This is the first stable release of Speasy, this means that some part of the API won't change until next major release, they will only get bug fixes or backward compatible enhancements.
Since last release, a lot of new features has landed:
* now Speasy fully support AMDA, CDAWeb, SSCWeb and CSA web-services which represent around 55000 products.
* for CSA and CDAWeb uses CDF file format thanks to pycdfpp and PyISTP speeds up download and allow 2D+ data handling
* for each web-service Speasy provides an inventory of available products
* for each web-service except SSCWeb, Speasy automatically discard outdated data from local cache
* get_data function has evolved to accept many complex combination of products and time intervals
* get_data function is now part of the stable API of Speasy
* on disk cache loading algorithm has been improved and is now at least 10x faster
* (unstable) plotting API is under heavy rework and will continue to evolve in next releases but already support spectrogram plots and handles as much as possible information such as axes label or units
* by default Speasy proxy is enabled (for new fresh installs)
* SpeasyVariable object has been rewritten to better handle ND data and provide nice slicing features
From now upcoming releases will mostly fix bugs, extend plotting API and follow web-services evolution.