- uploading a dataset (`post_dataset(...)`)
- launching a hypertune job (`post_hypertune_job(...)`)
- retrieving a cloud hosted pipeline (`get_pipeline(...)`)
- retrieving the list of trained model UUIDs for a given cloud hosted pipeline (`get_trained_model_uuids(...)`)
- retrieving cloud hosted trained model metadata (`get_trained_model_metadata(...)`)
- downloading a cloud hosted trained model (`download_trained_model(...)`)
- HypertuneMethod enum for defining the method to use for hypertuning. Currently limited to grid search.
- `assert_constraint(...)` functions for each layer (CategoricalCalibrator, NumericalCalibrator, Linear) for asserting that specified constraints are satisfied.
- `assert_constraints(...)` function for `CalibratedLinear` model to assert satisfaction of constraints for all contained layers.
- trained_models are now stored in a dictionary `trained_models: Dict[int, TrainedModel]` that maps the ID (not UUID) to the `TrainedModel` instance.
- `hypertune(...)` method for launching a hyperparameter optimization job either locally or on the SOTAI cloud for the pipeline.
- pipeline saving will now include trained models by default in the save path under a `trained_models/{id}` folder structure. Any trained models present in this structure will be loaded. If you'd like to exclude models from loading, simply store them elsewhere. You can also choose to exclude trained models from saving and save them manually yourself (i.e. to save only the models you want to use again and drop all other models).
- `from_hosted(...)` method for loading a cloud hosted pipeline.
- `TrainedModel` is now a subclass that extends the new `TrainedModelMetadata` type.
- `from_hosted(...)` method for loading a cloud hosted trained model.
- `HypertuneConfig` type for defining how to hyperparameter optimize your models during a hypertune job.
- `TrainedModelMetadata` type container for all trained model metadata excluding the model itself.