* 0.6.8:
* Fix the MANIFEST
* 0.6.7:
* refactored the requirements files (add a requirements-dev.txt) and
update the documentation (installation) accordingly
* BUG fixes:
* correlogram: real-data case had the data flipped
* pmusic/pev: real-data case had the data flipped
* fix the AKICc criteria code
* Updates:
* pmusic/pev: add the threshold and criteria arguments
* more tests for the criteria and eigenfre modules
* Changes:
* Spectrum class: remove _correlogram method (use pcorrelogram instead)
* 0.6.6:
* integration pull request https://github.com/cokelaer/spectrum/pull/29 from
moritz-ritter to allow spectrum to run indepdently of matplotlib (for
server head-less integration)
* 0.6.5:
* minor updates to port spectrum on travis
* 0.6.4:
* CHANGES: the bug reported in https://github.com/cokelaer/spectrum/issues/24 is
obsolet for the reported module (pburg), which was fixed earlier but the issue
was fixed in other module such as psd, parma, correlog
* add LICENSE file
* fix warning in cpp code (adding void in func() prototypes)
* 0.6.3:
* CHANGES: portage nosetests suite to pytest
* BUG Fixes:
* Fix issues https://github.com/cokelaer/spectrum/issues/21 and
https://github.com/cokelaer/spectrum/issues/20 mostly related to
compatibility with newest numpy version (1.12)
* 0.6.2:
* Bug Fixes:
* Issue 11: fixes loading mydpss library using numpy helper
* Issue 12: Allow loading the shared library for frozen projects. Tested with py2exe.
* Changes:
* pmtm returns Sk_complex, weights and eigenvalues instead of just Sk
* 0.6.1:
* BUG fixes
* Issue 5 in pyule sampling not initialised is now fixed
* 0.6.0:
* Code moved to github
* plots accept the ax argument in psd module. It is a bit of a
hack but seems to work.
Sept 2012
* 0.5.5:
* fix name of the libraries for mac and windows
* change setup to manage version properly.
March 2012
* 0.5.3: add poly2lsf and lsf2poly, add tests, fix bug related to compilation of mydpss.cc
* 0.5.2: add pmtm
February 2012
* 0.5.1: add dpss wtapering windows
* 0.5.0:
* NPSD replaced by NFFT (qlso not correct for ARMA methods that do not have NFFT since not fourier)
* Correlogram replaced by pcorrelogram
* more consistent function and class naming convention
* Update the entire documentation.
* 0.4.6: fixed pylab_periodogram, documentation (installation)
January 2012
* 0.4.5: start to play with Pypi
October 2011
* 0.4.4: Start to provide the library on the web www.assembla.com
May 2011
* 0.4.3: :func:`spectrum.periodogram.pdaniell` implemented
April 2011
* 0.4.2: pcovar implemented
* 0.4.1: pmodcovar implemented
* 0.4.0: arcovar and modcovar "simplified" version. Documentation updated (tutorial, spectral_estimation, quick start...)
* 0.3.19: add linear_prediction module with codecs (eg. ac2poly, poly2rc....)
* 0.3.18 fix bug in levinson (Real data case only) and add ac2poly function.
* 0.3.17: validation of the modcovar algorithm versus the new arcovar_simplified function.
* 0.3.16: add a simplified version of arcovar called arcovar_simplified. It is 10 times faster and with a different algorithm provides the same results as arcoar, which validates the two codes!
* 0.3.15: add corrmtx function. Tested it within music algorithm
* 0.3.14: cleanup the eigen and music methods by moving the automatic order selection outside the functions.
* 0.3.13: Add AIC and MDL criteria to deal with automatic eigen values selection in pmusic and pev
* 0.3.12: test and validate the pmusic and pev pseudo spectrum.
* 0.3.11: burg and pburg finalised
* 0.3.10: tools module cleanup and finalised
* 0.3.9: ma fully checked and add pma validated
* 0.3.8: minvar fully checked and add pminvar
* 0.3.7: aryule fully checked and add pyule
* 0.3.6: Speed up by 3 the ARMPSD (renamed to arma2psd)
* 0.3.5: refactoring
* 0.3.4: fix all tests and doctests
* 0.3.3: function Daniell's periodogram implemented in module periodogram
* 0.3.2: Create class MovingAverage, pburg, pARMA, Correlogram, Periodogram, Minvar, pma
* 0.3.1: Cleanup MA, ARMA, BURG, MINVAR
* 0.3.0: Create an ABC class Spectrum, a FourierSpectrum and ParametricSpectrum.
* 0.2.4: Finalise doc/test of the testdata module
* 0.2.3: define a PSD class
* 0.2.2: cleanup cholesky.py
* 0.2.1: a new sphinx layout,
* 0.2.0: correlogram.py, correlation.py, levinson.py fully completed
March 2011
* 31 March:
- finalise a criteria class for AIC, FPE criteria. Incorporated it in arburg
* 28th March:
- First version of :func:`arcov`, :func:`aryule` and :func:`arburg`
- add many windows (parzen, flattop, ...).
* 22th March 2011:
- put this doc online on thomas-cokelaer.info (fixed main links)
* 21th March 2011:
- create psd.py defines useful class to manage Spectrum/plot
- periodogram.py has a simple periodogram implementation equivalent to psd in pylab without overlaping.
* 7th March 2011:
- add periodogram module
- fix ARMA method in arma module
* 4th March 2011:
- Create first revision of spectrum package