
Latest version: v1.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 701507 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

Page 2 of 3


:compass: What's Changed

:toolbox: Maintenance

- build: :bookmark: Update to post-release (1451) Anselmoo

:snake: Python

- build: :bookmark: Update to post-release (1451) Anselmoo

:octocat: Github Actions

- chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action action to v5 (1449) renovate
- build: ⚙️ Activate output in docker push (1450) Anselmoo

:link: Dependency Updates

- build: :bookmark: Update to post-release (1451) Anselmoo

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes

Anselmoo, renovate and renovate[bot]


:compass: What's Changed

:octocat: Github Actions

- feat: :construction_worker: Update Docker dependencies for Docker actions
(1437) Anselmoo

:memo: Changelog

- docs: :card_index_dividers: Changlog update for v1.0.2 (1434) Anselmoo

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes



:compass: What's Changed

- chore: :pencil2: Update CITATION.cff (1370) Anselmoo

:toolbox: Maintenance

- build: :bookmark: Bump version to `1.0.2` (1432) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1427) pre-commit-ci
- fix(deps): update dependency pydot to v3 (1413) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to >=,<
(1404) renovate
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1401) pre-commit-ci
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1391) pre-commit-ci
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to >=,<
(1377) renovate
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1365) pre-commit-ci
- ci: ⬆️ pre-commit autoupdate (1355) pre-commit-ci
- fix(deps): update dependency itables to v2.1.1 (1352) renovate
- bump: :arrow_up: Update scikit-learn dependency to v1.5.0 (1347) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to v70 (1325) renovate

:snake: Python

- build: :bookmark: Bump version to `1.0.2` (1432) Anselmoo
- build: bump certifi from 2024.6.2 to 2024.7.4 (1396) dependabot

:octocat: Github Actions

- build: :bookmark: Bump version to `1.0.2` (1432) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v3.3.0 (1426) renovate
- chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action digest to aa33708 (1425)
- chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action digest to 60a0d34 (1429) renovate
- chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action digest to 49a04d6 (1395)
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action digest to 1ca370b (1415)
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action digest to a254f8c (1378)
- chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action digest to a64d048 (1384) renovate
- ci: Delete .github/workflows/snyk-security.yml (1412) Anselmoo
- build: bump snyk/actions from 806182742461562b67788a64410098c9d9b96adb to
640e31719aac3e44867d239dc86c20c3e34c8e4f (1410) dependabot
- ci: Update snyk-security.yml (1408) Anselmoo
- ci: 🧷 Create snyk-security.yml (1406) Anselmoo
- build: bump docker/build-push-action from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0 (1399) dependabot
- build: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from
abe89fb761023d1d963c81f6b5e0df54236dc097 to
2ad185228a349d19414702819e06df9fa4314287 (1400) dependabot
- build: bump docker/build-push-action from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 (1389) dependabot
- chore(deps): update pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish digest to fb9fc6a (1382)
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action digest to 31159d4 (1354)
- chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action digest to abe89fb (1369)
- docs: :rotating_light: Fix formatting issues in documentation (1364)
- build: bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from
87b624f8716b1150d93f45fa364e49eceebf3ffd to
ec4db0b4ddc65acdf4bff5fa45ac92d78b56bdf0 (1362) dependabot
- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4.5.0 (1359) renovate
- ci: ⬆️ pre-commit autoupdate (1355) pre-commit-ci
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action digest to ca052bb (1334)
- chore(deps): update pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish digest to 87b624f (1339)
- chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v3.2.0 (1336) renovate
- build: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (1333) dependabot

:card_index_dividers: Documentation

- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action digest to 31159d4 (1354)
- docs: :rotating_light: Fix formatting issues in documentation (1364)
- fix: :wrench: Update dependencies and fix formatting issues in documentation
(1357) Anselmoo
- ci: ⬆️ pre-commit autoupdate (1355) pre-commit-ci

:link: Dependency Updates

- chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.7.1 (1433) renovate
- build: :bookmark: Bump version to `1.0.2` (1432) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-material to v9.5.30 (1428) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency mypy to v1.11.0 (1418) renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency pydot to v3 (1413) renovate
- build: bump snyk/actions from 806182742461562b67788a64410098c9d9b96adb to
640e31719aac3e44867d239dc86c20c3e34c8e4f (1410) dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to >=,<
(1404) renovate
- build: bump docker/build-push-action from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0 (1399) dependabot
- build: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from
abe89fb761023d1d963c81f6b5e0df54236dc097 to
2ad185228a349d19414702819e06df9fa4314287 (1400) dependabot
- build: bump certifi from 2024.6.2 to 2024.7.4 (1396) dependabot
- build: bump docker/build-push-action from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 (1389) dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency blacken-docs to v1.18.0 (1385) renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency openpyxl to v3.1.5 (1383) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to >=,<
(1377) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency mike to v2.1.2 (1373) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.7.1 (1348) renovate
- build: bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from
87b624f8716b1150d93f45fa364e49eceebf3ffd to
ec4db0b4ddc65acdf4bff5fa45ac92d78b56bdf0 (1362) dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-material to v9.5.27 (1360) renovate
- fix: :wrench: Update dependencies and fix formatting issues in documentation
(1357) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): update dependency dash to v2.17.1 (1356) renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency itables to v2.1.1 (1352) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency pytest to v8.2.2 (1350) renovate
- bump: :arrow_up: Update scikit-learn dependency to v1.5.0 (1347) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): update dependency types-setuptools to v70 (1325) renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency itables to v2.1.0 (1335) renovate
- build: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (1333) dependabot

:memo: Changelog

- docs: :card_index_dividers: Changlog update for v1.0.1 (1331) Anselmoo

:package: Vendor

- build: :bookmark: Bump version to `1.0.2` (1432) Anselmoo

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes

Anselmoo, renovate and renovate[bot]


:compass: What's Changed

- chore: :page_facing_up: Updating to current year (1227) Anselmoo

:rocket: New

- feat: :sparkles: Configure Renovate (1263) renovate
- feat: :memo: Update citation information and add DOI badge (1328) Anselmoo
- feat: :memo: Add the `cff` file for 'doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c09262' (1323)

:computer: Codesspaces

- chore: :arrow_up: Update devcontainer.json to use dev-3.10 Python image
(1296) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python docker
tag to v1 (1293) renovate
- revert: ➖ Removed poetry shell (1238) Anselmoo
- chore: :sparkles: Update devcontainer.json with new features (1237) Anselmoo

:toolbox: Maintenance

- build: :bookmark: Bump SpectraFit version to `1.0.1` (1329) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1319) pre-commit-ci
- chore(deps): update dependency mike to v2 (1276) renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency seaborn to ^0.13.0 (1273) renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency bump-pydantic to ^0.8.0 (1271) renovate
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1261) pre-commit-ci
- Update mkdocstrings dependency and pre-commit hooks (1262) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Update dependencies in pyproject.toml (1255) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1251) pre-commit-ci
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1243) pre-commit-ci
- build: :arrow_up: Bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 (1231) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1232) pre-commit-ci
- fix: :test_tube: Remove no-commit-to-branch hook from pre-commit-config.yaml
(1230) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1222) pre-commit-ci
- build: :arrow_up: Bump itables from 1.7.1 to 2.0.0 (1229) dependabot
- ci: :white_check_mark: Update Dependabot (1228) Anselmoo
- ci: :arrow_up: pre-commit autoupdate (1207) pre-commit-ci
- build(deps-dev): :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-autorefs from 0.5.0 to 1.0.1 (1206)
- build: :arrow_up: Update dependencies in pyproject.toml (1201) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1186) pre-commit-ci

:snake: Python

- build: :bookmark: Bump SpectraFit version to `1.0.1` (1329) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump werkzeug from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (1291) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocstrings from 0.24.1 to 0.24.3 (1240) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 (1244) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump lmfit from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 (1241) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.15 to 9.5.16 (1234)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 (1231) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1222) pre-commit-ci
- build: :arrow_up: Bump itables from 1.7.1 to 2.0.0 (1229) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump types-toml from to (1219)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump jupyterlab from 4.1.2 to 4.1.4 (1213) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump dtale from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 (1214) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump itables from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (1210) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.12 to 9.5.13 (1212)
- build(deps-dev): :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-autorefs from 0.5.0 to 1.0.1 (1206)

:octocat: Github Actions

- build: :arrow_up: Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from
3fbcf7ccf443305955ce16db9de8401f7dc1c7dd to
699cd6103f50bf5c3b2f070c70712d109c168e6c (1312) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/build-push-action from
df19a799eba09c72273c5a94c70800e243e76ebc to
2a53c6ccda456d31fb62eedc658aae06e238b7bd (1313) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/metadata-action from
2ee3d3070bb41b40bf7305d15233321e12c1dc5c to
f7b4ed12385588c3f9bc252f0a2b520d83b52d48 (1314) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from
be3701b2116d2f723573ca9e8cdb4ca85d3cdaf0 to
5138f76647652447004da686b2411557eaf65f33 (1315) dependabot
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update codecov/codecov-action action to v4.4.0 (1302)
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/build-push-action digest to df19a79
(1301) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/build-push-action digest to 6003d32
(1297) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/setup-buildx-action digest to be3701b
(1267) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/metadata-action digest to 2ee3d30
(1292) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/build-push-action digest to 729f7f4
(1264) renovate
- chore: :books: Update pymdownx.emoji extension and mike deploy command (1282)
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update docker/metadata-action digest to 1294d94
(1265) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update github/codeql-action action to v3 (1278)
- chore: :arrow_up: Update dependencies and actions (1275) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish digest to 3fbcf7c
(1268) renovate
- build: :arrow_up: Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (1245)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (1246)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 (1247)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (1242)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (1233)
- ci: :white_check_mark: Update Dependabot (1228) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 (1215)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.12 to 1.8.14
(1216) dependabot
- Update Codecov action configuration and change from dot to regular file
(1209) Anselmoo
- build: :zap: Update to latest actions (1202) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Update dependencies in pyproject.toml (1201) Anselmoo
- build(deps): :arrow_up: Bump dorny/paths-filter from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (1185)

:card_index_dividers: Documentation

- fix: :memo: Update citation information and add DOI badge (1326) Anselmoo
- chore: :books: Update pymdownx.emoji extension and mike deploy command (1282)

:link: Dependency Updates

- build: ⬆️ Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from
3fbcf7ccf443305955ce16db9de8401f7dc1c7dd to
699cd6103f50bf5c3b2f070c70712d109c168e6c (1312) dependabot
- build: :bookmark: Bump SpectraFit version to `1.0.1` (1329) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/build-push-action from
df19a799eba09c72273c5a94c70800e243e76ebc to
2a53c6ccda456d31fb62eedc658aae06e238b7bd (1313) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/metadata-action from
2ee3d3070bb41b40bf7305d15233321e12c1dc5c to
f7b4ed12385588c3f9bc252f0a2b520d83b52d48 (1314) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from
be3701b2116d2f723573ca9e8cdb4ca85d3cdaf0 to
5138f76647652447004da686b2411557eaf65f33 (1315) dependabot
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update dependency types-setuptools to v69.5.0.20240513
(1300) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update dependency mkdocs-material to v9.5.22 (1299)
- chore: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: Update dependencies (1294) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump werkzeug from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (1291) dependabot
- chore: :books: :arrow_up: Update pymdownx.emoji extension and mike deploy
command (1282) Anselmoo
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update dependency mike to v2 (1276) renovate
- fix(deps): :arrow_up: update dependency seaborn to ^0.13.0 (1273) renovate
- chore(deps): :arrow_up: update dependency bump-pydantic to ^0.8.0 (1271)
- Update mkdocstrings dependency and pre-commit hooks (1262) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Update dependencies in pyproject.toml (1255) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (1245)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (1246)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 (1247)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocstrings from 0.24.1 to 0.24.3 (1240) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 (1244) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump lmfit from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 (1241) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (1242)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.15 to 9.5.16 (1234)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (1233)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 (1231) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1222) pre-commit-ci
- build: :arrow_up: Bump itables from 1.7.1 to 2.0.0 (1229) dependabot
- ci: :white_check_mark: Update Dependabot (1228) Anselmoo
- build: :arrow_up: Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 (1215)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.12 to 1.8.14
(1216) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump types-toml from to (1219)
- build: :arrow_up: Bump jupyterlab from 4.1.2 to 4.1.4 (1213) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump dtale from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 (1214) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump itables from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (1210) dependabot
- build: :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.12 to 9.5.13 (1212)
- build: :zap: Update to latest actions (1202) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-autorefs from 0.5.0 to 1.0.1 (1206)
- build: :arrow_up: Update dependencies in pyproject.toml (1201) Anselmoo
- build(deps): :arrow_up: Bump dorny/paths-filter from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (1185)

:memo: Changelog

- docs: :card_index_dividers: Update CHANGELOG for release/v1.0.0.post1 (1188)

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes

Anselmoo, renovate and renovate[bot]


:compass: What's Changed

:toolbox: Maintenance

- fix: :bug: add missing `100%x` in FitReport class (1187) Anselmoo

:snake: Python

- fix: :bug: add missing `100%x` in FitReport class (1187) Anselmoo

:link: Dependency Updates

- fix: :bug: add missing `100%x` in FitReport class (1187) Anselmoo

:memo: Changelog

- docs: :card_index_dividers: Update CHANGELOG for release/v1.0.0.post0 (1184)

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes



:compass: What's Changed

:rocket: New

- feat: :sparkles: add CIReport class (1181) Anselmoo
- feat: :sparkles: Add test cases for FitReport class (1179) Anselmoo
- feat: ✨ Update reports module (1136) Anselmoo

:toolbox: Maintenance

- feat: :sparkles: Add test cases for FitReport class (1179) Anselmoo
- chore: :bookmark: Update dependencies and version number (1175) Anselmoo
- build(deps-dev): Bump mkdocs-minify-plugin from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 (1156)
- build(deps-dev): Bump pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.0 (1152) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- ci: Update dependabot.yml (1150) Anselmoo
- build(deps-dev): Bump types-setuptools from to
(1139) dependabot
- build: Update devs and ci (1135) Anselmoo

:snake: Python

- refactor: :recycle: Cleanup code into seperate functions (1183) Anselmoo
- fix: :seedling: Reorganize report generation in report.py (1180) Anselmoo
- feat: :sparkles: Add test cases for FitReport class (1179) Anselmoo
- chore: :bookmark: Update dependencies and version number (1175) Anselmoo
- build(deps): Bump dtale from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 (1158) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): Bump dash from 2.14.2 to 2.15.0 (1159) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): Bump mkdocs-minify-plugin from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 (1156)
- build(deps-dev): Bump pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.0 (1152) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- Feature/security-fix (1151) Anselmoo
- feat: ✨ Introduce `min_rel` for confidence integrals (1142) Anselmoo
- build(deps-dev): Bump types-setuptools from to
(1139) dependabot
- refactor: 💡 Add sonartypes recommendations (1138) Anselmoo
- perf: :rotating_light: Rebuild fond by `findfont`-method (1098) Anselmoo
- build: Update devs and ci (1135) Anselmoo

:octocat: Github Actions

- build(deps): Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.5 to 4.0.1 (1162)
- build(deps): Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 (1163)
- build(deps): Bump docker/metadata-action from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 (1164)
- build(deps): Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0 (1161)
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- build(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 2.12.0 to 3.0.0 (1147) dependabot
- build(deps): Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (1146)
- build(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (1144) dependabot
- build: ⬆️ Bump actions/first-interaction from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (1140)
- feat: ✨ Update reports module (1136) Anselmoo
- build(deps): Bump docker/metadata-action from 5.0.0 to 5.5.0 (1120)
- build(deps): Bump actions/dependency-review-action from 3 to 4 (1133)
- perf: :rotating_light: Rebuild fond by `findfont`-method (1098) Anselmoo

:card_index_dividers: Documentation

- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- docs: :memo: Reorganize the changelogs (old/new) (1137) Anselmoo

:link: Dependency Updates

- feat: :sparkles: Add test cases for FitReport class (1179) Anselmoo
- build(deps): Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.5 to 4.0.1 (1162)
- build(deps): Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 (1163)
- build(deps): Bump docker/metadata-action from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 (1164)
- build(deps): Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0 (1161)
- build(deps): Bump dtale from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 (1158) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): Bump dash from 2.14.2 to 2.15.0 (1159) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): Bump mkdocs-minify-plugin from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 (1156)
- build(deps-dev): Bump pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.0 (1152) dependabot
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- build(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 2.12.0 to 3.0.0 (1147) dependabot
- build(deps): Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (1146)
- build(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (1144) dependabot
- build(deps-dev): Bump types-setuptools from to
(1139) dependabot
- build: ⬆️ Bump actions/first-interaction from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (1140)
- build: Update devs and ci (1135) Anselmoo

:microscope: Testing & Coverage

- refactor: :recycle: Cleanup code into seperate functions (1183) Anselmoo
- feat: :sparkles: Add test cases for FitReport class (1179) Anselmoo
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- Feature/security-fix (1151) Anselmoo
- feat: ✨ Introduce `min_rel` for confidence integrals (1142) Anselmoo
- refactor: 💡 Add sonartypes recommendations (1138) Anselmoo

:memo: Changelog

- docs: :memo: Reorganize the changelogs (old/new) (1137) Anselmoo
- docs: :card_index_dividers: Changlog update for v1.0.0 (1050) Anselmoo

:whale: Docker

- feat: ✨ Introduce `min_rel` for confidence integrals (1142) Anselmoo

:package: Vendor

- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (1155) pre-commit-ci
- Feature/security-fix (1151) Anselmoo
- feat: ✨ Introduce `min_rel` for confidence integrals (1142) Anselmoo

:package: Full Changelog

**Full Changelog**:

:gear: Who Contributes


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