New Features:
* OpenPifPaf training prototype support (1171)
* Layerwise distillation support for the PyTorch DistillationModifier (1272)
* Recipe template API added in PyTorch for simple creation of default recipes (1147)
* Ability to create sample inputs and outputs on export for transformers, YOLOv5, and image classification pathways (1180)
* Loggers and one-shot support for torchvision training script (1299, 1300)
* Refactored the ONNX Export pipeline to standardize implementations, adding functionality for more complicated models, and adding better debugging support. (1192)
* Refactored the PyTorch QuantizationModifier to expand supported models and operators and simplify the interface. (1183)
* YOLOv5 integration upgraded to the latest upstream. (1322)
Resolved Issues:
* `recipe_template` CLI no longer has improper code documentation, impairing operability. (1170)
* ONNX export now enforces that all quantized graphs will have unit8 values. fixing issues for some quantized models that were crashing in DeepSparse. (1181)
* Changed over to vector_norm for PyTorch pruning modifiers that were leading to crashes in older PyTorch versions. (1167)
* Model loading for torchvision script fixed where models were failing on load unless a recipe was supplied. (1281)
Known Issues:
* None