- The spectra of AMES-Cond, AMES-Dusty, DRIFT-PHOENIX, BT-Settl, and BT-NextGen have been resampled to a spectral resolution of R=2000 and moved to a new download location (https://people.phys.ethz.ch/~ipa/tstolker/). The data size of these grids are typically several hundred MBs so downloading and processing is much faster now.
- Support for photon-counting detectors when calculating synthetic photometry. The detector type is stored as attribute with the filter profile.
- Extinction parameters have been added to `FitModel`: ISM extinction, a power-law size distribution of silicate grains, or a log-normal size distribution of silicate grains (see documentation for details).
- Functions in `plot_mcmc` for plotting the sampled extinction and size distributions: `plot_extinction` and `plot_size_distributions`.
- Refactoring of `dust_util`.
- Bug fix when fixing missing grid points with `add_model`.
- Support for the BT-Settl CIFIST spectra (`'bt-settl-cifist'`).
- Additional unit tests and updated documentation.
- Several minor improvements, bug fixes, new features, and maintenance.