Improved 👌
Resetting directive numbering between different directives
[v0.1.0]( (2021-07-23)
Implemented Latex output of all the directives in this repository.
Improved 👌
Proper handling of directives which do not have a title specified. For this, added an `enumerable_nodes` dict to ProofDomain.
[v0.0.3]( (2020-10-09)
[Full Changelog](
New ✨
We moved away from `sphinxcontrib-prettyproof` and renamed the extension `sphinx-proof`.
Improved 👌
Among other improvements:
- The proof domain has been renamed "prf" to follow similar naming conventions to other Sphinx domains.
- Introduced the following new directives
+ example
+ property
+ observation
+ proposition
- Reviewed our test infrastructure to make sure we are following Executable Book Project's contributing guidelines 19 (AakashGfude).
- Implemented GitHub Actions to build, test, and deploy our code.
- Enhanced the design of the directives per our users' request.
`sphinx-exercise` no longer support `exercise` directives. This work has moved to a new extension names `sphinx-exercise`.
Fixes 🐛
- Fixed math label error in proof directive.
- ReadTheDocs builds documentation use a dev mode environment through the rtd extra.
Documentation improvements 📚
In addition to other minor documentation improvements, we also introduced high-level description of the API.
**Closed issues:**
- Documentation similarities to / different decisions from sphinxcontrib-proof [\37](
- Add a high-level description of the API first on /syntax.html [\35](
- \[ENH\] Use upstream flake8 instead of the one provided as pre-commit hook [\28](
- Plain background for examples? [\22](
- Drop italics in proof body? [\21](
- Styling for "proof" too loud? [\14](
- \[DISC\] `{proof:proof}` directive has `class` option? [\9](
- \[ENH\] Discussion of Syntax Choices [\6](
- \[DOC\] Adding documentation for conjectures [\4](
- \[BUG\] Math Block `$$ $$` inside proof directive throws error [\2](
**Merged pull requests:**
- 👌 IMPROVE: Rename "proof" domain and role to "prf" [\46]( ([najuzilu](
- ✨ NEW: Migrate to sphinx-proof [\44]( ([najuzilu](
- 🐛 FIX: RTD fail to install local extension [\43]( ([najuzilu](
- 🔧 MAINTAIN: Misc edits [\40]( ([najuzilu](
- 📚 DOCS: Add high-level description of API under syntax [\39]( ([najuzilu](
- 🗑️ DEPRECATE: Remove exercise directive [\38]( ([najuzilu](
- 🔧 MAINTAIN: Update links to reflect migration to EBP [\36]( ([najuzilu](
- 📚 DOCS: Add class option for `proof:proof` [\34]( ([najuzilu](
- 📚 DOCS: Additional documentation [\33]( ([najuzilu](
- ✨️ NEW: Add MANIFEST file [\31]( ([AakashGfude](
- 👌️ IMPROVE: Update extras [\30]( ([najuzilu](
- 👌️ IMPROVE: Using upstream flake8 [\29]( ([AakashGfude](
- 👌️ IMPROVE: Add tox.ini [\26]( ([najuzilu](
- \[ENH\] Implement Github workflow [\25]( ([najuzilu](
- \[STY\] Remove `example` directive background color [\24]( ([najuzilu](
- \[STY\] Fixes \21: remove italics from proof [\23]( ([najuzilu](
- Miscellaneous edits [\20]( ([najuzilu](
- 👌️ IMPROVE: Review of test infrastructure [\19]( ([AakashGfude](
- \[STY\] Update style of proof directive [\15]( ([najuzilu](
- \[ENH, DOC\] Add `example`, `property`, `observation` and `proposition` directives [\12]( ([najuzilu](
- \[FIX,TST\] Fix math label in proof directive [\11]( ([najuzilu](
- \[DOCS\] add suggested changes for docs [\5]( ([mmcky](
[v0.0.2]( (2020-08-25)
[Full Changelog](
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