
Latest version: v0.10.0

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Major Changes
* New command that lists all users set to be notified if the server that the channel the command is run in is linked to goes down 8080a94028782c4275cef9e105fa1cebee4afcaa
* Both this new command and the loop to actually notify people now handle, and remove, invalid user IDs 8080a94028782c4275cef9e105fa1cebee4afcaa
* Starting with this release, the Discord bot itself, and any addons for Source games to implement the relay (as of now only made one for GMod), will be split into zips added to the release to save having to download the entire repo.


Minor Changes
* Added a hook to the GMod addon so you can do stuff with incoming Discord messages 89e40e72106f98308ee02689abb639b38470ffff


Major Changes
* The bot now relays player join and leave events to discord, and supports custom message definitions (chosen at random from each set) in `joinLeaveMsgs.json`. 9c399f9f567c52baf042a8fa4905fffcf57128fa

Minor Changes
* The player chat (and new player init and disconnect) hooks are now added and removed when the GMod relay is toggled, rather than simply using the toggle bool but still calling the hooks. f160c878a4711f7482fd106a959cd29ee265a295


Major Changes
* `!notifyIfDown personToNotify [shouldNotify]` has been replaced with `!notifyIfDown [personToNotify]` and `!dontNotifyIfDown [personToNotNotify]`, these two new commands can now be used by anyone as long as they don't specify a person, or the person they specify is themselves *(people with manage server permissions can still specify anyone as with the original command)*. 125d6c5be5c91b03321bd345711dd3ea12ec90fa 45d1e416272aa14683b6a6351a94879b7fda1ecb

Minor Changes
* Chat relayed from a source server now includes the team name of the player that sent the message 23db64b8e36bd168f6c87d4ba13823d057f7b620


Bug Fixes
* Fixed not resetting `time_since_down` if the connection to the server resumes, causing the warning message to be sent if the server is down for 5 times at any point, rather than for 5 minutes in a row cbde2be41ac04d2e3966d9828bccecf8aaba1d20


Bug Fixes
* Fixed using the command context author ID rather than the ID of the person passed to `!notifyIfDown` 5d1a7c39403a82e2c0887d2312adcd4672f7ec89

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