Adjust sqlite for extract_reads to maybe make more efficient (361)
Clean up output messages to be both more informative and less verbose (359)
Update defaults for paired read extraction (356)
Removed old CLI, replaced it with `` CLI (353)
New features / functionality: * paired-read indexing (344) * eliminate `contigs.fa.gz` in favor of SQLite database (345, 350)
Refactoring: * moved tests under `tests/` (343) * many more detailed functionality/content tests (344, 345, 350)
Update with cDBG bug fix, improved cDBG ingest with reduced memory usage, and many more/better tests.
New features: * added multifasta query for graph annotation by proximity * implemented query_by_hashval for querying with sourmash signatures/hashes * conda-installable (!!) in an only slightly janky way, using pip: block in environment.yml * versioning now based off of git tags * new click-based interface that supports better snakemake interaction and testing * many more & better tests, and a better testing framework!
Minor improvements: * updated install and output documentation * improved error messages * refactoring and simplification code * much cleaner Snakefile * upgraded sourmash versions and API usage * updated Python version to 3.7 or above