This is a patch release for 0.3.0 that contains the following changes:
- Docs updated for new Discourse and Slack links
Not secure
New Features:
* None
* Version changed to be loaded from file, default build on branches is now nightly.
Resolved Issues:
* Broken images, links, and typos in documentation addressed.
Known Issues:
* Some ONNX models are failing after running loss/performance profiling.
Not secure
New Features:
* None
* Version and DeepSparse dependencies upgraded to 0.2.0.
Resolved Issues:
* Docs and readme fixes made for minor issues and broken links. * Makefile no longer deletes files for docs compilation and cleaning.
Known Issues:
* None
Not secure
This is a patch release for 0.1.0 that contains the following changes:
- Docs updates: tagline, overview, update to use sparsification for verbiage - Nightly build dependencies now match on major.minor and not full version - Nightly versions now showing in the UI for DeepSparse products - Rewrite of the jobworker to simplify it's interface for easier debugging and understanding - Improved pruning sparsity level selections for the pruning modifier - Axios dependency security vulnerability addressed by upgrading its version
Not secure
Welcome to our initial release on GitHub! Older release notes can be [found here](
New Features:
* MakeFile flows and utilities implemented for GitHub repo structure.
* Software packaging updated to reflect new GitHub distribution channel, from file naming conventions to license enforcement removal.