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* New package name: `sopel-youtube` replaces `` (55, 67)
* Sopel 8.0+ now required (57, 65)
* Improve link handling (56, 58)
* Improve thread-safety (63)
* Fix date parsing error for playlists (62)


* Fix hiding load-time import errors (52)


* Prep for Sopel 8:
* Require Sopel 7.1+; Sopel 7.0 is no longer supported
* Use `BooleanAttribute` setting type (41)
* Switch from `sopel.module` to `sopel.plugin` (42)
* Format time according to the channel's preference, w/fallback to bot setting (50)
* Permit newer `google-api-python-client` library versions (51)


* Remove handling of dislikes, which YouTube removed from its API (45)
* Make live-stream handling more robust, again (48)
* Replace `votes` and `votes_color` keywords in `info_items` with `votes` (49)
* The old keywords will function as aliases until at least plugin version 0.5.0


* Improve error handling (44)


* Handle "shorts" links (36)
* Be more careful about auto-playlists (38)

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