
Latest version: v0.3.0

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This is the first public release of SpheriCart.jl, the Julia version of sphericart


Sphericart is a library for the efficient calculation of the spherical harmonics and their derivatives in Cartesian coordinates.

This release brings a lot of improvements:

- the CPU version of the code is now written in C++ instead of C, the main API entry point is the `SphericalHarmonics<T>` class
- the code is integrated with PyTorch and TorchScript in the `sphericart-torch` package, allowing backward propagation of gradients
- the `sphericart-torch` package also includes a CUDA version, computing spherical harmonics on GPUs
- the `sphericart-torch` package allows to patch e3nn, using sphericart implementation to compute spherical harmonics in e3nn-based models



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