- ✨ NEW: Add material design icons roles, thanks to {user}`2bndy5` in {pr}`41`
- ⬆️ UPGRADE: octicons to v16.1.1, thanks to {user}`pocek` in {pr}`43`
- 🐛 FIX: Links in card titles by {user}`chrisjsewell` in {pr}`59`
- 🐛 FIX: Exception on missing card link by {user}`chrisjsewell` in {pr}`60`
- 🔧 MAINTAIN: Move from setuptools to flit for package build by {user}`chrisjsewell` in {pr}`58`
- 🔧 MAINTAIN: Drop furo-specific stylesheet, thanks to {user}`pradyunsg` in {pr}`22`
**Full Changelog**: <https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-design/compare/v0.0.13...v0.1.0>