
Latest version: v3.12.0

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Bugfix release:
- Thanks to jhoelzl, api.ai language support works again for non-English languages.

We're now GPG signing all our release tags. Under the [releases page](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition/releases), you should see the following:

![Signature screenshot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/437196/14435380/9b0086ca-ffe5-11e5-9a81-a64f9a4ddd1a.png)

This tells you that GitHub thinks the Git tag is the same as the one we intended to release.

This key can also be found on the [SKS keyservers](https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x84D314365F56B350), and you can import it with the following command:

gpg --keyserver x-hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0x5F56B350

The packages on PyPI are signed as well - the signature can be downloaded under the "pgp" link on the [SpeechRecognition PyPI page](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SpeechRecognition).


Quick bugfix release on the tails of yesterday's big one:
- Add support for the `monotonic` library on Python 2 - if you have `monotonic` installed in Python 2, `recognize_bing` will work faster!
- On Python 3, `recognize_bing` already does the things that would make it fast, so the library is unnecessary.
- Fix loading of non-16-bit AIFF files on Python 2.
- Better document the Pocketsphinx language pack installation.


- **BREAKING CHANGE: AT&T STT API IS BEING SHUT DOWN SOON.** ([source](http://developer.att.com/apis/speech))
- For now, the `recognize_att` function will keep working, until the API itself is shut down.
- It is best to transition over to IBM, Wit.ai, Google, CMU Sphinx, Bing Voice, or api.ai as soon as possible.
- In most cases, you can simply rename `recognize_att` to a different service like `recognize_ibm`, then generate new API keys/tokens for it.
- **DEPRECATED CLASS**: `WavFile` has been renamed to `AudioFile`.
- `WavFile` will continue to work for the foreseeable future. New code should use `AudioFile`.
- `AudioFile` is the same as `WavFile`, but in addition to WAV, **it also supports AIFF and FLAC files**!
- **New [api.ai](https://api.ai/) support**, courtesy of sbraden! See `recognize_api` in the [library reference](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition/blob/master/reference/library-reference.rst#recognizer_instancerecognize_apiaudio_data-client_access_token-show_all--false).
- **New [Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition API](https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api) support**! See `recognize_bing` in the [library reference](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition/blob/master/reference/library-reference.rst#recognizer_instancerecognize_bingaudio_data-key-language--en-us-show_all--false).
- Support for 8-bit unsigned WAV audio (thanks to zhaoqf123 for reporting!).
- Faster, upgraded FLAC binaries, with Linux binaries using [Holy Build Box](https://phusion.github.io/holy-build-box/) for maximum distro compatibility..
- Updated setup process for Wit.ai.
- Update phrase retrieval for `recognize_ibm`, courtesy of Bhavik Shah from IBM.
- Documentation improvements and code cleanup.
- Clearer licensing information - see the [README](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition#license).

As always, you can upgrade with `pip install --upgrade speechrecognition`.


- Tiny fix to some error checking.
- The version number is all 3's now. This is pretty OK.


Bugfix release!
- Fix `exception_on_overflow` shenanigans. This version will eliminate those pesky `ValueError`s.
- The overflow error should well and truly be gone now.

Special thanks to michaelpri10 for reporting the `exception_on_overflow` bug.


Fix for `list_microphone_names`, courtesy of ibutra. Fully compatible with 3.3.0.

See 85 for more details!

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