- Add more helpful exception messages (mainly for Python 3 with chained exceptions) that will describe which field in a record datum failed and when ints and strings mismatch, show the datum and the schema. - Fix some old non-py3 incompatible utility code to be py2/py3
- Fix source distribution Cython file inclusion ([pull request](https://github.com/pluralsight/spavro/pull/2))
- Add more type checking in the serializer. Some fast data types were leading to spavro not rejecting bad data. - Add tests to verify that invalid (no schema conforming data) is rejected
- Fix bug with Enum adding it to the named types that can be namespaced. - Fix bug with 32bit systems that could potentially trucate long data at 2^31 bits
- Add code to support pickling spavro records. This allows the use of spavro in contexts like Spark that need to serialize the data to be shipped around.
- First release of spavro, speedier avro for python!