This release includes a new annotator for de-identification of sensitive information. It uses CHUNK annotations, meaning its accuracy will depend on previous annotators on the pipeline.
Also, OCR capabilities have been improved in the OCR module.
In terms of broken stuff, we've fixed a few annoying bugs on SymmetricDelete and SentenceDetector explode feature.
Finally, pip is now part of the official repositories, meaning you can install it just as any other module. It also includes jars and we've added a SparkNLP class which creates SparkSession easily for you.
Thanks again for all community contribution in issues, feedback and comments in GitHub and in Slack.
New features
* DeIdentification annotator, takes DOCUMENT and TOKEN from the original sentence, plus a CHUNK annotation to anonymize target chunk in sentence. CHUNK annotation might come from NerConverter, TextMatcher or other chunk annotators.
* Kernel zoom and region erosion improve overall detection quality. Fixed some stability bugs. Improved parallelism
Bug fixes
* Sentence Detector explode sentences into rows now works properly
* Fixed Dictionary-based sentiment detector not working on pyspark
* Added missing NerConverter to annotator._ imports
* Fixed SymmetricDelete spell checker deleting tokens in some scenarios
* Fixed SymmetricDelete spell checker unwilling lower-casing
* PySpark pip now part from official pip repos
* Pip installation now includes corresponding spark-nlp jar. base module includes SparkNLP SparkSession creator