- fixes URL formatting bug in failure output
- adds new `urlsketch` command
- changes failure output format for both `gbsketch`, `urlsketch`. The new header is: `accession,name,moltype,md5sum,download_filename,url`, which matches the `urlsketch` input format.
What's Changed
* fix url printing by bluegenes in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/36
* add `urlsketch` command by bluegenes in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/34
Dependabot and version updates
* Bump anyhow from 1.0.83 to 1.0.86 by dependabot in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/39
* Bump serde from 1.0.201 to 1.0.202 by dependabot in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/38
* Bump camino from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/37
* bump version to 0.3.1 by bluegenes in https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/pull/43
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_directsketch/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1