**Release created on: 12.01.2024 - 14:26:38**
New Features
* Initial support for a code coverage summary page read from Coverage.py's `status.json`.
* Added a rudimentary data model for code coverage (based on Coverage.py's `coverage.json`)
* Added an adapter to read Coverage.py's `coverage.json` and convert to `PackageCoverage`.
* Added new CSS class for coverage items (table rows) with internal errors: `class": "report-cov-error`.
* Changed CSS classes name from `doccov-below***` to `report-cov-below***`.
* Changed CSS class name from `doccov-summary-row` to `report-***-summary-row`
* Reordered parameters `directory` and `packageID` in `DocStrCoverage.Analyzer.__init__`.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed conversion of `:legend:` option values to `LegendPosition` enum values.
All values are now lower case: `no_legend`, `top`, `bottom`, `both`.
* WORKAROUND: Du to a missing dependency in pyTooling for setuptools, it's imported here untils the dependency is fixed.
* Added code coverage to README.
* Added documentation page for code coverage.
CI Pipeline
* Reordered jobs and dependencies.
* Change documentation generation from BuildTheDocs to Sphinx.
(`sphinx_rtd_theme` was introduced in a previous releases, now the build flow is changed.)
* Documentation reads coverage report in JSON format.
* Documentation generates HTML and LaTeX outputs.
* Experimental LaTeX to PDF job.
* Check documentation coverage via CI job.
* Remove SQLite and XML artifacts, when not needed anymore (intermediate cleanup step).