
Latest version: v2.9.0

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* **(note)** ``confluence_max_doc_depth`` support is deprecated (reminder)
* ``confluence_space_name`` renamed to ``confluence_space_key``
* Brackets will be wrapped around bottom footnote entries
* Fixed issue where links to numbered section would not work
* Fixed issue where publishing could fail without a proxy set for older requests
* Fixed issue where report/wipe commands would fail in Python 2.7
* Fixed regression in timeout option
* Improve dry-run reflecting new attachments to be published
* Improve indentations for line-block content
* Improve support for attached SVG images with length/scaling modifiers
* Improve support for non-pixel length units for images
* Improve support for SVG images without an XML declaration
* Improve support when publishing page updates converted to a new editor
* Improve support when using the sphinx-gallery extension
* Improve support when using the sphinx_toolbox extension
* Improve support when using the sphinxcontrib-mermaid extension
* Improve support when using the sphinxcontrib-needs extension
* Improve support when using the sphinxcontrib-youtube extension
* Improve user feedback on ancestor page update failures (500 errors)
* Improved support for dealing with unreconciled page detections
* Introduce the Jira role
* Introduce the newline directive
* Introduce the page generation notice option (notice for top of documents)
* Introduce the source link option (e.g. "Edit Source" link)
* Prevent issues with extension directives causing errors with other builders
* Provide a configuration hook to override requests session information
* Remove borders on footnote tables
* Support domain indices generation/processing
* Support for leaving resolved toctrees for singleconfluence
* Support genindex generation/processing
* Support search generation
* Support strikethrough through strike role
* Support the consideration of ``confluence_parent_page`` for wipe requests



* **(note)** ``confluence_max_doc_depth`` support is deprecated
* ``confluence_master_homepage`` renamed to ``confluence_root_homepage``
* ``confluence_purge_from_master`` renamed to ``confluence_purge_from_root``
* Always publish without XSRF checks (minimize Confluence instance logging)
* Always strip control characters from content
* Ensure publish events use legacy editor
* Fixed issue where ``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` was forced for non-Confluence builds
* Fixed issue where rubrics were built as headers and not titled paragraphs
* Handle extensions providing Unicode attributes (e.g. ``sphinxcontrib.drawio``)
* Improve formatting when processing markdown content
* Prevent exceptions where third-party extensions provide invalid image uris
* Support rendering explicit newline entries



* Fixed issue where this extension conflicts with docutils's translator attribs
* Fixed issue with ``:doc:<>`` references when using singlebuilder
* Fixed issue with alignment changes in newer Sphinx
* Fixed issue with caption/title changes in newer docutils/Sphinx
* Fixed issue with singlebuilder processing assets
* Fixed issue with table width hints using pixels instead of percentages
* Improvements for getpass handling in msystem-environments
* Support an explicit root page publishing option
* Support custom headers for REST calls



* Fixed issue where a meta node directive would fail the writer stage
* Fixed issue where intersphinx would fail in Python 2.7
* Fixed issue where not all math directive content would be accepted
* Fixed/improved handling of configuration options from command line
* Support for math visual depth adjustments (line alignment)
* Support for numerical figures and references to these figures
* Support late image/download processing (for third-party extensions)



* **(note)** Support for Sphinx v1.[6-7] has been dropped
* **(note)** Support for XML-RPC has been dropped
* Conflicting titles will be automatically adjusted to prevent publishing issues
* Enable page-specific title overrides via confluence_title_overrides
* Ensure configured title postfix is not trimmed in long titles
* Extend language mappings for supported storage format language types
* Fixed a series of scenarios where titles/missing images will fail a build
* Fixed indentation to consistent offset for newer Confluence instances
* Fixed issue when building heading which reference another document
* Fixed issue when processing a download role with a url
* Fixed issue where an anchor target may not generate a proper link
* Fixed issue where ask options would fail in Python 2.7
* Fixed issue where ask options would prompt when not publishing
* Fixed issue where autosummary registration may fail
* Fixed issue where default alignment did not apply to a figure's legend
* Fixed issue where empty pages could not be published
* Fixed issue where links to headers which contain a link would fail
* Fixed issue where literal-marked includes would fail to publish
* Fixed issue where registering this extension caused issues with other builders
* Fixed issue where todo entries would render when disabled in configuration
* Fixed issue with previous-next links not generated for nested pages
* Improved built references by including title (alt) data if set
* Improved code macros rendering a title value when a caption is set
* Improved emphasis handling for autodocs content
* Improved figure/section numbering
* Improved handling unknown code languages to none-styled (instead of Python)
* Improved previous-next button visualization
* Improved publishing when dealing with changing page title casing
* Introduce the expand directive
* Introduce the report command line feature
* Introduce the wipe command line feature
* Promote ``confluence_storage`` over ``confluence`` for raw type
* Support ``:stub-columns:`` option in a list-table directive
* Support disabling titlefix on an index page
* Support for assigning Confluence labels for pages
* Support for both allow and deny lists for published documents
* Support for centered directive
* Support for graphviz extension
* Support for hlist directive
* Support for inheritance-diagram extension
* Support image candidate detection of extra image types for custom instances
* Support publish dry runs
* Support single-page builder
* Support the ``:backlinks:`` option for contents directive
* Support the generation of an inventory file (for intersphinx)
* Support users overriding default alignment
* Support users to force standalone hosting of shared assets
* Support width hints for tables



* **(note)** Sphinx v1.[6-7] support for this extension is deprecated
* **(note)** XML-RPC support for this extension is deprecated
* Fixed issue when using hierarchy on Sphinx 2.1+ (new citations domain)
* Fixed issue with document names with path separators for windows users
* Fixed issue with multi-line description signatures (e.g. C++ autodocs)
* Fixed issue with processing hidden toctrees
* Fixed issue with Unicode paths with ``confluence_publish_subset`` and Python
* Improved formatting for option list arguments
* Improved handling and feedback when configured with incorrect publish instance
* Improved name management for published assets
* Improved reference linking for Sphinx domains capability (meth, attr, etc.)
* Introduce a series of Jira directives
* Support ``firstline`` parameter in the code block macro
* Support base admonition directive
* Support Confluence 7 series newline management
* Support default alignment in Sphinx 2.1+
* Support document postfixes
* Support for generated image assets (asterisk marked)
* Support passthrough authentication handlers for REST calls
* Support previous/next navigation
* Support prompting for publish username
* Support ``sphinx.ext.autosummary`` extension
* Support ``sphinx.ext.todo`` extension
* Support the math directive
* Support toctree's numbered option
* Support users injecting cookie data (for authentication) into REST calls

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